Chapter 2 - Escort.

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Y/N: Ow- Sorry I wasn't looking where I was going.

She rubbed her now throbbing nose.

AKAASHI: So we meet again...

He slightly chuckled, really slightly, but you could still hear it, which was a miracle for Akaashi.

Y/N: Oh, Keiji, what are the odds.
AKAASHI: You alright?

He took a peek behind the hand covering her nose.

Y/N: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I just hit my nose pretty hard there, speaking of which, are you alright?
AKAASHI: Yeah, I'm fine. Are you sure you're okay? Do you need an ice pack?
Y/N: Oh, no there's no need.
AKAASHI: What are you doing here so late?
Y/N: Koutarou said he wanted to give me something, but I have no idea where the gym is...

She let out an embarrassed chuckle.

AKAASHI: Well, once again, I can be your guide.
Y/N: I could pay you for this.

She joked and Akaashi... Smiled? She was pretty sure she'd never seen him smile for all of the years she'd known him... This was the first time.

AKAASHI: You could, but I'm not gonna do that to you.
Y/N: Wow, so generous!

Both of them were smiling and chuckling at eachother as they walked to the gym. (y/n) couldn't remember the last time she'd let her guard down with someone, and Akaashi couldn't remember the last time he'd genuinely laughed with someone.


BOKUTO: Oi! AgHAAShEe! You're late! You're never late, what's going o-
(y/n)? What are you doing with him?
Y/N: I was lost and Keiji helped me find the gym since I'm a first year and have no idea where anything is, and you weren't picking up your phone as usual.

Her voice had gone back to stern as she scolded her brother.

BOKUTO: Ahh! Sorry (y/n), please forgive me!
Y/N: Whatever, what did you wanna give me?
BOKUTO: Come here.
Y/N: Huh?
BOKUTO: Come closer!
Y/N: What? Just give me what you wanted to give me and let's get this over with, I wanna go home.
BOKUTO: Alrighttt! What I wanted to give you is...

He grabbed her and pulled her into a hug while she stood still, annoyance building up inside her as she waited for him to release her.

Y/N: You made me stay here late... For a... Hug?

He said smiling, Yukie was watching from the back of the gym, worried about what was going to happen to her boyfriend, Akaashi facepalmed expecting the worst.

Y/N: You really are a dumbass.

She grabbed his shirt collar and punched him in the stomach, he fell to the ground in pain and she stepped over her brother's body.

Y/N: Might aswell watch you train now that I'm here.

YUKIE: Hey, you met Keiji again?
Y/N: Yeah, he walked me to class today and then here.
YUKIE: Oh he did~?
Y/N: It's not like that, stop jumping to conclusions.


COACH: Our practice match this week has been canceled due to an inconvenience with the practice space so there won't be any until two weeks from now. Dismissed.

BOKUTO: Hey sis, sorry about before, I just wanted you to come see how cool I've gotte-
Y/N: For thinking you're cooler than everybody else.
AKAASHI: Bokuto-san, stop making a scene it's embarrassing.
Y/N: You weren't kidding about volleyball being different... I hate to admit it but Koutarou's gotten really strong.
AKAASHI: He has, that is if he doesn't go into emo-mode.
Y/N: Emo-mode?
AKAASHI: Whenever something goes wrong he goes into emo-mode and mopes around the court.
Y/N: Ohhhh, his sad mood. Yeah you guys named it better than my mom and I.
AKAASHI: He does that at home?
Y/N: Whenever I don't say good morning or goodnight to him.
AKAASHI: Ah, so I'm guessing pretty frequently?
Y/N: Every single day.
AKAASHI: Oh, so you never do?
Y/N: Sometimes I forget, other times it's just to tease him for annoying me all the time.
AKAASHI: Ah, I see.
BOKUTO: (y/n) I'm going to walk you home and then go out with Yukie so let's go.
Y/N: I can walk home on my own and I'll go when I want to.
BOKUTO: No, it's already dark, I don't trust leaving you alone right now, I'm serious. Just let me walk you home.
AKAASHI: I can walk her home, Bokuto-san. Go on your date, I'll make sure she gets home safe.
BOKUTO: Are you sure? Our house is pretty out of the way for you, I can just take her...
AKAASHI: It's fine, really, don't leave Yukie waiting.
BOKUTO: Thanks, I'll see you at home, (y/n).
Y/N: Bye...
AKAASHI: Shall we go?
Y/N: Yeah

The two of them continued their conversation as they walked home, (y/n) found it pleasant to speak with him and he felt the same about her.

AKAASHI: So how've your first days at high school been?
Y/N: Pretty normal, the professors are fine, but there's this one professor who's kinda weird.
AKAASHI: I think you're talking about Hirose-sensei.
Y/N: That's the one. He always comes in late and lets the class out early, which is a bonus, really. And he always tries to make the class laugh but fails so we have to fake-laugh at his terrible jokes.
AKAASHI: Yeah, we used to have him last year, he was quite a particular person.

He chuckled thinking back on all that happened in those classes.

Y/N: You could say that...
AKAASHI: How are your classmates?
Y/N: Dunno...
AKAASHI: What do you mean?
Y/N: I don't really like talking to new people, it's embarrassing and I don't end up liking them
most of the time...
AKAASHI: You talked to me...
Y/N: Well, pardon me Keiji, but I think after nine years of knowing someone they're not quite a new person anymore.

She joked sarcastically looking at him with a smartass face.

AKAASHI: Well, it's not like we talked a lot even when you hung out with us...
Y/N: Yeah, but I still knew you.
AKAASHI: Are you implying that if you hadn't met me years ago that you wouldn't like me?
Y/N: Who said I do?

She smirked and walk past him when Akaashi stopped walking, a hand on his chest acting playfully as if she broke his heart in half. It was like they were completely different people around eachother.

Y/N: Well, you probably know well that this is my house.
AKAASHI: I actually haven't been here in years...

He put his hands in his pant pockets and looked up at the house.

Y/N: Why's that?
AKAASHI: I don't know, Bokuto-san stopped inviting me, I didn't mind hanging out at my house so...
Y/N: I wonder why he did that...
AKAASHI: Don't ask yourself about Bokuto-san's reasons, you'll end up becoming as stupid as he is.

She laughed and walked closer to the house, Akaashi followed her.

Y/N: Well, thanks for escorting me... Again.
AKAASHI: My pleasure. If you want I can pick you up in the mornings too.

He was clearly joking, but there was a hint of truth, though he never expected she wouldn't think of him as a weirdo for saying something like that.

Y/N: I'd like that.
AKAASHI: W- uh-m...

She laughed heartily and walked up to the door, pulled out her keys and opened it.

AKAASHI: Goodnight, (y/n).
Y/N: See you at half past seven...

She closed the door grinning and Akaashi stared at the door for a while, surprised, before smiling and shaking his head.

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