Chapter 6 - Why?

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MATSUURA: (y/n)! Wait up!
Y/N: Hm?
MATSUURA: How'd the test go?
Y/N: It went well, I think. I don't really wanna think about it too much though, otherwise I'll start worrying about everything and I'll have a breakdown...
MATSUURA: Wise choice...
Anyways... About yesterday, uhm...

Both of them turned really shy, but it was only perceivable from Matsuura's side.

MATSUURA: I'd really like to take you out on a date... What do ya say?
Y/N: Uhm, I don't-
MATSUURA: Please...

He took her hand and stared into her eyes, now you could see a faint red color creeping up on her cheeks, her heart started thumping hard and she couldn't help but ask herself what that feeling was.

Y/N: S-sure, I guess... When do you wanna go out?
MATSUURA: I have a match tomorrow so, how about Sunday? I can pick you up early, around seven, and we can eat out?
Y/N: T-that sounds nice...
MATSUURA: Alright then, I'll see you Sunday, then.

And he left, but not before sliding his hand between her hair and her cheek and giving her a passionate kiss on the lips while his other hand pulled her close from the small of her back.


(y/n) heard a familiar voice getting louder and louder as Yukie ran towards her.

Y/N: What?! Calm down, jeez.

The setter walked toward the both of them, wondering if he'd heard those words right.

YUKIE: I'm sorry but this is HUGE!! I can't wait to tell-
Y/N: No one! You will be telling no one... I don't want one peep from you about this understood?

She scolded firmly.

YUKIE: Understood...

(y/n) flipped her heard and glared at Akaashi.

AKAASHI: Oh, I would never.

He reasoned raising his hands.

YUKIE: So are you guys a thing now?!
Y/N: Not really, we're just going out, nothing's sure yet...
I mean... It's good you're not diving into anything with someone like him.
Y/N: Like him?!
AKAASHI: He can be an asshole at times, just saying...
Y/N: Keiji, your middleschool experiences have nothing to do with this...

He glared at Yukie.


He pointed at her and she ran behind (y/n), protecting herself from him.

AKAASHI: Whatever, I was just warning.
Y/N: Yea, thanks. I gotta go, see you Monday.
AKAASHI: Goodbye...
YUKIE: Were you really "just warning"?
AKAASHI: Of course I was, what else would I be doing?
YUKIE: Oh, I dunno, maybe you're jealous of Matsuura because you like (y/n)?
AKAASHI: Don't be silly, me and (y/n) are friends, and I just don't like Matsuura at all, is that so wrong?
YUKIE: Not at all, it's just you only get this worked up when it has to do with him and her, not with him alone...
AKAASHI: You're delusional.

He bluntly stated and left.


(y/n) shyly walked down the city's main shopping road trying to find some clothes to wear that evening on her date. She was never one to overdo it so she wasn't looking for anything too fancy, especially because Matsuura wasn't that kind of guy. Finally her eyes landed on a little black dress with a red flower motif, it was tight on the torso and loose at the bottom. The neckline complimented her breasts perfectly and she had just the right jacket to go with it at home.
Needless to say; that dress was her pick. She paid for it and then decided to go get a crépe before she head home.

As she was eating it on a bench she heard a familiar voice call her.

AKAASHI: (y/n)?
Y/N: Oh! Hey, Keiji!
AKAASHI: What brings you around here?
Y/N: I bought a dress for my date tonight...
AKAASHI: Oh, nice.
Y/N: Yeah... What about you?
AKAASHI: Oh I came here to get a present for my mo-

A man bumped into him as he was speaking which caused him to hit (y/n)'s arm and smearing chocolate from the crépe all over her sweater.

AKAASHI: Oh god, I'm so sorry, are you alright?
Y/N: I'm fine... My sweater? Not so much...
AKAASHI: Do you have any other clean clothes or-
Y/N: The only thing I have is this dress but it's sleeveless and I don't have a jacket...
AKAASHI: Here, take mine. I'm fine without...

She took the clothes and changed in a nearby shop's changing room. When she came out, all flustered, her breasts appearing almost heavenly, Akaashi's mouth flew open. He stayed with his eyes peeled and his mouth wide open for a while until he realized he was in public and that heavenly vision was shared by all the other men in that place, he quickly zipped hip his jacket around her so her breasts wouldn't be in sight anymore with the excuse of it being cold and her chance of catching a cold.

Akaashi walked her home and once she was inside he left for his own. As he laid on the bed he thought about her again. How she was going to dress up and go out with Matsuura, how he was going to get to see her smile, laugh, how he was going to get to touch her, hug her, maybe kiss her. A sharp agonizing pain shot through his throat, he sighed and brought his hands together, resting them on his forehead, he did his best not to think about them, but he wasn't very successful.

AKAASHI: (God, why do I feel this way?)

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