Chapter 13 - Safe.

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A/N: WARNING: this chapter gets pretty graphic in a really bad way.

Y/N: So, what do you wanna watch?
Comedy? Horror? Thriller?
AKAASHI: Anything's fine.
Y/N: Please pick one! I'm terrible at making decisions...
( If we watch a horror movie she might get scared and need to hug me? Fuck, I'm thinking like an asshole )
A thriller would be good.
Y/N: Okay!
( Oh god thrillers give me nightmares, why didn't he pick horror? I could've hugged him... Oh, right, he's not an asshole )

(y/n) started the movie and sat beside him on the couch. His eyes were concentrated on the movie, hers, however, could not leave his figure as she felt how close he was every second that passed. Her heart was thumping and she had to stop herself from gasping for air when he licked his lips.

Y/N: ( Fuck, stop it, (y/n). You need to calm down, focus on the movie )


Halfway into the movie and she was already getting anxious. The thing about horror movies is that they have imaginary monsters and stuff, but thrillers? Those have real people doing some real fucked up things. And that's what scared her.

Without realizing it she was moving closer to Akaashi and after a few minutes she was burying her face in his arm.

AKAASHI: ( Woah, woah, woah, what is happening. I didn't expect this to happen, I didn't prepare for this, shit I'm gonna pass out if she doesn't let go right n- )

She was hugging his arm now, and as much as Akaashi looked indifferent on the outside, he was screaming on the inside. All he wanted to do was wrap his arms around her and shield her from
whatever fear she had, but obviously, he couldn't do it. He didn't know that she liked him back.


Y/N: Jesus, that was some movie...
AKAASHI: I wonder how they come up with those kinds of sick things for these movies...
Y/N: I don't, I really do not want to think about that kinda stuff...

She shivered, remembering what she just saw.

AKAASHI: Hey, tonight was great. Thanks for having me over.
Y/N: Sure! We can do it anytime. But, it'd be better if we didn't watch a thriller. They make me anxious.

Akaashi chuckled and gave her a sweet smile that made her heart melt. It was the same old smile he always gave her, but it felt different after realizing her feelings.

AKAASHI: I guess I'll see you monday then...
Y/N: Yeah, I guess so...
( I wish you'd stay longer... )

(y/n) walked him to the door and then went to her room to change into her pajamas and hopefully get some sleep.


Akaashi walked out of the house, and as he turned around he found someone stumbling on (y/n)'s porch (A/N: is that how you spell porch? Or portch? Idk man)

AKAASHI: Matsuura? What are you doing here?
MATSUURA; I got back from London. You? What the FUCK are YOU doing here?
AKAASHI: I watched a movie with (y/n) and now I'm going home. Are you drunk?
MATSUURA: No! Are you her boyfriend or some shit?
AKAASHI: No, we're just friends.
MATSUURA: Good, cause I'm gonna get her back.

He growled and walked past Akaashi.
Akaashi grabbed his arm;

AKAASHI: Hey, no. You're drunk, you need to go home.
MATSUURA: I can do whatever the fuck I want, and I am not fucking drunk.

He growled as he swung his fist at Akaashi's face hitting him with all his strength. Akaashi didn't realize what was happening before it was too late and he fell to the floor almost unconscious from the hit.

Matsuura opened the door. (y/n) hadn't locked it yet. He made his way to her room, swinging the door open, scaring (y/n). She was getting changed, so she was in her underwear. She grabbed a blanket to cover herself.

Y/N: Hansuke?! What are you doing here?!
MATSUURA: Hey, baby, I know we broke up in a bad way, but I'm willing to forgive you and we can get back together...
Y/N: You're delusional if you think I'd ever get back with you. Get the fuck out of my house.
MATSUURA: Now, now... No need to use such strong words.

He growled as he grabbed the blanket and threw it to one side of the room.

MATSUURA: God, I missed your perfect body...

He said as he held her by the throat, slightly choking her, preventing her to get out of his grasp. His other hand moved to her ass, roughly squeezing it as he bit and sucked on the part of her neck that wasn't covered by his hand.

(y/n) slapped his choking hand and dug her nails into it, trying to pry him away but he didn't budge. He pushed her against a wall and started teasing her clit.

MATSUURA: Come on... Don't resist. You and I both know how much of a slut you were for my touch.
Don't think I forgot how your blowjobs feel...
You used to suck me off with so much devotion...
And now my dick's going to see how you feel on the inside...

(y/n) squirmed to get out of his grip, doing her best to get him off her but to no avail. He pulled her bra down and sucked on one of her nipples as his other hand snaked around her panties and teased her entrance, he pushed a finger inside her and she cried in pain, she was completely dry and it felt as if he was scratching her insides.
(y/n) couldn't help but think that this was the end. This was how her first time was going to go wasted and she couldn't do anything about it. No amount of crying or screaming was going to save her...

Akaashi sneaked into the room, still slightly confused from his concussion. He tapped Matsuura on the shoulder.

AKAASHI: Hey asshole!

He said and as Matsuura turned around he punched him in the face, full force, and knocked him out.
(y/n) dropped to the floor, coughing and gasping for air as she cried and held her throat.

AKAASHI: Hey, you're okay, it's gonna be okay...

He could have just taken the blanket and wrapped it around her, but his concussion was kicking in so he just pulled his hoodie off and put it on her, and then cautiously hugged her, thinking she might get scared at a stranger's touch after what had happened.

AKAASHI: It's just me, it's Keiji...

He said as he leaned in for the hug.
(y/n) dropped into his arms, crying and he rubbed her back and hair lovingly.

AKAASHI: It's okay, you're safe...

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