Chapter 15 - People.

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Y/N: I'm pretty sure I got the conclusion wrong on the last one...
YUKIE: How so?
Y/N: I got 1<x<8 but the 2 wasn't included so I should've written 1<x<2 V 2<x<8...
YUKIE: Ohhh, yeah I always used to do that last year...
Y/N: I even knew it was wrong as I was writing it too, UGHH! I'm so stupid...
YUKIE: Come on, don't beat yourself up about it, the rest of it was correct so you'll still pass.
Y/N: I guess so, but it would have been a perfect score.

She pouted and all of a sudden, out of the blue, two arms wrapped around her waist.

AKAASHI: Hey you...

He smiled and gave her a kiss on the lips.

Y/N: Woah! Keiji, you scared me!
AKAASHI: Sorry, I saw you pout from across the hall and I couldn't help myself.
Y/N: But wait are we... Like... Telling people already?
AKAASHI: Might aswell, right?
I have nothing to hide...

He smiled and brought his lips to touch hers again.


Both of them turned to look at her while still wrapped around eachother.
Her eyes were wide as they jumped from one to the other person in front of them.

Y/N: Oh, right, yeah. We're... Uhm-
AKAASHI: A thing...
Y/N: A thing yeah...
YUKIE: And you jus- Why di- Bu- Y- WHAT?!
Y/N: Must we repeat ourselves?
YUKIE: I- I don-
AKAASHI: Wanna go somewhere for lunch? There's a new ramen place right around the corner.
Y/N: I'll get my things.

She smiled and they left, leaving Yukie utterly speechless and confused.


As they walked across the campus toward the gate, hand in hand, various students whispered about them with curiosity.

GIRL 1: Is that Akaashi-kun?
GIRL 2: I think it is... Who's that girl?
GIRL 1: I think it's Bokuto-san's sister... (y/n).
GIRL 2: Are they together?
GIRL 1: It seems so... I've seen them walk to school together a few times...
GIRL 2: They're cute!
GIRL 1: I know, right?!

They giggled and followed the two of them with their gaze.

Y/N: You know they're talking about us, right?
AKAASHI: Eh, let 'em talk, I don't really care about anyone else other than us.
Y/N: What about Koutarou?
AKAASHI: Ah, well, yes I do care what he thinks but I'm not gonna back off just because he doesn't approve.

He stopped walking and spun (y/n) around before wrapping his arms around her waist, she returned the gesture and wrapped her arms around his neck.

AKAASHI: I've been waiting for you way too long to let you go now...

He spoke those words with a calm, collected voice and then proceeded to lean in and kiss her passionately and they stayed that way for a while before walking into the restaurant where they were going to eat so much they could barely breathe.


(y/n) sat nervously at her desk at the last period of the day, bouncing her leg restlessly as she bit her lip and stared at the clock waiting for its hands to move so the bell could ring.

Y/N: ( I miss Keijiiiii )

She whined in her thoughts. A warm feeling filling her up as she thought about him, her hands holding up her head as she grinned from ear to ear and lost herself in her thoughts. Before she knew it the bell rang and shook her out of her daydreams. She jumped up from her seat and, grabbing her belongings, she speed-walked out of the class and made her way to the gym.

She reached the gym almost skipping like a little girl and she felt her stomach flutter as she saw Akaashi's face, all concentrated on his stretching.

As soon as he lifted up his head and saw her outside the door a big smile formed on his face and his teammates stared at him, all of them weirded out by that sudden revelation they barely ever saw.

He stood up quickly and jogged to the door, giving (y/n) a soft peck on the lips while placing his hands on her hips. His teammates were even more confused now.

Y/N: Should you really be getting up during practice like that?
AKAASHI: I'm captain, I can do whatever i want. Plus... It's for a good cause.

He said as he gave her another kiss, longer and more passionate than the first.

Akaashi went back to practice and (y/n) sat and watched him in awe as he worked, her hands holding up her head and her expression almost the same as Akane's when Lev actually did something right.

During the team's meeting (y/n) was lazily scrolling through her social media when her brother texted her.

From: Koutarou
Hey sis! I'm in town for the week and I'm omw home, you still at school?

To: Koutarou

From: Koutarou
Want me to pick you up?

(y/n) was half way through writing her reply when Akaashi swooped in and hugged her from the back, leaving soft kisses on her cheek.

AKAASHI: Hey there...
Y/N: Heyy...

She smiled and turned around while wrapping her arms around his neck.

AKAASHI: Did you know you're very cute when you stare at me all impressed?
Y/N: I wasn't staring all impressed.
AKAASHI: Oh please, you looked like a little girl outside of a candy shop.
Y/N: Hmmm that's a good metaphor.

She smiled and leaned in to kiss him, his grip tightened around her as they made out. His teammates utterly weirded out by that public display of affection but even more weirded out by the smile that was painted across Akaashi's face throughout the entire training.

The two of them stood there smiling on each other's lips, giggling at each other and hugging each other in the middle of the school grounds.

AKAASHI: You're adorable.
Y/N: You're not so bad yourself...

They giggled once again.

BOKUTO: Hey si- Wai- What the f-

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