Chapter11/Day Of Bloody Murder

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(Levis POV)

It was the day of the 58th expedition and for the past weeks Eren..well hasn't been well. And by that I mean for two days he didn't eat, for three days he hasn't slept and for a whole day he didn't talk to me then for two more days he's been down in his old cell doing hell knows what until today.

Me and Eren were at the stables about to go to the city to head to wall Maria feeding are horses until are new squad members came over.

"Hello there corporal Levi, my name Kevin Lockheart( its my name since I couldn't figure out any other names so I used mine but thats not my last name), one of your new squad members" A boy with dark brown eyes and curly hair who was again taller then me as he saluted.

"And my name is Abbey Castro another one of your new members( my best friend..don't judge)" A girl with long black hair and black eyes as she saluted and two more brats came over, one called Joy and another called Adonis.

"Nice to meet all of you brats now get to your horses were about to leave I said and waved them off.

(Erens POV)

I heard all of are new squad members introduce them selves to Levi, while I was feeding my horse. After they were done one of my new members came over to me.

"Hello there, Eren is it, well my name's Kevin. I just wanted to say it was really brave of you to fight the Armored Titan you avenged your best friend. I just wanted to say that if anything happens to us..promise me that you won't transform if anything happens to us" he said sadly.

"But..nothing will happen to you guys so theres no need for a promise"I said.

"I know but if I does happen....please" he said softly which made me feel sad.

"Fine...I promise I won't" I said with half a smile.

"Thank you" he said smiling and headed off to his horse.


We were in the western District of wall Rose until the gate rose and we all rode down the path back, to hell.

We haven't seen any titans so far which was strange as to why they weren't coming. That was happened. The Colossal and Armored Titans appeared with a army of abnormal titans running crazy, eating people and sometimes just killing them. The major part about yhe was the the Armored Titan ignored us and headed south towards Maria.

After about a few minutes 3 titans came running at us.

"Sir, permission to kill them!" Kevin yelled taking out his blades.

"No, you and Joy take them out you can't fight alone. While me, Eren, Adonis and Abbey head foward" he responded calmly.

They the took of on there gear and flew high aiming at the nape. The next thing you know, Kevin takes out one of the easily and Joy takes out the other while they use team work and take out the past one and flew back to their horses.

As we kept advancing more and more titans kept coming, eating squads and some even diving head first to there preys.

Then commander Erwin fired a green fare telling is to advance and lose any unnecessary objects with us, as we headed eastern south towards my home town.

Next thing you know 5 titans appeared behind us gaining speed at 5 threw 7 meters high.

"Captain what do we do!" Abbey yelled.

"Joy and Adonis take them out , everyone else advance". They did as they were told and were able to take down three until one jumped up and ate Joy in half whil the other grabbed Adonis ate his upper body off.

"Joy ,Adonis!!!" Kevin yelled with tears in his eyes as I grew more with anger. He then took off on his gear and head straight for one of them as Abbey did the.

"Noo!! You'll die!" I yelled but they didn't listen and got eaten.

I grew with anger and hatred as I did the thing I promised not to do but before I could Levi swooped me away on his gear and stopped me before transforming.

"Didn't you make a promise to Kevin? I don't think he would you rising your life" he said plainly headed deep into the forest losing the titans behind us. He then stoped at a near by abounded town.

"I'm..I'm sorry's just that..I've lost so many people in my life and...I tried to avenge them and save them but.." I couldn't finish my sentence because all the tears I held back came flooding out until I felt a pair of soft lips on mine as I kissed back.

Me and Levi parted away after air loss and once we regained are breath he said.

"Its Ok brat, I've seen more people die that I care about too..but you have to power threw and keep going in life" he said softly which gave me comfort since he's had the same experience like me.

"Well...what should we do?" I asked with concern standing up.

"We need to find out why that bastered is heading to your home I'm guessing we should..." he didn't need to finish because I knew what he was going to say , as I nodded all I could think about was 'these bastereds are going back to hell starting with you'.

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