Chapter 16 - Approval.

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BOKUTO: Akaashi...?
AKAASHI: Bokuto-san... I-
BOKUTO: I didn't just see that right now, did I?
That was a trick my mind played on me, right?
AKAASHI: Bokuto-san, if you'll just let me explain...
BOKUTO: Fine, (y/n) can you leave us?
Y/N: N-no, we need to talk all togethe-
BOKUTO: Please leave us, (y/n)...

He was firm, but he still managed to be gentle to his little sister, (y/n) picked up on the situation and left, entering the gym and quickly walking toward Yukie.

BOKUTO: How long've you been messing around with her?
AKAASHI: I haven't been "messing around" with her, we're-
BOKUTO: You're what? A couple?
AKAASHI: W-well, not yet; not officially at least, but I plan on asking the official question on our next date.
BOKUTO: Akaashi...
BOKUTO: What happened the night of your birthday?
AKAASHI: What do you mean?
BOKUTO: She slept over, what happened.
AKAASHI: Do you seriously believe that I slept with her, completely out of nowhere, AND while she still had a boyfriend?
BOKUTO: I don't know what to believe, but I'd hate to find out that you're the one that came in between her and Matsuura. She was devastated for weeks after they broke up.
AKAASHI: It's been a year, do you honestly think we could have hidden out relationship for a year? We've been dating for a day and we've already flaunted it around school.
BOKUTO: I don't know, Akaashi, all I know is that you're not answering my question; I need to know what you and (y/n) did the night of your birthday, and the weekend Yukie was with me...
AKAASHI: Bokuto-san, plea-
Y/N: Tell him.
AKAASHI: (y/n)? Are you sure?
Y/N: You've been so sweet to not tell him about it, but I guess I've got to talk about it sometime...
AKAASHI: If you're ready, so am I...
BOKUTO: What's going on, what are you talking about?
Y/N: The night I slept over after Keiji's birthday was the night I really broke up with Matsuura...

Her body stiffened as she spoke his name and his face popped up into her mind. She felt his hand around her throat and she started to feel like she couldn't breathe, as if he were still there, choking her. Her heart rate sped up and she had a panicked look on her face.

AKAASHI: Hey, hey, you're safe now...

(y/n) snapped out of it and turned toward him, she held his hand and looked back to her brother who was visibly concerned and irked by the sudden touch between the two.

Y/N: That night Matsuura didn't want me to go to Keiji's because the two of them had that weird rivalry and he was jealous of Keiji. I went anyway and he kept blowing up my phone. Toward the end of the night I decided to answer him, he treated me like i was his property, so I broke up with him and hung up the phone.

Bokuto stared at both of them extremely confused.

AKAASHI: And then the other night, when Yukie was away with you, Matsuura came back. And he-

He stopped and glanced at (y/n).

"I'm not ready, you say it"

That's what her eyes were saying.

AKAASHI: After we watched the movie I left, as I was leaving, I bumped into Matsuura on your porch. He was drunk. He punched me in the face and I almost lost consciousness. When I finally got back on my feet and stepped into the house I found him in (y/n)'s room... He was-

(y/n) buried her face into his chest.

AKAASHI: His hands were on her, where they shouldn't have been. He was almost feral as he-
As he strangled her. I returned the punch and knocked him out. Kuramoto brought him home. (y/n) told him that she wouldn't press charges as long as he stayed away from her forever.

Akaashi pat (y/n)'s back as he held her close to him.

BOKUTO: (y/n)? Is this true?
Y/N: It-It-

She suddenly ran to the nearest garbage bin and threw up in it. The thought of that night had made her sick to her stomach. Bokuto and Akaashi ran after her, both worried about her.

Y/N: Yes, it's true unfortunately...
BOKUTO: How could you not tell me something like that I-
Y/N: It's not the type of thing that comes up randomly...

She cried.

BOKUTO: B-but I could've- I could've beat that piece of shit to a pulp, I could've done something-
Y/N: That's exactly what I don't want... If you do that he will still be associated with me. I just want him to disappear and I never want to think about him again. He can live out his life, he can change. And if he doesn't then karma's gonna bite him in the ass eventually. Just... Kou...

Bokuto's eyes widened. That nickname, she hadn't called him that in years.

Y/N: Let's just look to the future now, please?
Mine's right here.

She said as she took Akaashi's hand into hers.

Y/N: This is good, he's good for me, we're good for each other.
BOKUTO: Well if both of you feel that way... I guess I'm okay with it. I completely approve of you guys.
But if you make her even the slightest bit sad-
AKAASHI: Yea, yea, I know...

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