Chapter5/The 57th Expedition Of Hell

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Its was the day in which we were going to take Maria and help humanity to rise above the titans. I was I the middle of the squad with Levi, Petra, Gunter ,Oluo ,and Eldo around me. The gate was lifted and we ran through heading west towards Wall Maria at full speed passing by titans coming from all sides and that's when it hit me. "What if one of us doesn't come back". "Mikasa ,Armin ,Jean ,Connie ,Sasha ,Krista ,Yimr ,Berholt ,Rinner or Levi?". What if they don't come back because me. I was pulled out of my thoughts when they fired a flare of red smoke signalling a titan was approaching.

"Eren you look like your about to die and we didn't even get to kill a titan yet, what's wrong?" Oldo asked me.

"Oh uh nothing just nervous about my first mission in the Scouting Legion that's all" I said with a small smile.

"Well try not to piss your pants petra did on her first mis-" he cut cut off by accidentally biting his tongue like always.


Everything was fine after the first hour happened. The Armored Titan appeared again killing half of the entire legion including Hanji ,Connie ,Sasha , Jean and my squad except for Levi.

"Captain ,what do we do if we stay it will kill us, if we fight he could kill us , but if we keep running it will catch us!!" I yelled.

"Eren quit worrying and keep going I'll take care of him now go!" He said taking off on his 3DM gear charging at the titan at full speed until it caught him in mid air and through him against a tree.

"LEVI!!!!" I yelled until the titan disappeared in a wall of steam so instead of getting revenge I flew towards Levi and found that one of his blades broke and stabbed him on his left rib cage and his head was bleeding like every other part of his body.

I had to help save him even if he did hurt me. I found a clearing with a river stream surrounded by trees. I put him under a tree and took off his boots a cape. I went to the river and tore off parts of his cape and wet them to wrap around his wounds. When I got back to him I unbuttoned his shirt and saw his strong abs admiring them.." I can't fall for him" I thought now wrapping the wet cloth on his wound and cleaning the blood on his body. After all the blood on his head I went to the river to wet some of the cloths to wrap around his head.

(Levis POV)

All I could remember was the Armored Titan throwing me on to a tree like a ball. I then found myself on a tree with blood coming from my head and a horrible pain coming from my rib cage.

"Oh good your awake" I heard a familiar say and then I saw..Eren coming up to me with my cape in strips now and wet.

"What are you doing" i asked.

"Shut up and let me help you" he said with a blank face instead of his usual smile which was strange on how he was talking to his corporal which was kind no really hot. He then wrapped a strip of the cape around my head and removed a wet piece of cloth from my rib cage and replaced it with another wet cloth.

"You know I'm surprised you only have two broken ribs" he said finishing replacing the cloth until I pulled his chin up and gave him a soft kiss until I pulled back and saw a blushing Eren.

"Why did you kiss me..i thought you only hated me" he said with confused and sad look.

"I never hated you brat I always loved you.. but hurting you I guess was the only way of showing it..I'm sorry if I hurt you bad ,do you forgive me" I said with sadness in my voice.

"I do forgive you Levi and..I love you too" he said with a smile and leaned in and gave me a kiss.

"So what should we do now that I'm wounded" I asked.

"Well I guess we'll first set of a fare for help and if no one comes I'll carry you to the nearest town so titans don't find us and I think my horse is near by" he said getting the flare ready and firing it.

"Well can you still stand even" he asked.

"I can try" I said trying to stand but only limping and holding on to the tree about to fall until Eren caught me.

"I guess not, well new plan first I'll find my horse so we can get out of hear and see if we can find the squad" he said which was strange in his tone, it was like he was taking charge and it was kind was really hot.

"Are sure you can find him?" I asked with concern if this was a good plan.

"Yeah I've been in situations like this before" he said.

"Alright you stay quiet and relax until I come back OK" he said.

"You don't need to treat me like a child you know, I'm a 35 year old man" I said annoyed.

"Sorry sir I didn't mean to offend you" he said blushing while looking down.

"Well I'll be back" he said and with that he headed into the forest on his gear but I felt a little strange in side, is this what people call love, do I really love Eren and does he really love me ,there was just one problem: would people think of me as if I gone soft. The solution I guess would be to keep it secret, for now.


(Armins POV)

When we were attacked by the Armored Titan the entire legion got separated except for squads 2,8,5 and 4. I then found out Eren wasn't here which scared me to think he was killed so I decided to ask if anyone's seen him.

"Hey Jean have you seen Eren anywhere?" I asked with concern.

"No ,I hope he's not dead like last time but I doubt he is , he probably got lost and is trying to find us" he said with a blank face but he gave me hope he was Ok until I found out corporal wasn't here either which also scared me but I thought they must be together so they could be safe until we find them.

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