Chapter2/I Hate You

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(Levis POV)

When I saw the brat and Arlert talking together ,I saw them a little close which aggravated me when I didn't care who that brat liked but made me mad at the same time. After I told that brat to come to my office I headed into the castle and in my room all I did is stare at the wall and think "why do I have such mixed feelings for this brat and even if I do he won't like me back cause he probably likes Arlert and I beat him up all the time so he might not" I sighed for having all these emotions in my heart but I had to push it aside until I found out if he did.

"(Knock knock)" I heard the door.

"Come in" I said and went to a chair as the door opened so I can see that brat.

"You wanted to see me sir"he said with slight fear in his voice.

"Yes, I did now sit" I said with my cold voice I always had.

"Brat I have some questions I need you to answer" I said and he nooded.

"Have you been able to control your abilities so far?""yes"" Can you be able to transform on command?""yes"" Are you willing to do anything to help humanity?""yes"" Are you and Arlert having sexually relations"" Absolutely not sir, he is my best friend and I would never do that to him"" good" I said and stood up and grabbed his collar and threw him to the wall.

"Now listen you good for nothing shitty brat if I find out your lying I'm going to lock you in the dungeon for a month and kick your ass, got that" I said gripping his hair but he stood with nothing but a blank face and no fear now.

"Yes corporal" he said and walked off but murmured something"I hate you, you heartless monster" he said and walked away. But what he said kind off hurt me which nothing ever does and everyone calls me that but It came from him and it, it was horrible to hear him say it, I felt like crying but I had to be strong like the person I was.

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