Chapter 18: "All Fall Down"

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(Chapter 18)
"All Fall Down"

Friday, March 1st

"Did you hear that?!" Emma gasped.

"What?" Shae shrugged.

"There was just a scream."

"There was?"

"How did you not hear that?!" Emma went to open the door.

"Whoa, where are you going?"

"To go see what's wrong."

"Are you crazy?! We're not supposed to leave our dorm rooms."

"Someone might need help!"

"You're not going out there with a killer loose."



"Well then call someone!"

"Fine, I'll call campus police."

"They said they'll be here soon," Shae told her a few minutes later.

"Soon? How soon is soon?"

"Emma, relax."

"No one screams for no reason! I have to know what's going on, Sarah is out there!"

"Sarah is locked in her dorm room with Brielle."


"Did you hear that?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, that I heard. Who's banging?"

"I have to go!"


"I have to-"

"Emma, no! Look, I'll go out and see what's wrong?"

"You can't go alone!"

"Campus police are on their way, I'll be fine."


"Look, the longer we argue about this, the longer we won't know what's happening!"

Emma paused.
"I don't even hear anything anymore."

"I should go out anyway."


"Emma, goddamnit, just stay here! I'll be right back."

Emma nodded and Shae left the dorm.

Shae started to walk down the hall then quickly stopped dead in her tracks.

"Oh, no..."

Shae saw her friends dorm room door wide open.

"Oh, shit!"

Shae ran down the hall and peered into the room.

Shae trembled, her body went cold.
She stared in disbelief at what was right before her eyes.

"Oh, god..."

A lifeless body laid in a pool of blood.
Her clothes were torn off, her throat was slashed.

A few moments later, campus police arrived on the scene.

"What's going on?" Damien asked.

Shae heard a door open and turned to see Emma starting to walk towards her.
Shae snapped out of it and quickly ran up to her and held her back.

"Emma, don't," she warned.

"What's going on?"

Emma tried to move past her but Shae held her back by the shoulders.

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