Chapter 1 - Reunion.

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A/N: Hey there, welcome to my Akaashi Keiji book, be sure to check out my Kuroo Tetsurou book "The Captain" too. Quick PSA before we start on my writing methods:

-dialogue in brackets: thoughts
-underlined dialogue like this is mumbling (sometimes whispering)
- this type of writing:

From: x/n

is texts
-Cursive dialog (ex: like this) is talking on the phone

Let's get into it.


BOKUTO: Don't talk to anyone in between classes, stay with Yukie when you're not in class, and if anyone comes near you, run the other way!
Y/N: No, and shut up.
MOM: Koutarou, stop trying to control your sister!
BOKUTO: B-but she's my little sister I have to protect her!
Y/N: I'm not five anymore, so leave me alone.
BOKUTO: You're so mean~! You could at least once show affection for your loving brother!
Y/N: Get out of my room.

She said, unfazed as she placed her books in her bag, swung it over her shoulder and left the room, grabbing her simpleton brother by his tie and leading him out, shutting the door behind her.

BOKUTO: So mean!

MOM: Good luck on your first day, honey. Do you have your lunch?
Y/N: Yeah.
MOM: Alright, bye!
Y/N: Bye...
BOKUTO: Oi! (y/n)! Wait for me!!!


YUKIE: How are you feeling?
Y/N: Like any other day, I don't understand what the big fuss about the first day of high school is about, it's just a normal day.
YUKIE: Jeez! You remind me of someone but I can't quite put my finger on it...
Anyways, I remember when you were just a tiny little shrimp following Bokuto everywhere in awe, and now you're all grown up! I'm gonna cry!
Y/N: You're literally one year older than me and I've always been taller than you.

(Y/n) never really showed her emotions that much, she'd learnt to bury them deep down in her heart and they barely ever came out. Both her brother and her mother did their best to get her to let them out, as it wasn't healthy to bottle up feelings like that, but her method was already buried in her mind with concrete.
It was true, when she was a kid she used to always go to Bokuto's volleyball games and cheer him on, that's how she met Yukie. She was in Bokuto's class and with Akaashi they made a trio, they were always close friends, and (y/n) made friends with her over being the only girls at the boys' volleyball games. Better said, Yukie was the one who approached (y/n) who had always been shy and not really good at making friends. The two of them became best friends and (y/n) would always listen to Yukie's stories while she was crushing on Bokuto, which was from the moment she'd met him,  up to when they both confessed and became a couple. In the meantime, though, the switch happened. The switch that turned a perky, happy little girl into an almost robotic, emotionless teenager; (y/n)'s and Bokuto's father had never been the best, and he certainly wasn't after he left the two of them alone with their mother and disappeared without a trace. No one knew why that lead (y/n) to act they way she did, because she never talked about it. Her mother wanted to send her to therapy, but when she went to the meetings she would just sit silently, and if she ever talked, it would be about superficial things. She would never graze any deeper into her emotions than being annoyed at Bokuto's constant invasion of personal space, so her mother decided to stop paying for her meetings, since they were going nowhere. It'd been roughly four or five years since she'd last gone to her brother's games, but Yukie always stood by her, knowing if she hadn't that (y/n) would never try to make new friends.


Y/N: Great... I'm lost.
Excuse me, could you help me find the first years' classes? I think I took the wrong staircase...
AKAASHI: Yeah su-
Y/N: How do you know my n-
Oh. Keiji, hi. Nice to see you again.
AKAASHI: It's been a long time since I last saw you.
Y/N: Yeah, I guess it has.
AKAASHI: So, first day?
Y/N: Yup.
AKAASHI: Here, I'll show you where your class is, you actually did take the wrong staircase.

The two started walking along the hallway.

Y/N: Aren't you going to ask me if I'm nervous?
AKAASHI: Why would you be?
Y/N: For once, someone actually agrees with me...
AKAASHI: I'm guessing you've been getting a lot of that today.
Y/N: I have. My mom was way too excited, Yukie acted like she was ten years older than me or something, and Koutarou's just going full out overprotective brother on me...
AKAASHI: Yeah, he can be a handful at times, you must know that more than anyone.
Y/N: Yeah...
AKAASHI: You and Yukie kept in touch?
Y/N: Yes, I guess we did. Although I'm pretty sure she never came over to see me, I think she just wanted to see Koutarou more than she already did.
AKAASHI: Well, I don't know but I don't think she's that superficial...
Y/N: Dunno, I guess I'm just used to the feeling of people not usually sticking around with me so my mind automatically goes there...

Akaashi wasn't really sure what to say to reassure her without snooping into her personal life so he just decided to be quiet.

Y/N: You still playing volleyball?

She knew the answer to that question since Bokuto always talked about their games at dinner time but she was afraid she'd weirded him out with that last sentence and was trying to gain back the momentum their conversation had before it got too weird.

AKAASHI: Yeah, I am. It's probably not the same as how you remember it, though...
(Fuck, that sentence was weird, did you have to bring up the fact that she disappeared for five years, Keiji?!)

Y/N: Yeah, I guess I did miss out on quite a bit.

Her response shook him out of his own thoughts and he was a bit surprised by it, but didn't let it show.

Y/N: Well, I think this is my class. Thanks for Showing me the way...
AKAASHI: Sure, no problem. It was nice seeing you again, (y/n).
Y/N: Yeah, see you around.

She walked into the class, calmly placed her bag on the table and started taking out her books and pens as she waited for the teacher to arrive.

AKAASHI: Sure, see you around...


(y/n)'s day was as expected; just like any other. Classes were normal, the people did the same as they always did and didn't speak to her, neither did she to them. "As it's supposed to be"; probably what she would say.

From: Koutarou
Hey sis, I have to give you something so come by the gym later?

To: Kotarou

From: Koutarou
Alright, love you <3

To: Kotarou

From: Kotarou
You're so mean!!!


Y/N: (Wait, why didn't I ask where the gym was, I have no idea how to get there now.)

She looked around, lost, hoping to see some errant soul walking around that late in the afternoon at school to ask where the gym was, but no one was there. She tried calling Bokuto but he wasn't answering. So she started randomly walking around the school looking for the right exit to get to the gym but was wrong every time. Finally she thought she'd found the right exit and she brutally turned the corner in anticipation and premature relief but ended up bumping into someone's chest.

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