Chapter 7 - Nice.

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MOM: Koutarou, go call your sister and tell her her date is here.
MOM: I said go, not shout.

She glared at him and he chuckled to himself.


He stood up and ran to the door, swinging it open full force, it almost came off the hinges.

BOKUTO: Oh... Matsuura...
MATSUURA: Hey Bokuto, is (y/n) ready?

Bokuto already approved of him, but he still didn't want to miss out on playing the menacing big brother part, so he glared at the boy who just stood there awkwardly waiting for his date to arrive. And finally (y/n) appeared behind her brother's shoulders, giving him a small smack on the back of his neck.

Y/N: Get a life, Koutarou.

She sighed as she left the house and slammed the door in his face. Meanwhile, Matsuura's eyes wide and his mouth flung open even wider.

Y/N: Ready?
Y/N: What's wrong?
MATSUURA: No-nothing! I- Just-
Y/N: Is it my hair? Is it awful? Oh god-
MATSUURA: No! You look amazing, really. I was just completely stunned...

He finally was able to get out a sentence.

Y/N: O-oh, thanks...

Her cheeks grew red and she wanted to compliment him aswell since he was looking sharp himself, but she couldn't bring herself to it.

MATSUURA: Shall we go?
Y/N: Yeah...

He walked her to his car and they drove for about half an hour. Matsuura has the radio on and even though she tried not to, because it would be embarrassing, she couldn't hold back, and she started quietly singing along to the songs, hoping he wouldn't notice. But he did, and he couldn't help but think that she had the voice of an angel.

They finally pulled over in front of a small restaurant, it was cozy, casual, and there weren't too many people. It was like Matsuura had read (y/n)'s mind. The menu was on point too; (f/f), her favorite food.

Y/N: How the HELL did you know?!
MATSUURA: I didn't, I just wanted to take you to one of my favorite places. I didn't know you liked (f/f) food so much, lucky hehe.

He scratched the back of his neck.

Y/N: We must have more in common than I thought...

The waiter seated them and she didn't even need to look at the menu, she already knew exactly what she wanted and she recited her order to the waiter as if it were a poem. Matsuura smiled as she spoke, watching her and listening to her, amazed by what was happening. He snapped out of it when the waiter turned toward him to take his order.

After he was done he looked back at the girl across the table from him, she was looking out the window at the sunset. It was especially pretty that night, but to him, the sunset tried, but it wasn't as kind on the eyes as (y/n).

The rest of the evening was mellow. The meals were good, the atmosphere was calm and (y/n) felt comfortable and at ease with Matsuura. The boy could barely stop smiling as every time his eyes met her face he was touched by her beauty. Once they were done with dessert they left the restaurant and the air had gotten much chillier than it was before they left (y/n)'s house. She shivered as soon as the cold wind brushed her skin; Matsuura noticed and he quickly covered her shoulders with his jacket. The classic cliche, only this time she wasn't going to ask for the jacket, and Matsuura didn't offer. He was direct and he almost imposed that she wear it. They sat on a little wall on the street and stared into different directions. Things had gotten quiet and both of them were starting to feel a bit awkward.
Matsuura decided to make the first move and break the ice.

MATSUURA: You know, you really do look amazing. Well, you always do, but... There's something magical about you tonight...

Her cheeks flushed red as he stared her in the eyes.
He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and cupped her cheek. He slowly blinked and caressed her cheek with his thumb. Her heart was pounding and she felt like it could just burst out of her chest at any moment.

He bit his lip, then smiled, and leaned in.

His lips were slightly parted now, and even though (y/n) and him had already kissed once, both of them still felt extremely nervous.
After what seemed like an eternity, their lips touched. Both their eyelids dropped and they started to deepen the kiss. Matsuura scooted closer to her and moved his hand to the back of (y/n)'s head to kiss her with more control. (y/n) let herself lean against him as she let go of her tenseness.

Her silky hair shone under the moonlight, it was almost magical.

Matsuura fully experienced the tenderness of her lips as he placed his other hand behind her back bringing her closer to himself. (y/n) placed her hands against his chest between their two bodies and let herself melt into his arms.

It was... Nice...

Finally they pulled away and (y/n) leaned against Matsuura's chest without saying a word.


BOKUTO: Did he kiss you?

(y/n) kept a straight face as she entered the house, Matsuura's jacket over her shoulders.

BOKUTO: Did he?!
Y/N: Koutarou, you're going to wake mom up.
Y/N: Get a life, Koutarou...
BOKUTO: He did, didn't he?!

(y/n) only walked away carrying her heels in her hand and walking barefoot to her room.


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