Chapter 12 - Like.

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A/N: Hey sorry I've been MIA on both books, I traveled back home today from vacation so I didn't have the means to write (and for this book I didn't even have the inspiration), but I'm back now and I have a vision for this book. I wanted to write this chapter in the car on my way back home but I was really close to my brother in the car so it was kinda awkward and I didn't feel like doing it cuz he coulda read it😳😳. So basically I was imagining the whole chapter in my head, I wrote it,,, in my head... Ok I'm sure you're sick of "reading" me ramble so let's get in with the story...

(Btw in case you don't get it from my writing I skipped time to the next year... Akaashi and Yukie are third years and (y/n) is a second year. Bokuto is in college now)


YUKIE: So yeah, me and Kou are gonna have a romantic weekend away together and I cannot wait!!
Y/N: That means I'm home alone, nice...
Oh well, I'll just invite Keiji over to watch a movie or something...
YUKIE: Orrrrr... You could make other friends and not just hang out with Keiji whenever I'm not around...
Y/N: Hey! I don't "just hang out with Keiji when you're not around"! I like hanging out with him, he's fun.
YUKIE: Swear to god, you're the only one who believes that...
Y/N: You don't find him fun??
YUKIE: He's like a seventy-year-old man trapped in a seventeen-year-old's body.
Y/N: He is not!
YUKIE: Is too-
Y/N: Oh stop. He's the funniest guy to be around!
YUKIE: Are we talking about the same person?
Y/N: Well, I don't know at this point...
YUKIE: Come on (y/n), find some other friends...
Y/N: Shut up, I like Keiji and we are going to hang out this weekend, now leave me alone.

She pouted and stomped away angrily.
Akaashi slowly walked towards Yukie until he was beside her.
He sighed.

YUKIE: Well you must be glad...
AKAASHI: Not that glad...
YUKIE: She just said she liked you and wants to hang out with you this weekend.
AKAASHI: You and I both know she likes me as a friend and nothing more. Don't get me wrong, I will jump at any chance I get to be around her but... You know, it's not like I can shake the thought of only being a friend to her.

Yukie turned to face him and he did the same.

YUKIE: You know you might not be, right?
"Just a friend". You should hear the way she talks about you, don't think this is the first time a conversation like this happens...
AKAASHI: While the thought of her speaking of me on more occasions warms my heart, I still strongly believe that I am nothing but a friend to her.

Yukie sighed and walked away, visibly irritated.


Y/N: Keiji! Hey! Wait!
AKAASHI: Oh, (y/n). Hi!
Y/N: Ssso... I heard you guys don't have any matches this weekend so Koutarou's going on a trip with Yukie and my mom's going on a business trip so, since I don't wanna be home alone, wanna come over and watch something?
AKAASHI: ( Absolutely, I don't even need to think about it )
Uhh, sure, if nothing else comes up...
Y/N: Great! See you tomorrow then!
AKAASHI: See you tomorrow, (y/n)...

He smiled at her retreating figure making its way with a happy walk to the door.


YUKIE: Please tell me you're going to make other friends, pleaaaase (y/n)...
Y/N: Okay, that's it. What is it with you trying to get me to get other friends and ditch Keiji? Does he not enjoy being around me as I do him??? Did I offend him somehow?! What's wrong with me??

She sighed and dropped her head on the table, the loud thud causing the rest of the students to turn and look at her.

YUKIE: No, there's nothing wrong with you... It's just- Ahh forget it...
Y/N: No! Tell me!
YUKIE: Nah, don't worry about it...
Y/N: Come on! You owe me at least that! You've been tormenting me for weeks!
YUKIE: Fine! I want you to make other friends so that you have someone to hang out with when Keiji won't be a friend anymore...
Y/N: What? Why wouldn't he be a friend???
YUKIE: Because he would be your boyfriend! I said it! Happy??
Y/N: W-what?
YUKIE: Come on, (y/n), you obviously like him.
Y/N: Not like that! I-I think...
YUKIE: Ya think?
Y/N: I g-guess I've never really thought of the two of us like that...

Her cheeks grew red and started to heat up.

YUKIE: You're blushing (y/n)... You're blushing at the thought of it, so why deny it any longer??
Y/N: W-wait j-just because I'm blushing doesn't mean I like him like that!!
YUKIE: Okay then, let's look at the facts;
Would you rather hang out with me or him?
Y/N: Uhm, him...
YUKIE: Do you look forward to walking to school with him?
Y/N: Y-yes...

She let out a tiny smile.

YUKIE: Do you like the thought of him hugging you or viceversa?
Y/N: Yes.
YUKIE: What about kissing?
Y/N: Oh my god... Yes. I- I fucking like Keiji...
YUKIE: I told you. Jesus.
Y/N: W-w-wait! This is going to make everything weird between us now.
YUKIE: Why would it be weird?
Y/N: W-well b-because, I like him
Does he even like me?
I don't know, that's for you to figure out...


A/N: So, I would have continued on this chapter cuz what you just read wasn't the epicenter of what I wanted to write but it turned out being longer than I expected and the next part is also pretty long so I'm gonna split it in half uwu. Hope you enjoyed! Pls like and comment🥺

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