Chapter 3 - Competition.

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(y/n) groggily got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, she quickly washed her hair and blowdried it, applied the thinnest layer of mascara and then walked back to her room to get dressed.
As always she was perfectly on time, she took half an hour to get ready and she never had breakfast before going to school because that would just be a waste of time, she was never hungry in the morning anyway.
She checked the time on her phone.


Y/N: (I'm early again)

She decided to sit on the porch for a while until Akaashi arrived, but when she opened the door he was already outside, leaning against a wall on the other side of the street scrolling on his phone.

Y/N: Oh, you're here.

He looked up from his phone and saw her across the street.

AKAASHI: Oh, hey. Yeah, I've been here a while, but I didn't know how to tell you without waking up your mom and Bokuto-san with the doorbell.
Y/N: How do you know they're sleeping?
AKAASHI: Bokuto-san's always late so I doubt he's awake at this hour.
Y/N: Good thinking.
Anyways I should probably give you my number so we can actually know what's going on.

She chuckled as she pulled out her phone and handed it to him, he did the same. As soon as they were done the switched the phones back and started making their way toward school.

AKAASHI: So, have you decided on any clubs you wanna join?
Y/N: Not really, nothing really interests me.
AKAASHI: Not even volleyball?
Y/N: I like watching it but I'm not good at it...
AKAASHI: You could be a manager.
Y/N: I think you guys have enough managers as it is, you don't need me too.
AKAASHI: Hey, we're always grateful for another helping hand.
Y/N: Oh come on, you do not need three managers.
AKAASHI: Have you met your brother?
Y/N: Touchè...


Y/N: See you later.
AKAASHI: Are you going to swing by practice?
Y/N: I don't know yet, I'll text you later and tell you.
AKAASHI: Alright, bye.

(y/n) made her way to class, books in hand and feeling tired from the night before. She had a hard time falling asleep for some reason and then Bokuto made a hell of a lot of noise as he came back from his date. He probably would have woken up less people by just turning on the lights instead of bumping into furniture because he couldn't see anything.
And as a bonus she had math for two straight periods, that day was menacing to be terrible for her.

SENSEI: ...So in a fraction we would have x1 times x2 which we could call p divided by— (y/n) please stop dozing off in my classes, I'm not the one who needs to learn this stuff...
Y/N: S-sorry.
(Damn, way to embarrass yourself)


SENSEI: Yeah, yeah, I know. Lunch time, do the homework and I'll see you thursday.

Y/N: (Man, that was rough, this whole day's been rough...)
?: Hey, you, what's your name?
Y/N: Excuse me?
?: What's your name?
Y/N: Who are you? And why do you care?
KURAMOTO: Duh, 'cause you're hot. I'm Kuramoto Tatsuo, but you can call me Kura-kun.

He pointed to himself with his thumb proudly and smiled.

Y/N: Uhm...
KURAMOTO: Come on, I've told you my name, now tell me yours, you can't seriously be with that second year Akaashi.
Y/N: What the-
?: Oi, Kura! Stop being a piece of shit to that girl!
KURAMOTO: Oh shut it, Matsu, you thought she was hot too!

His entire face flushed red and he grabbed his straight forward friend by the shirt and swung him across the room back to the door he came from.

MATSUURA: I'm sorry about that, I tried to stop him from coming here and doing this but-
Y/N: It's fine, if you wanna make fun of me I can't stop you, just, at least do it behind my back so I don't waste my time hearing you do it.
MATSUURA: Wh- Making fun of you?
Y/N: Well, he was obviously ironic with that "she's hot" business so, yes.
MATSUURA: (She doesn't realize it, does she?)
I assure you he wasn't ironic, he's been rambling on and on about you for days...
Y/N: I stand by my hypothesis.
MATSUURA: Well I'm Matsuura Hansuke, we're both third years here, again, sorry about Kura, he gets a bit too intense...
Y/N: Yeah... If he came here all the way from the third year's classes...
KURAMOTO: So, hey, can I get your number?
Y/N: No.
KURAMOTO: What? Akaashi your boyfriend or something?
Y/N: Must you bring Keiji into this?
KURAMOTO: Oh so you're on a first name basis?
Y/N: Listen, I don't know how you know him or why you think that about us but Keiji and I are just acquaintances that are starting to become friends, that's all, so no, he's not the reason why I won't give you my number. It's because you're obnoxious and annoying and, frankly, not my type.

And on that note she picked up her belongings and left the classroom, leaving the two third years surprised and disoriented.

Later on that afternoon she decided to get a snack at the vending machine since she ended up wanting to wait for Akaashi and watch their practice she made her way to the vending machines but her precious food got stuck as it was dropping down.

Y/N: You have got to be kidding me...

She decided to use brute force and started kicking and hitting the vending machine trying to get the food to come down.

MATSUURA: Hey! Heyy! Did that vending machine call you ugly or something?
Y/N: Haha, very funny. My snack got stuck and I can't get it out. And frankly I wouldn't get offended at such a thing.
MATSUURA: Oh really? And why's that?
Y/N: 'Cause it wouldn't be wrong.

She bluntly replied.

MATSUURA: Are you for real?

She glanced at him and started hitting the vending machine again until he grabbed her wrists, laughing at her measly attempt to free the food.

MATSUURA: Calm down, calm down. I'll help you.

She took a step back and he gave one effortless smack to the side of the vending machine and not only did (y/n)'s food come flying down, so did another two packs of chips.

Y/N: Whoah, what-

She was genuinely amazed at his strength until she realized she was gushing and kept herself in check.

Y/N: Thanks, ...Uhm... I'm sorry I can't remember your name for the life of me.
MATSUURA: Matsuura Hansuke...

He chuckled and handed out his hand for her to shake it.

Y/N: Bokuto (y/n), nice to meet you.
MATSUURA: Oh, you're Bokuto Koutarou's sister?
Y/N: Yeah, unfortunately...

Matsuura chuckled at the response and then took some of the food from her hands and said.

MATSUURA: So, you wanna eat these or not?
Y/N: Sure.

They sat on some steps that were nearby and started eating the snacks.

MATSUURA: So, how're you doing so far?
Y/N: I'm having a little- Well, a lot of trouble with math...
MATSUURA: Math? Really? I'm part of the math tutoring program, you could join and I could give you a hand.
Y/N: Are you any good?
MATSUURA: W-well, y-yes otherwise I wouldn't be doing it!
Y/N: Alright, I'll sign up.

He pulled out a pen and ripped a piece of paper from his notebook and wrote something on it.

MATSUURA: Here's my number so we can decide when to have the tutoring lessons.
Y/N: Thanks, but why do you even want to help me?
MATSUURA: I just like helping people...


Akaashi was taking a break from practice and drinking some water when he heard his phone vibrate in his gym bag.

From: (y/n)
Hey, I'm gonna walk home with a friend in the end today, see you tomorrow.

To: (y/n)
Oh, do I have competition?

From: (y/n)
Haha, maybe ;)

He chuckled quickly, and then his smile turned into a light frown, he enjoyed those walks with her, he was starting to make a real friend other than Bokuto.

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