Chapter 8 - Birthday • Part 1.

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(Btw big time skip bc i need to post this on his bday and i can't connect lmao)


YUKIE: Oh, I know! Let's go out for drinks!!
AKAASHI: I was thinking of something a little less... Extreme...
YUKIE: Hah! You call that extreme?! I should tell you about the time me and Kou-
AKAASHI: Can we stay on topic please?
YUKIE: Fine, fine... What could be something less "extreme"?
AKAASHI: I don't know... Maybe just a chill dinner at my house with the team.
YUKIE: I guess that sounds nice... For a 40-year-old!
AKAASHI: Well, call me a 40-year-old, that's what I want, if you don't want to come, no one's begging you to.
YUKIE: Ouch!

She frowned at the raven haired boy and he just kept looking forward and staring at the snow outside the window as it fell on the white ground.

YUKIE: Sssooo... I gotta ask... You gonna invite
AKAASHI: I don't plan on it, besides, I don't really think she would want an invitation.
YUKIE: Are you sure? Just because she's with Matsuura now doesn't mean she doesn't care about you anymore...
AKAASHI: She hasn't really shown to be that caring of me lately, so why should I believe otherwise?
YUKIE: Come on! It's first love! You can't be mad at that, it's adorable!

Akaashi flipped his head to give her a killer stare.

YUKIE: Sorry, sorry. I forgot for a moment...
AKAASHI: The only reason you know about my feelings for her is because you figured them out before I did, how could you possibly forget?
YUKIE: I'm sorry, geez!
Come on, Keiji, just invite her. It's no big deal. What's the worst that could happen?
AKAASHI: She brings him. And they kiss in front of me.

An angry childish frown made its way on his face.

AKAASHI: I don't wanna see him with her.
YUKIE: Damn, you've got it that bad for her, huh?

He just looked back to the snow and sighed.

AKAASHI: Hello Bokuto-san-

His eyes widened as he saw Matsuura standing behind his best friend, his right arm around (y/n)'s waist.

AKAASHI: Thank you, Bokuto-san.

He turned his back to the window to speak to his best friend.

Y/N: Happy birthday, Keiji.

She smiled softly and sweetly and Akaashi felt his heartbeat quicken until he cut in.

MATSUURA: Happy birthday.
AKAASHI: Yea, thanks.

He internally eyerolled at him and kept his focus off of (y/n).

Y/N: So, what do you plan on doing for your birthday?
AKAASHI: Oh, uhm. Nothi-
YUKIE: We were just talking about it actually, Keiji thought we could all have dinner at his house. Us and the rest of the team of course.
Y/N: That sounds nice!
YUKIE: (Of course she'd be the only one to agree with him).
AKAASHI: (You're perky, perkier than usual. Why are you so perky? You're never this perky).
Y/N: K-Keiji...?
AKAASHI: Huh? Oh yeah, I'm having a dinner at my house.
YUKIE: Annnd...
AKAASHI: What? What I'm making? I haven't thought that far ahead yet.
YUKIE: No, you dumbass! (y/n), Matsuura, I'm sure Keiji would love it if you both could join.
Y/N: Oh, unfortunately Matsu's leaving this evening... He's going to play high level soccer abroad. But I'll be there Keiji...

She smiled at him and his heart... It did that thing again. But all he could think was...

AKAASHI: ("Matsu"? Ew).
Y/N: Keiji?
AKAASHI: Yeah, sure, the more the merrier.

He spat out nervously, although his nervousness was undetectable.

YUKIE: Great then, we'll be there too.

She looked at her boyfriend who had been suspiciously quiet the whole time and realized he wasn't there, when she looked up he was walking back to the table with three sandwiches in his hands.

BOKUTO: What'd I miss?


Akaashi ran around the kitchen non stop checking on every part of the meal he was preparing, having a hard time staying behind all of them.

*ding dong*

AKAASHI: (The doorbell? NOW?! Who the hell is this early?)

He ran to the door and swung it open, visibly frustrated.

Y/N: Hey, sorry I'm early, habit...
AKAASHI: (y/n), hey... Uhm, come in. I have to run back to the stoves but make yourself at home.
Y/N: Okay...

She walked in and as Akaashi ran back to the kitchen he noticed how poorly he was dressed and panicked.

AKAASHI: (Did she really see me like this?!)
Y/N: Hey, uhm, you want me to keep an eye on some of that?
AKAASHI: Huh? Oh, uh, I mean, if you want...
Y/N: Sure, go do whatever it is you need to do.
AKAASHI: Thanks.

He quickly made his way to his room and slipped into some jeans and a navy blue thin wool sweater with a bit of a turtleneck. He had taken out his contacts since he was home alone but now he couldn't be bothered to put them back in so he wore his glasses.

AKAASHI: I'm back, sorry about that.
Y/N: Woah...
AKAASHI: What? Is it my clothes?
Y/N: No, no, it's just that I've never seen you with glasses before...
AKAASHI: Oh, yeah, sorry I-
Y/N: You should wear them more often, you look good.
AKAASHI: T-thanks...

She went back to focusing on the meat she was cooking and left him to control his heart from going into cardiac arrest.

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