Chapter 5 - Forget.

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AKAASHI: Are you alright? You're acting a little weird...

He nervously kneaded his fingers inside the pocket of his hoodie as they walked to school.

Y/N: Weird how?
AKAASHI: Well you barely spoke to me the whole way here and you keep staring at the floor with those posted off eyes of yours.
Y/N: I don't have pissed off eyes.

He grabbed her by the hand and stopped her.

AKAASHI: We're friends, you can tell me whatever's on your mind...
Y/N: I don't wanna talk about it.
AKAASHI: Alright...

He let go of her hand and she turned away.

Y/N: Thanks for not pushing.
AKAASHI: It's alright.


From: Matsuura Hansuke
Hey, I have to babysit my brother today so I can't meets at the library

To: Matsuura Hansuke
Ok, I'll study on my own.

From: Matsuura Hansuke
No, (y/n), please, you have an exam tomorrow, please just let me help you, come over after school and we'll study at my house.

To: Matsuura Hansuke

YUKIE: Who ya texting?
Y/N: Matsuura.
YUKIE: Wait... THE Matsuura?
Y/N: Uh yeah, THE Matsuura who's tutoring me in math(?)
YUKIE: Oh! You don't know!

She covered her mouth playfully and grinned at her.

Y/N: What don't I know?
YUKIE: Keiji hates Matsuura! We knew him in middle school and he always used to make fun of Keiji saying his role in volleyball was stupid.
Y/N: Well that's pretty immature. And I'm sure Keiji doesn't hate him for such a dumb thing that happened in middle school.
AKAASHI: Yeah, I don't. Don't know why Yukie's spreading that around though...

He gave a killer look to Yukie as he walked closer to them.

YUKIE: Oh please! You hated having him around when Kou invited him over to play!
AKAASHI: Yeah, he annoyed me. Bokuto-san annoys me too but that doesn't mean I hate him...
YUKIE: So to you Matsuura and Kou are at the same level?
AKAASHI: No because Bokuto-san actually has features I can stand, Matsuura on the other hand...
Can we stop talking about him?
YUKIE: Jeez sorry, what's got your panties in a bunch?
Y/N: Forget it.

She picked up her backpack and quickly walked to class.

AKAASHI: Something's wrong...

He glanced at her as she walked away and then walked away himself.

YUKIE: Does no one say goodbye anymore?!


She took a deep breath as she neared the house, checking if the address was right before ringing the doorbell.


A muffled voice from inside yelled and not long after the door opened and revealed Matsuura in nothing but a towel (that was also about to fall off if he'd let go one of his hands) revealing his well toned abs.
(y/n)'s eyes widened before she turned towards the wall so he wouldn't be in her line of sight anymore.

Y/N: Dude! What the hell?!
MATSUURA: I know I know, I'm sorry. My brother was being difficult when I picked him up at school so I got home late and I had to shower and you came earlier than I expected-
Y/N: Did I?

She checked the time on her phone, she was fifteen minutes early.

Y/N: Oh, sorry about that. I usually leave home so that I get where I need to go a quarter of an hour early, it didn't occur to me that I didn't have to do that going to someone's house...
MATSUURA: It's fine, please, make yourself at home, I'll be back in a second.

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