Chapter 10 - They Aren't.

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Akaashi woke up, slightly confused as to where he had slept and as his sight became clearer he remembered the night before, and who was currently in his bed.

AKAASHI: (y/n)...

He thought to himself as he got up from the bed. He went up to his bedroom door to knock but he heard (y/n) talking.

Y/N: So yeah, we're over now.
YUKIE: Jeez, I'm sorry about that... I had no idea...
Y/N: Yeah, I hardly did, hehe...
YUKIE: You didn't... Do anything with 'im did you?
Y/N: L-like what?
YUKIE: Like, you know, sex.
Y/N: Yukie!
YUKIE: Did you?!
Y/N: Well, not sex b-but we did some things...
YUKIE: Like?
Y/N: I dunno! F-foreplay...?
YUKIE: So what, he fingered you?
Y/N: Yes okay, he fingered me, do you have to be so explicit all the time?! God!

Akaashi of course couldn't hear Yukie speaking over the phone but (y/n)'s words were just enough for him to be sick to his stomach. He walked into the bathroom and washed his face with freezing water to shake himself out of his own thoughts, but it wasn't half successful. He sat on the bathtub and his mind couldn't stop wandering off to that horrific scene. Her, naked in his bed, his hands all over her body. The thought of her moaning his name made him almost choke on his own disgust.

Y/N: Oh, good morning.

(y/n) said as she walked out of the room and saw him sitting there alone, Akaashi however was to engulfed in his own thoughts to hear her speak.

Y/N: Keiji? Keiji!
AKAASHI: Oh, hey, goodmorning, sorry...
Y/N: Are you okay? You look pale...
AKAASHI: It must be the cold.
Y/N: Yeah maybe...
AKAASHI: Did you sleep okay?
Y/N: Oh, yes, you've got a top notch bed there.
AKAASHI: Believe me, I know. It's hard for me to get up in the morning.
Y/N: If I were with you I wouldn't.
Y/N: I mean if I were you, haha, I must still be worn out from last night.

She was sincere, as in she didn't even realize the words that were coming out of her mouth until after they did, but what she said made Akaashi's heart pound so hard it could rip his chest open.

AKAASHI: Do you want breakfast?
Y/N: Oh, don't worry about it, I can just go home and get out of your hair...
AKAASHI: Oh, come on, it's no problem for me, I'm more than happy to offer you breakfast. Seriously, I'd feel bad if you refused.
Y/N: Well then, I guess I'll just have to accept.


(y/n) sat at the kitchen counter, looking at memes on her phone, giggling at some of them like a little girl. Akaashi couldn't help but stare as her eyes glimmered with amusement and he almost burnt the eggs by doing so. The whole feel of the situation felt like she was his and he had to remind himself that she wasn't to stop his body from instinctively walking up to her and kissing her.

AKAASHI: Here...

He said as he placed a plate full of eggs in front of her on the counter.

Y/N: Thanks... These smell amazing...

She said as she looked at the eggs eagerly.

Y/N: Are you not eating?
AKAASHI: Nah, there's not enough for both of us and plus, I don't even get hungry this early in the morning.
Y/N: Keiji! Did you seriously give up your breakfast for me?! No way, we're sharing this. C'mon grab a fork.
AKAASHI: Don't worry about me (y/n), I'm not hungry.
Y/N: Don't you even try, you are not skipping breakfast because of me, get a fork and share this with me right now.
AKAASHI: Fine, fine.

He grabbed a fork from the drawer and helped himself to the plate that (y/n) had moved to the center of the counter.
They talked as they ate, (y/n) giggled at his jokes and once again Akaashi felt like she was his, sharing breakfast in his house, her wearing his clothes, her cute little giggles, everything made it feel like they were together.

But they weren't.

And Akaashi knew that.

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