Chapter 18 - Beginnings.

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BOKUTO: You okay?
Y/N: It's been 12 years, Kou. You'd think you would stop asking me that every day like clockwork.
BOKUTO: For once I'm not asking because of Matsuura. You're getting married tomorrow, of course I'm gonna ask if you're ok.
Y/N: I'm... Exactly where I wanna be.
BOKUTO: I'm glad. And I'm so happy for you.
Y/N: I know... Goodnight bro.
BOKUTO: Goodnight sis.

She smiled to herself as she switched off her phone. She took a deep breath and as soon as her face touched the pillow she fell asleep.
Being a bride-to-be is hard work.


(y/n) woke up like she always did; messy and disoriented. But then she remembered what day it was, the sun was creeping through the windows and her wedding dress was smiling directly at her. She lept out of bed and ran to the bathroom to have a shower.

As she came out her bridesmaids met her in her room.

YUKIE: There she is! And as beautiful as ever...
Y/N: Oh stop!
YUKIE: You excited?
Y/N: I can barely contain myself.
YUKIE: Well, you're gonna have to because we need to get your hair and makeup done...
Y/N: I'll try my best...

She grinned.


(y/n) stared at herself in the mirror. Everything was perfect. The hair. The makeup. The dress.
The groom.

YUKIE: It's time. You ready?
Y/N: 100%


Tears filled her mother's eyes as (y/n) walked along the runway in between the chairs. She whispered greetings to the friends and family as she passed by. Finally she reached Bokuto who held out his hand for her to take, and started walking her down the isle.

BOKUTO: You look amazing.
Y/N: Thanks, Kou.

She said as she continued to smile at her guests.

BOKUTO: He's drooling...

(y/n) chuckled as she looked up into his eyes and, yes, he was drooling. He smiled at her. And she smiled back as she walked in front of him and held his hands.


Y/N: I have loved this man for countless years. Throughout our time together we have had easy times, hard times, and, unfortunately, time apart. But he has never left my heart. He has been here the entire time, not once have I forgotten the way he makes me feel, or the way he makes me act. It almost doesn't feel real. I almost feel like I'm still seventeen, sitting in my bedroom, daydreaming about this day... But we made it here. It's been a long, rocky road for us, but in these twelve years that we have been together, not once have you let me down.
Not only because you've saved my life, also thanks to how amazing and caring you are, I am in love with you.
I love you, Akaashi Keiji, and I couldn't be more thrilled to marry you.

AKAASHI: Wow, how am I ever gonna beat that? Hahah... I guess, I'll just try my best...
I still remember the time I thought it was just a crush... Which was still really weird for me, I'd never cared about girls and now suddenly I had this urge to give one of them my entire self. It used to be a tiny little secret me and Yukie had, until Yukie herself made me realize that I was in love with you. I was neck deep in love with you and I did not know how to deal with it. Anytime I saw your face I wanted to kiss you, but you were someone else's, so I had to keep things to myself.
And then a year later you confessed to me, out of the blue, and I was speechless. I thought I'd have to hide
my feelings forever but then here you were, revealing yours to me.
And I have to admit that I wasn't completely confident that we'd make it to this day. Twelve years is a damn long time and I've never been the optimistic type... The only thing that kept me sane was the love I have for you. A love that is so clear and bright that it guides me like a light. The only thing I've ever been sure of my entire life, is that I'm in love with you, (l/n) (f/n).

Y/N: Way to one up me, you jerk.

She laughed through her tears, as did he.

OFFICIANT: Akaashi Keiji, do you take (l/n) (f/n) to be your lawfully wedded bride, until death do you part?
OFFICIANT: And (y/n), do you take Akaashi Keiji to be your lawfully wedded husband, until death do you part?
Y/N: I do.
OFFICIANT: You may now kiss the bride...

And that he did.

The end.


A/N: Hey people! You've reached the end of this book! I know it's short but I never planned on making it too long. Anyways, thanks for reading and commenting, I hope you liked the book and make sure to check out my other two books, luv ya, bye!

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