Chapter 11 - Love.

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A/N: BRUH LOOK HOW HOT HE IS THERE HOLY HSMSDHKEBDDK. Ok, I'll calm down. Here's the chapter:


YUKIE: So, uhm, what exactly did you do at Keiji's?
Y/N: Huh? Oh, I just slept there and then he made me breakfast the next morning and walked me home.
YUKIE: Where'd you sleep?
Y/N: His bedroom...
YUKIE: Where'd he sleep?
Y/N: His parents' bedroom? What's with all the questions?
YUKIE: Just curious...
Y/N: You're lying, what's up?
YUKIE: It's just- He didn't try anything on you, did he?

(y/n) choked on her salad

Y/N: What the- No! What the hell, Yukie?! Why would you think that?!
YUKIE: I don't know... Just making sure...
Y/N: Jesus, he was just helping me out when I felt down, he's a good guy. This is Keiji we're talking about...
YUKIE: Yea, yea I know...
Y/N: He doesn't even like me like that.
YUKIE: Yeah...


AKAASHI: Hey there, how are you today?
Y/N: I'm good, thanks...
AKAASHI: That's good. Uhm, want me to walk you to class?
Y/N: Sure.

Akaashi smiled at her and made his way in the corridor beside her. When they reached her class Akaashi moved in front of her.

AKAASHI: So, are you coming to watch us at the spring tournament?
Y/N: I was planning on it. I even pulled out my old camera, I wanted to take pictures for the team.
AKAASHI: Oh, cool. But wouldn't you be really far away on the stands?
Y/N: Hmmm, I suppose so...
AKAASHI: You know what? If you hand in a copy of your document to the refs you can actually take pictures from the court.
Y/N: Really? Then I guess I'll do that, thanks Keiji!
AKAASHI: No problem.
Y/N: Hey, uhm, thanks again for, everything you've been doing recently...
AKAASHI: Of course. Are you sure you're doing okay?
Y/N: Yeah, I'm good, thanks. Again, heh.

Akaashi looked at the ground and then back up into her eyes, smiling.

AKAASHI: (You have no idea what I would do for you) You're welcome, again.

They smiled at each other...

Oh, (y/n), hello to you too baby sis.
Y/N: I'm not a baby, and don't call me sis.
BOKUTO: Oh come on!!! I'm just trying to give you love!
Y/N: (And I appreciate it)
I have to get to class.

She walked into the classroom and sat at her desk.

Y/N: (I wanna show my affection to you, I can't bring myself to it though. I'm sorry, Kou...)

She sighed softly and pulled out her notebook.


YUKIE: Ssssooo... You and (y/n)?

She said as she handed him a water bottle.

AKAASHI: What about (y/n) and I?
YUKIE: What's going on with you two?
AKAASHI: Honestly; nothing.
She broke up with Matsuura but I can't, no, I won't make a move on her while she's still damaged.
I'm not sure I could even if she weren't damaged...
AKAASHI: I don't know, I don't know how she feels, it's scary. I don't want to lose her as a friend if she says no. I can't help her out if we're not friends.
YUKIE: Well, if you aren't friends why should you want to help her?
AKAASHI: Because I love her, obviousl-
YUKIE: Did you just-
AKAASHI: I think I did...
YUKIE: You love her?
AKAASHI: I love her.


AKAASHI: (No, I can't deal with this... I cannot deal with this realization right now, I just can't... Fuck, I love her. I do. I love her so much. I want to hug her and kiss her and I want her to be mine, but I can't make her mine, fuck. I hate this... But I love her)

He thought to himself after really sucking at practice because of his clouded mind. His heart hurt and his stomach fluttered at the same time because of her. He wanted her so badly he could barely breathe, but the thought of rejection made him forget her ever being his.

Y/N: Wow, strong language, big guy...
AKAASHI: (y/n)? What are you doing here?
Y/N: Walking home with you?
AKAASHI: I didn't see you at practice.
Y/N: That's because I was busy signing up at the photography club.
AKAASHI: Heyy, you finally found a club to join, that's great!
Y/N: Yeah! I'm excited, I already begged the president to assign the boys' volleyball club to me so I can come with you at the spring tournament.
AKAASHI: Wow, look at you!
Y/N: Yes, yes, I am aware of my magnificence, praise me!
AKAASHI: My queen, you truly are a goddess of begging club presidents.
Y/N: Oh shut up!

She lightly hit his arm and giggled.
Before they knew it they were already at (y/n)'s house.

Y/N: Goodnight, Keiji.

She smiled sweetly.

AKAASHI: Heh, goodnight, (y/n)...

He smiled back, feeling his heart flutter.
(y/n) entered the house and Akaashi whispered one last thing before leaving;

AKAASHI: I love you...


(y/n) closed her bedroom door and leaned against it, smiling to herself, thinking about Akaashi's playful jokes. She felt light when she was with him, when everything else felt heavy, he always made her feel light.

She gazed out the window, observing as he walked on along the street, a small frown on his face making (y/n) wonder about it before brushing it off and going to sleep.

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