Chapter7/Depression Of The loss Of A Friend

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(Erens POV)

When I woke up on was on a wagon with Mikasa above. I looked at my surroundings and found that my arm was injured and I had a head ache.

"Mikasa ,w-what happened" I asked with concern.

"You fought the Armored Titan..and you failed after Armins death..I'm sorry Eren we weren't able to save Armin" she said with tears forming in her eyes.

"I know least he died as a help to humanity and he'll be with Marco and his family" I said about to cry.

"I know I shouldn't tell you because if I did you could become more hurt but..we rescued Armins body" she said which was surprising and made me angry and sad.

"I..I..I don't want to see his body it will only kill me to see it" I said crying with sadness.

"Well at least rest the rest of the way we're almost home" she said.

We arrived at wall rose in a few hours and like after every mission we entered with the sad look on are faces looking down remembering all the pain and hell we went throw while people just look at us with disappointment.

When we got back to the castle commander Erwin allowed us to relax and take the day off. I went to my room and just dropped on my bed letting out all my tears of Armin come out. Sobbing in pain of my loss friend and I started to realize what Annie said to me in training days.'this world is horrible, filled with betrayal and hatred people will do anything to destroy anyone or even anything..the world is hell in an early stage '. Was she right..was the world just hell of having people die right before your Armin mother.

I started crying even more into my pillow with sadness and pain..Armin shouldn't of should of been me. It should of me from the moment the titans first invaded my town and now...I'm stronger (flash back of Eren crying on the boat saying I'm going to put a stop to this) I have more power (flash back to trying to save his mother) and I'm going back with no one but myself to take back the wall and find out what's in my basement so I can kill all of son of a bitch titans even if I have/ to...kill to save lives.


I decided to put these thoughts a side and focus on being with Levi..that, small, raven haired man who..I never knew I could love.

I was wondering around the halls trying to find corporals room but this dam castle is really hard to get around until I finally found it. I knocked a few times and heard a few noises and I think a stumble until a shirtless Levi answered the door.

"What do you want?" He asked with his usual cold voice and glare.

"I'm sorry if I disturbed you corporal...I just wanted to..t-talk with you" I said hoping I wouldn't get kicked to the ground then chained to a chair.

He scoffed and said"fine brat but it better be important"he said and let me come in. I sat on the side of his bed with him.

"Well si-" I started to say until he cut me off.

"Call me Levi since we're together now brat, when you say that it's like I'm 50 years old" he said.

"OK,um, Levi. I've been thinking that the death of my friend Armin fault..and I couldn't do anything to save him" I said almost crying but he pulled my chin to him.

"Look brat, I've seen more of my comrades die before my eye's and I could of saved them but I wouldn't do it because then more of them will die sooner or later and your friend's fate happened and you can't stop fate" he said with a soft expression.

"But I new I could've saved him and even if I didn't I could even avenge his death" I said looking down and letting all my tears fall out but was pulled back up by him.

"Look brat,I'm sorry your friend died, I knew meant a lot to you still have your sister have me brat" he said and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

"I-i-i love you Levi" I said and he continued to kiss me asking for permission to enter my mouth and allowed him as he won dominance pushing me down to the bed and now biting my neck making me moan in please. He then unbuttoned my shirt and planted kisses down to my pants and coming back up giving me a rough passionate kiss. He then pulled away and said.

"I love you too Eren but how's about we wait a bit until the day comes so can" he didn't need to finish as I nodded and he came back up and layed next to me and held me in his arms and whispered in my ear.

"Go to sleep brat, you need so rest after the day you had" he said and I fell asleep in his strong arms.

(Eren x Levi)Why Do You Hurt Me?Where stories live. Discover now