He Already Knew

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I woke up on a fine Saturday morning with Comot sleeping next to me, she's sleeping peacefully. I get up and prepare for the day if there are any missions . After I took a bath and wear my usual blue T-shirt, I went down to see Dad waiting for me at the table. That's odd, he is usually at work now.

Me: Hey Dad.*sits on chair*

Dr.G: Ali, I need to talk to you about something very important.

Me: What is it ?

He took out his tablet and opened the gallery, showing an imej of a boy in a red suit fighting droids and robots. He looked at me like he's expecting an answer.

Me: Whe-how did you get this ?

Dr.G: That doesn't matter, now I want answers now.

Me: What do you mean ?

Dr.G: How long have you been an agent ?

Me: Umm, since I was twelve.

Dr.G: Ali, I don't want you to risk your life. I don't want to loose another person I care about.

Me: But Dad, I was given a responsibility. I can't just quit like it's some kind of job !

Dr.G: You know that Mama was an agent, right ?

Me: Ho-w did you know ?

Dr.G: I knew because she told me before giving birth to you. She said she will retire from M.A.T.A after that final mission. The mission where the newly built missiles were finish.

Me: And you didn't tell me ?

Dr.G: I don't want you to know because . . . . I don't want you to join M.A.T.A and ended up like Mama. *starts to tear up*

Me: Well, I will do it ! For you, but let me do one last mission.

Dr.G: Only one more mission.

I nodded and stand up to leave the house, I need to go to Mamak Maju to tell the Chief Pillars about this. The others must not know about this, including Alicia and Uncle.

Ali POV End

He take his scooter and left the house while his father leaves for work. After he arrived at the restaurant where the secret base is located. He was gonna order the "code" but he got disturbed by no other than his obesity uncle, Bakar.

Bakar: Ali, you're going to HQ ?

Ali: Yeah, I need to meet the Pillars.

Bakar: Why ? Did you do something wrong ?

Ali: What ?! No ! Just some, things that I need to talk about.

Bakar: Okey, well can you pay for me ? I kinda forgot my wallet.

Ali: Ugh, fine, here don't eat too much. You won't get a girlfriend with that body.

Bakar: Hey !

Their usual waiter came and asked for what they want. Ali ordered the "code".

Ali: Nasi goreng kampung telur mata tapi taknak telur, one.

Rahul: Alright ! *snaps fingers*

Then the performance to distract the other customers begin. As everyone is distracted, Rahul the waiter wiped the table that Ali and Bakar are sitting at, M.A.T.A's logo lit up then metal straps started to buckle Ali's legs only once the floor under him opened to reveal a very long drop . He embraced himself to drop at speeds faster than light. At last, after dropping a few thousand feet underground the chair finally stopped .

After changing to his agent suit and styled his hair, he walked to the dark room where he will meet the two remaining Chief Pillars. He waited for a while until two holograms appeared. One hologram is a man in a blue suit and afro hairstyle while the second is a woman wearing a red turban and a white labcoat with red linings.

Ganz: What is it that you want ? Hurry up, don't wasting my time !

Dayang: Ugh Ganz, if you nag anymore I think my ears will go deaf. Anyways, what is it that you want, Ali ?

Ali: My father already knew about my status as agent, he wants me to . . . . . . . quit.

Ganz: WHAT !? you told him ?!

Ali: Negative, he discovered it by himself. I don't want to be a disobedient child. So, let me resign from being an agent ?

Dayang: I understand, you have one last mission. Do it well.

Ali: Thank you, Agent Dayang, Agent Ganz. I will ! *salute*

Dayang and Ganz saluted and close their holograms. Ali left the room, quickly trying to avoid everyone else. But no matter what he did the person he tried to avoid the most is litterally standing in front of him. Having her hands on her waist.

Ali: I need to go, Alicia. I'm in a hurry !

Alicia: Where ? Tell me now !

Ali: I . . . can't it's personal.

Alicia: How personal ?

Ali: It's my family's problem, can't tell you.

Ali: Sorry . . . . *runs off*

Alicia: Ali !!!

Ali ran leaving the neuro yelling chasing after him. Ali run and run fast away from his crush. He can't tell her, not yet. He immediately went upwards to the special exit elevator provided by HQ.

After getting back home, Ali get a call from Viktor, his first friend ever.

Ali: Hey Viktor, what's up ?

Viktor on phone: Hey Ali, I want to invite you for a game of Detective Jebat. Wanna play ?

Ali: Wait, umm yeah !

They played the game for an hour, durimg the play Ali's skills at gaming have been rusty due to him doing training at M.A.T.A Academy. He's trying his best to keep up with Viktor.

Viktor on phone: Hey, my Mom just called me to help her out, see you this Monday at school !

Ali: Sure ! Later !

Viktor hung up leaving Ali with the only actual friend at home, Comot. Ali pet Comot as she purrs in pleasure.

Ali: I wonder when's my mission is gonna be ?

Comot: Meow ?

Ali: That's right Comot, I won't be in M.A.T.A anymore.

Ali took out his phone and pressed the gallery app, scrolling through all the pictures he taken during his agent training at the Academy. He doesn't know what to tell them when they find out about his resignment. It was night time without him realising how long did he stare at the pictures.

Ali: I think let's have an early night, right Comot ?

Comot simply meows happily as she cuddles with her owner. Ali went to sleep quite early than usual that night.

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