Chapter12/Am I Dying?

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(Levis POV)

We were zooming of heading south east on are gear, passing by titans and swinging from trees and buildings, but we weren't speaking to each other which made things awkward until we stopped on a building to take a brake once I spoke up.

"'know you don't need to do this..we can go back to the legion" I said with concern but he just kept his regular glare.

"Why?..wait, don't tell me your scared of going back or...fighting him again" he said.

"No, no..its just I don't want anything to happen to either of us and then for the other person to feel as if it was their fault" I said holding back the tears from releasing.

"Look Eren ,I've seen more death from soldiers, citizens and worse...the people I've loved..but no I have you and I'm never going to let you go to the hands of death and neither will you Erin...I love you" he said sincerely and softly, grasping my hands in his.

"I..I love more" I said letting the tears flow.

"Not possible" he said giving me a soft, passionate kiss and licking away the tears from my cheeks.( I wanted to give this part a ' Finding Carter' theme from 'MTV' because I thought it would be sweet and stand out)

"Now let's go and kick some titan ass and.. I'll let you kill some too just for the fun of it" he said with a grin as I wiped away the remaining tears and gave him a reassuring smile as we grappeled are anrcors and flew off south.

(Time skip, brought to you by 'The Smart Ass' also known as Armin Arlert)

Its been half an hour as we were able to take down a few titans on the way and impressing Levi by using his technique when killing titans. We then were able to see the tip of the walls in the distance and sighed in relief and happiness we weren't so far away from the walls.

We reached the smashed gate that was about a mile high as memories of that horrible day came flooding back to my mind.

...My Mum...My House.....My Father...My Life.

These things made me who I am now...and they made me fight back at the world so I can kill this bastered after I find out what's in the basement of my home.

We walked threw the whole and into the city where there weren't as many titans as we thought there would be but the strange part was ,where was the Armoured Titan? We used are gear to get closer to my half destroyed home until we landed on a roof and saw...them come.

About a hundred Titans came flooding into the town, most adnormals and crawlers about 10 to 15 meters high. I gasped in fear but Levi just kept a straight face and said.

"Come on, we're heading to your house with no stops right now" he said and flew of the roof as I did the same.

We then landed on some of the ruins of my used-to-be-called home. We ran towards my basement door and I took off my necklace that had my key and opened the door as we ran in and shut it behind us.

"Dam its dark as hell down here" levi said but I couldn't even see him until I bumped into a wall.

"Oww!" I said in pain and looked around for a light switch and turned it on only to find a room filled with papers, chemicals, needles and lots of other stuff.

"Whoa this is amazing" I said in surprise.

"Tch, this place is filthy is what it is" he said sliding his fingers across a dusty table.

"Really, we found the room which has all the information about the titans and how to beat them yet all you can say is its 'filthy'" I said sarcastically but he just rolled his eyes like normal when he knows he lost an argument.

I looked at some papers and chemicals until found a needle that had the same chemical in it that my dad injected me with. I picked it up and it had a label on it which read 'TITAN TRANSFORMATION SERUM X-589'.

"Levi I found something super important!" I said as Levi came rushing towards me.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Its the thing my father injected me with to allow me to transform, if we can get to Hange she can probably figure out whats it made of" I said with hope we can make it out here alive to sbe humanity.

"Well then put it in one of your pockets and lets get the fuck out of here" he said and I put it away in my pocket as we kicked down the door and ran towards the buildings.

"Okay but whats the plan to get out of here?" I asked as here looked around.

"Okay there a bunch of them in the west side and central of the cuty but not much on the east, if we can get up the wall oj the sides we can run on top of the wall then get to the exit without attracting attention" he saide firing his anchor into a building blasting up to the sky as I did the same.

We flew from building to building ,up clock towers untip the Armored Titan came back and ran straight for us.

'Shit' I thought as we cranked are gas up to full speed until...he did it.

He jumped in the air and smacked a clock tower down , causing pieces of it to knock Levi down onto a buildings roof with blood dripping from his full body as I screamed.

"LEVI!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled and flew on top of the building to try and save him until I found that his blades snapped and stabbed him in his...heart and another in his....leg.

I began sobbing in anger and sadness not caring if the Armoured Titan saw me and tried to kill me until I remembered.

'When I was dying my titan ability engaged because of the....serum.

I gasped and thought that I could probably save him if he became a titan..but what if ue can control himse-. My thought were cut off by Levis groans of pain.

"Levi, Levi oh my god please stay with me, god don't die" I said crying again.

" I dying?" He said barely able to speak.

"No, no your not Levi because I'm going to save you" I said and took out the needle and showed it to Levi.

"No..Eren no, I know you want me alive but....its my time to go..and what if I can't control it?" He said which made me aggravated.

"What do you mean 'its my time to go'?!, Levi your the strongest, bravest most amazing person in the world and...your my boyfriend and if you die then....I'll die with you" I said crying more but Levi didn't respond untili saw his eyes closing slowly which made me panic as took the needle and directly injected it into his heart...but I was to late his eyes were close and his skin was pale. I..I..I was to late. happened.

To be continued____:-)

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