Chapter15/The Plan Goes Bad

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(Erens POV)

After me and Levi had a very needed make out session we walked back to the living room to discuss plans.

"Ok listen up brats, were heading out this place then to the market where we'll get maneuvering gears, once done we head up to the city then over the wall. We'll travel for a few hours the set up a camp, after that we travel to Rose where we'll kidnap soldiers and Bertholt will take down the wall and where Reiner will move the boulder out of the way and let the titans in then from there we head to Erens basement and get more of the formula and inject the victims. Since they don't know how to control their powers they'll go awall and destroy the all the walls from there that's all I got" he said and everyone nodded in a agreement as they headed out the door.

Levi lead the group threw a long main road with lots if poor, old, ugly, disgusting people in are way.

We finally made it to the market only being able to see by all the lanterns and candles.

"Okay, first things first we get MGs"he said and lead the group to a small alley way with a store hidden at the end of it. We walked in and once there we saw there was a big metal fence covering the rest of the store like a old pawn shop with gears, and equipment behind it and only a small entrance in the middle with a ugly looking guy behind it with a cigarette in his mouth.

Levi walked up to the man while everyone stated back..

"Look I need 7 MGs with gas and blades fully loaded"he said and the guy behind the fence looked back at us for some reason then turned back around.

(Levis POV)

"Fine but it'll cost yah"he said with a smirk.

"Fine how much"I said but he looked behind me then at me with a grin and whispered.

"I wanna fuck the green eyed one"he said which caused anger to boil in my heart 'who the fuck does he think he is wanting to have sex with my Eren and say it to my Eren ,my Eren, my fucking Eren!!!!!!!

"How about I do this instead " I said and punched him in the eye hard then I pulled him out a bit and continuously punched him until there were bruises, blood and scratches on his face.

He then finally blacked out and I reached for his keys on his pants and unlocked the fence. I opened it and pushed the guy out of the way and took a gear with the straps as every one did the same.

I walked out of the place with every one behind me. Once we were away from the place a bit far I took I a match I had and lit it then walked to the store and set it on fire.

'At least people will have some light'.

We took of on are gear and headed towards the tunnel exit to the is place that  headed to the Stohess district...

Everything was going fine....that us until....they came.

Survey corps members came blasting threw the cement sky all from different directions and coming fast as hell towards us.

"Every one, split off and use your blades if necessary but don't use your powers and look at their faces first before you do anything, Eren come with me!" I yelled at everyone did as I said and Wren flew next to me.

"Levi are you sure this will work?!"he yelled and hooked his anchor on the ceiling, gaining more speed.

"I'm not sure but I'm not going to let you or any of them die, not like my old squad" I said and incresed my speed as one of the members tried getting close.

We kept going as fast as we can and so far I was able to kill at least 5 propel while Wren just cut their wires. One of them then got close but not close enough and was only able to cut my cheek a bit , I hit back at him and cut the bastered in half as blood came down and some got on me.

I then saw Eren stabe someone in the back and sped off running on a roof. I did the same but on the other side of street. I then saw Erwin cut down Ymirs wire making her fall to the ground with a bunch of members on the bottom. They beat her a bit then Erwin came down and stabbed her in the heart and cut her throat.

"Shit, Eren we lost Ymir!" I yelled across the building until I saw Erwin again scoop down and slash Annie's arm off and stabbed her in the stomach as she fell to the ground with blood from her body come training down.

"Levi we have to get back together with the breast of the group before more of us die!" Eren yelled and jumped of the roof then flew of towards Bertholt.

I then flew towards Refiner and told him we need go re-group. We got together again in time only to have a trap of hocks come firing out from barrels, trying go kill us with them but we were skilled enough to pass through all the attacks but when I looked back....Refiner and Bertholt were stabbed in the back, neck , head and stomach.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!! Oh my god, Levi there dead!!" Eren yelled.

"Just keep going were almost there" I siad and could see the exit...that was until Erwin came in front of me and knocked me on to a roof while someone threw Eren on the same building as me.

"Levi, what is the meaning of all this!!" He said standing in front of me.

"What are you talking about, your the one who killed innocent people for no reason!!!" I yelled at him.

"Look Levi I'm going to give you one last chance to prove to me that your not an enemy to humanity or else...." He trailed of and looked at an unconscious Wren on the ground with a stream of blood coming from his head.

"Eren, what did you do you son of a-"I was cut if by him stomping on my face repeatedly ' I guess this must be how Eren felt when I beat him in court....and after'.

"Look hes not dead yet but he will die...... unless you do one thing and and promise this to me or I'll kill him and kill.......her"he said and pointed to a red headed little gtil who looked kind a like.......Isabel"

"Don't hurt them, especially not Eren they had nothing to do with any of this"I said plaesingly but he kept an evil look on.

"Now ,now I said I won't kill any of them as long as you....break up with Seen and be with me"he said and pulled Eren towards him and held and blade to his neck. I same the lifelessness and paleness in him.

"Just say it and he and your little....friend won't die painfully"he said pushing the blade in his neck starting to draw blood.

I didn't know what to do. If I do what he says and Eren finds out he'll be devastated. If I don't do it then the two closest people to me will have a place in the history books as the traytors of humanity. Dam it!! What am suppose to do? I'm to weak to fight and there's to many people for me to fight off. God please help me, I don't know what to do and if I don't make a choice soon the two closest people to me will die....I know I did some bad things in my life but please.....send a savior...not for me....but for them

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