Chapter 4 - Him.

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Y/N: Wrong! It's all wrong! I don't understand anything!

She dropped her head on the table surrounding it with her crossed arms.

MATSUURA: Now, now. Let's not give up just yet, Bokuto-san...
Y/N: You know you can just call me (y/n), right? I don't like being called the same as my brother.

Her muffled voice was slightly irritated.

MATSUURA: Alright, (y/n). What's the formula?
Y/N: b squared minus 4ac?
MATSUURA: What do you think that minus is there for?
Y/N: Uhhhh...
MATSUURA: What it means is the sign of 4ac is changed by that minus.
So here you wrote 45 but it's -45.
Y/N: Oooooooooh. Yea I would've never gotten that.
MATSUURA: So how do we go on now?
Y/N: There's a negative Delta so the equation is impossible.
MATSUURA: Exactly. See? You're not that bad at this, you just don't pay enough attention when you solve these. You have to concentrate more, math is very precise.
Y/N: Alright, Matsuura-san.
MATSUURA: Hey! The same goes for how you call me.
Y/N: I'm sorry but I don't feel comfortable calling you by your first name just yet, with me it's because of Koutarou...
MATSUURA: Alright but at least call me Matsu, please.
Y/N: Alright. Thank you so much, Matsu. I don't know what I'd do without you...

His heart started pounding as he heard those words, she said them with so much lightness in her voice, a slight smile on her lips and her eyes lightly squinting at the sides, he thought she was pretty when she saved her from Kura that day but now, now he was realizing how beautiful she really was, and he was in awe of her. She was completely oblivious as her phone vibrated right after she spoke those words.

From: Keiji
Hey, we're having a practice match in half an hour, wanna come? For old time's sake?

Matsuura noticed her little smile turn into a frown as she stared at the phone.

MATSUURA: What's up?
Y/N: Oh, uhm, my friend invited me to his volleyball game...
MATSUURA: Akaashi?
Y/N: Yeah...
MATSUURA: You don't wanna go?
Y/N: It's not that, I just-

She stopped, she was letting out too much information.


He placed his hands on hers.

MATSUURA: You can tell me, I promise...
Y/N: It's been a while since I've gone, and I'm kind of scared.

It sounded ridiculous to someone who didn't know about her past, or it should've, but Matsuura understood without knowing details, it was part of his nature and one of his best qualities.

MATSUURA: I could go with you, if you want of course.
Y/N: Really?


AKAASHI: (y/n), you came... And you brought...him.
Y/N: Yeah, hey! This is my new friend and tutor Matsuura Hansuke.
AKAASHI: Thought you didn't like volleyball?
MATSUURA: I had a change of heart...

He smiled and nodded toward the clearly confused (y/n) who kept wipping her head from one male to the other.

Y/N: I'm sorry, do you know eachother?
AKAASHI: Something like that...
(y/n)-chan?! YOU CAME TO MY GAME?!
Y/N: Koutarou, don't call me that, and I came here to see Keiji.

Matsuura's fists clenched hearing those words come out of her mouth.

BOKUTO: B-but! What about your loving brother??
Y/N: Just go play.
AKAASHI: Come on, Bokuto-san...


The game ended 2-0 for Fukurodani. They really were amazing, she acknowledged Bokuto's talent once again, but didn't speak about it.

Y/N: Good game, Keiji!
AKAASHI: Ah, thank you, (y/n).

Bokuto was watching from afar the same way he looks around when Akaashi stops tossing to him.
Matsuura was curious about her behavior towards her brother. As he was walking her home he decided to investigate.

MATSUURA: Hey, can I ask you something?
Y/N: Sure...
MATSUURA: How come you act like that with your brother?
Y/N: Like what?
MATSUURA: Like you're ashamed of him, so cold.

She stopped in her tracks, he'd gone too far, so she went with what she knew best; coldness.

Y/N: Everyone praises him enough as it is. He's the ace and captain of the volleyball team, if I let myself praise him he'll overshadow me. Even to you, I'm just Bokuto Koutarou's sister. Now if you'll excuse me I'd prefer to continue alone.

She sped up her pace and realizing his mistake he decided not to follow her, especially since he noticed Bokuto quickly walking towards him.

BOKUTO: Listen, I know you're a good guy, Matsuura, I have no problem with you being with her because I know you're not like Kuramoto. But stay out of this, she just made that up on the spot but I know the real reason she's like this. She won't let her guard down around anyone, not even family, because it's family that let her down in the first place. I can't tell how she's feeling most of the time, or if she even is feeling anything, but all I want is for her not to feel bad. If she has to be cold to me to not hurt then so be it, I only want her to be okay.
If you make her not okay, I swear to god... You might do it unconsciously and if that happens then you're not right for her, if you realize that then get out of the way. She's strong, she really is, but she's also really fragile, don't break her.

With that he started jogging towards his sister, catching up to her to make sure she got home safe.
Meanwhile Matsuura was completely speechless, who knew Bokuto could be so smart and caring?

(If you think Bokuto is OOC because of this I'm coming for your kneecaps bc he is the most loving and caring owl on this planet istg TwT I'm sorry if you think he's only playful and dumb but I firmly believe he is very smart and serious when he needs to be)

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