Chapter 14 - Stay.

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A/N: Hey, idk why I keep putting (y/n) in danger in both my books, help.


Y/N: W-what s-s-should we do with h-him now?
AKAASHI: Hang on...

He dialed a number on his phone.

KURAMOTO: H-hello?
AKAASHI: Kuramoto, it's Akaashi. Matsuura's hammered and-
KURAMOTO: Where are you? I'm on my way.
AKAASHI: (y/n)'s house.
KURAMOTO: I'll be there soon.


KURAMOTO: Hey, what'd he do this time?

He glanced at (y/n)

Y/N: It's fine, Keiji... He- he tried to get with me against my will... And he was going to manage, if Keiji hadn't been here...
KURAMOTO: Oh my fucking god, I am so sorry... Fucking hell...
Y/N: It's fine, it's over now...
KURAMOTO: No, it's not fine, he was going to rape you. Akaashi, I'm so glad you were here, fuck.
AKAASHI: Me too...
KURAMOTO: Are you going to press charges?
Y/N: I don't know...
KURAMOTO: You should. He was drunk but he's still a piece of shit at heart.
He has a drinking problem. He'd gotten clean when he met you. But then the night he moved away he was already drinking again. He was drunk when you broke up... And it was not your job to keep him clean, he should have done that himself, but he's a piece of shit so he couldn't when he got jealous.
He deserves for you to press charges...
Y/N: I- I'm not going to. But only because I never want to see him again. That's the deal. Get him out of here and away for me forever and I won't press charges. If he doesn't respect that, I'm going to the authorities.
KURAMOTO: That's way too nice of you but I understand. I'll get him out of here...

Him and Akaashi picked his unconscious self up and loaded him into the car. Kuramoto drove off and Akaashi walked back into the house. He rubbed (y/n)'s arm as he closed and locked the door.

Y/N: God, in all of this I'd forgotten he hit you too...

She walked to the freezer and grabbed some ice. She sat him down on the couch at patted his swollen cheek lightly with the ice. A concentrated look on her face. Akaashi noticed Matsuura's hand marks on her neck and he unconsciously lifted a hand to graze it.
(y/n) flinched.

AKAASHI: Sorry, I-

(y/n) took his hand into hers and held onto it as she kept patting him with the ice. Akaashi had to use all of his leftover strength to stop himself from kissing her right then and there.

Once she was done with the ice she set it down and let go of his hand.

Y/N: Hey so, uhm, I won't be able to sleep after all this so, do you mind staying over a little longer and watching something funny with me?
AKAASHI: Of course not... Anything you need, (y/n).

She turned on the tv and put on an episode of The Office. And they laughed their asses off until around 3 am.

AKAASHI: Hey... (y/n), it's really late and I should get going...

He said as he stood up.

Y/N: W-wait! N-no, Keiji?
Y/N: Please stay...

She whispered as she looked down.
Akaashi smiled at her.

AKAASHI: Anything you need, (y/n)...
Y/N: Thank you...


Y/N: S-stop!! Get off of me!
MATSUURA: You and I both know how much of a slut you were for me.
Y/N: Stop it!! Let me go!!
AKAASHI: (y/n)?

(y/n) woke up, all sweaty and panting.

AKAASHI: Nightmare?
Y/N: Yes...
AKAASHI: Ugh, I'm afraid you're going to get a lot of those. He caused you quite the shock...
Y/N: I guess he did...
AKAASHI: Don't worry... I'm here now, it won't happen again...

He said as he walked back to the door so he could go back to sleep on the couch.

Y/N: Wait, Keiji? Can you come here a second?

He sat on the bed beside her.

Y/N: There's something I've been meaning to tell you, I realized something yesterday and after what happened I'm more sure of it than ever...
I like you, Keiji. As more than a friend... You always make me smile and laugh and I enjoy being around you more than I do anyone else. Not to mention you saved me earlier, you're such an amazing guy and I know I must be pretty pathetic since I must just be Koutarou's sister to you...

Akaashi was thinking of thousands of different ways to tell her he felt the same but he couldn't pick one and so he just stared at her dumbfounded.

Y/N: Please say something...

She looked down. Akaashi placed his hands on her cheeks and lifted her head up to look in her eyes.

AKAASHI: You have no idea how much I've been waiting to hear you say those words...
Y/N: What? So do you feel the sa-

Before she could finish Akaashi leaned in and kissed her passionately. (y/n)'s eyes widened at first but then she gave in and wrapped her arms around his neck. His hands moved down to hug her and she scooted closer to him, letting herself melt in his arms. They moved away and (y/n) looked him in the eyes.

Y/N: So you like me too?
AKAASHI: ( I love you )
I have for a year now.
Y/N: Wha- Really?

He said before giving her another quick kiss.

AKAASHI: So, should I go back to the couch?
Y/N: You could...
Or you could sleep here with me...
AKAASHI: I'd like that...

He smiled and laid down on the bed, pulling (y/n) onto his chest. She sinked into the smell of him and fell asleep instantly, as did he...

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