Chapter 17 - Bro.

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BOKUTO: Hey...

He spoke softly as he walked home with his sister.

Y/N: Yea?
BOKUTO: I've watched you self destruct for six years and haven't said a thing because I didn't want to upset you...
But, (y/n), what happened to you... What if you and Akaashi hadn't been together that night? He would have gone through with it... Would you've just kept that secret? Would anyone have ever known about it? What worries me is that you keep all the bad things to yourself and eventually you won't be able to deal with them anymore... You can tell me anything, (y/n)... I promise I'll listen. I'm here for you and I always have been. And I know you prefer shutting me out 'cause it just feels safer after dad-
Y/N: It does, it feels safer to just, well, not feel.
But reconnecting with Keiji made me realize that there's not much to life if you don't let yourself feel.
He makes me feel safe and I think... I think I haven't felt this safe since we were kids...
So I might've not told you right away... But I would have told him.

She said as she stared straight ahead, Bokuto turned to look at her with curiosity.

Y/N: And you... You've been the best brother a girl could ask for. I might not have shown it but... I really appreciate you, Kou.

His eyes filled with tears and couldn't help himself from hugging her.

Y/N: I love you, bro.
BOKUTO: I love you too.


(y/n) woke up yelling and panting in a puddle of her own sweat.

BOKUTO: (y/n)?! You okay?!
Y/N: U-uh, y-yeah. N-nightmare.
BOKUTO: You're trembling...

He said as he sat down next to her on the bed.

Y/N: It's been happening a lot recently...
BOKUTO: Are the nightmares about...
Y/N: Yeah.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

Y/N: I don't know how to make them stop.
BOKUTO: It's okay...

He put an arm around her and pulled her close to him, he rested his chin on the top of her head trying to soothe her.

Y/N: He doesn't stop...
Y/N: In the dreams, he doesn't- h-he j-jus- he-
BOKUTO: Shshsh... It's okay. You don't have to say it out loud... You're okay. We can get through it, I promise.

She cried into his arms for a bit until she fell asleep into his arms. Bokuto tucked her into the bed and walked back to his own room but as soon as he got up (y/n) woke up.

Y/N: Kou... Please sleep here...

He laid down beside her and waited until she was asleep to sit up and stare into the darkness of the room, contemplating what he should do to help her, but not reaching an answer.


YUKIE: So I'm guessing (y/n) told you about Matsuura last night?
BOKUTO: You knew?
YUKIE: She told me a tiny little part of it, I didn't know that she and Keiji were dating though.
BOKUTO: Where are you? I'm almost there.
YUKIE: Oh I see you. Hang up.

He hung up the phone and looked around until his eyes met hers.

BOKUTO: Hey...

He said as he pressed a kiss on her lips.

YUKIE: Jesus, what happened to you? You look undead...
BOKUTO: (y/n) keeps having nightmares about... It...
YUKIE: So you can't sleep?
BOKUTO: Well, I went in to comfort her... But after she fell asleep, I could fall back asleep. She tried describing the dream to me and she just... Broke down. It was scary, and it made me sick to my stomach to see her that shaken up.
Not even dad could make her that broken...
I can't sleep knowing what she dreams of. Plus, I need to make sure she feels fine after she has the dreams.
YUKIE: Did you know you're the best brother on earth?
BOKUTO: If that were true she wouldn't be having the nightmares in the first place. If I'd listened to Akaashi I would've figured out that he was a fucking drunk. And look what happened now.
YUKIE: Hey...

She said as she grabbed his face and forced him to look at her.

YUKIE: You couldn't have stopped it, no one could've.
BOKUTO: But what if Akaashi hadn't been there?
YUKIE: But he was. And that's all that matters. You did all you could for her, and you're doing the same now. Trust me, with you as a brother she'll be fine.
BOKUTO: I hope so...
Come on, I'll carry your bag while I walk you.


Y/N: Keiji? I'm over here.
AKAASHI: Oh hey...

He said as he placed his hands on her hips and kissed her softly.

AKAASHI: How are you today?
Y/N: Better... Kou was really sweet last night. He got me back to sleep after my nightmares.
AKAASHI: Your brother cares for you immensely, you know that, right?
Y/N: I do...
AKAASHI: I'm sure he feels responsible in some way.
Y/N: Me too, I just hope he doesn't feel it too much...
Knowing him, nothing I say would be enough for him to stop feeling responsible.
AKAASHI: True...
BOKUTO: Hey Akaashi, (y/n).
Y/N: Hey Kou.

She said as she hugged him, both Bokuto and Akaashi looked at each other with confused looks.

Y/N: What are you doing here?
BOKUTO: Just came to drop Yukie off.
Y/N: Oh, ok... By the way, I'm gonna stay and watch Keiji train, you could drop by and say hi to the guys.
BOKUTO: Yea, I guess that'd be nice.
Oh shoot! I'm late for my interview, gotta run. Bye sis, Akaashi!

He said as he ran out of the school gates and (y/n) and Akaashi giggled at his sprint.


That evening the whole volleyball team went out to eat which was a great way for (y/n) to keep her mind off things for a while. The night was the same as the one before. Bokuto took care of (y/n)... And didn't sleep much.

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