Chapter 9 - Birthday • Part 2.

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Akaashi's house was now full with people, all his teammates and friends had arrived and everyone was enjoying the evening, complimenting Akaashi from time to time for the meal he had prepared on his own. When they were done eating Yukie pulled out a bottle of champagne to make a toast to her childhood friend's birthday. After that everyone moved to the living room and talked while eating the birthday cake that (y/n) had brought, in the meantime Akaashi was cleaning up the mess in the dining room unnoticed, or so he thought.

Y/N: Hey...
AKAASHI: Oh, hey. I was just starting the work so that I don't have to clean everything up when I'm dead tired...
Y/N: You want a hand?
AKAASHI: Nah, it's fine. I'm done for now anyways.
Y/N: Good...

She handed him a glass of champagne.

Y/N: Listen Keiji, uhm, I know I haven't been the best of friends lately... I just-
AKAASHI: Yeah I know, Matsuura...
Y/N: Yeah, uhm... I still miss you though, Yukie's not the best to talk to about the deep stuff...
AKAASHI: (You'd be surprised)
Well, it's first love. You can't be mad at it, right? It's adorable...
Y/N: Yeahh, uhh. That's really not it...
Y/N: Things lately haven't been the best with Matsu...
AKAASHI: What do you mean?
Y/N: He's gotten really jealous, and kinda possessive... Half of the time I wanted to hang out with you but he would always find a way to drag my attention away from you and onto him. I don't know why he didn't act the same way with everyone else in the team... Maybe because you're closer friends with Koutarou?
AKAASHI: But... You seemed really happy this morning when you guys came to talk to me.
Y/N: That was because it was the first time in weeks that I'd get to talk to you... Matsu couldn't act possessive in front of Koutarou too so...
Y/N: We had a big fight before he left too. He didn't want me to come here tonight. We didn't even kiss goodbye. He's been blowing up my phone for an hour now but I can't deal with him. My head hurts, and I feel dizzy.

Akaashi glanced at her glass, empty.

AKAASHI: Fuck, (y/n), how many glasses have you had?
Y/N: I dunno.
AKAASHI: You're drunk. Come sit down.

He took her hand and guided her to the little sofa beside the window. He then proceeded to pour her a glass of water.

AKAASHI: Drink some water, you'll feel better.

Her phone vibrated.

Y/N: Ugh, it's him again.
AKAASHI: (y/n), if what you're saying is true this relationship isn't healthy...
Y/N: So what do I do?
AKAASHI: I can't tell you exactly what to do but you have two options; if you think he's worth it, you fight for him, call him back, talk it through. If you don't think so then...
Y/N: We break up.
AKAASHI: Yeah... And ask yourself; who's more important? You or him?


(Y/n) looked at the phone and bit her lip before answering the call.

Y/N: H-hello?
MATSUURA: (y/n) where are you?! I've been calling you for hours.
Y/N: I'm at Keiji's party.
MATSUURA: What the hell, (y/n)?! I thought I told you not to go to that.
Y/N: Keiji's my friend, Matsu! You can't just tell me not to go to my friend's party!
MATSUURA: (y/n), leave that house.
Y/N: No.
Y/N: No.
MATSUURA: Stop playing, (y/n). Leave that house or I swear to god, it's over.
Y/N: Fine.

Tears started welling up in her eyes and Akaashi held her hand.

Y/N: I said fine.
MATSUURA: I know what you fucking said.
Y/N: Good. Then you know it's over.
MATSUURA: No it's not (y/n)-
Y/N: Bye.
MATSUURA: Don't you dare hang up the ph-

She hung up and threw the phone on the floor before throwing herself into Akaashi's arms. He gladly took her in and stroked her hair as she cried out all her built up frustration.

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