Chapter 51

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Marinette:Miss Bustier. Can I go to the nurse's office? Miss Bustier:yes, Marinette. Does anyone want to take Marinette to the nurse's office? Chloe and Alya stand up. Sabrina:I will! Miss Bustier:thank you, Sabrina. Sabrina follows Marinette out of the classroom and into a empty room. Marinette:Nooroo, dark wings rise! Marinette transforms into Ladymoth. She turns a butterfly into an Akuma. Ladymoth:fly away, my sweet Akuma and evilize the one who's been waiting your return for so long. It flies into Lila's room and goes into her bracelet. She gasps. Ladymoth:welcome back, Volpina! Lila:hi again, Ladymoth! Ladymoth:your dreams were once a reality until Ladybug turned them into a nightmare. Regain your power of illusion and make this Heroes Day a nightmare for all Parisians. Lila:with great pleasure, Ladymoth. Lila is transformed into Volpina. She goes out through the window and goes to the top of a roof and looks down. Reporter:look at all these Parisians! So happy to be parading in honor of their heroes. Volpina plays her flute and creates an illusion. Meanwhile with a little girl. ??!:look mommy! Ladybug looks weird. ???:come on, sweetie. That's not Ladybug, that's...... The woman looks up and gasps in shock. ???:Ladybug?! Chat Noir and Ladybug are fighting on top of the floats. Akumatized Ladybug:hahahaha! Chat Noir:move out of the way everyone! She's been akumatized! Akumatized Ladybug:hahahaha! Is that fear I smell, kitty? If you're looking for trouble, you've found it! She attacks Chat Noir with her yo-yo. Reporter:Ladybug and Cat Noir are fighting each other! This is strange. What could have happened? Akumatized Ladybug:it's over my sweet little kitty! Give me your miraculous! Chat Noir:if Ladymoth wants a ring, she can make one herself. Chat Noir gets hit by Ladybug's yo-yo and is launched to another float. The Parisians gasp after seeing Cat Noir get launched to the Carapace Float. Akumatized Ladybug:it's not nice to deny the request of a friend of a friend. Chat Noir:we'll probably only be friends again until you've been deakumatized. Ladybug uses her yo-yo to grab Chat Noir's left arm. Chat Noir:meanwhile, I've got a nice gift for Ladymoth. A very cool, Cataclysm! Akumatized Ladybug:Cataclysm to you too! Ladybug forces Chat Noir's right arm onto himself, causing him to be destroyed by his own power. The Parisians gasp at what happened. Akumatized Ladybug:hahahahahaha! Ladybug picks up the ring. Akumatized Ladybug:I've won! Ladymoth has won! Fear, people of Paris. There's no one left to protect you. ???:is Ladybug a baddie now? The little girl drops her Ladybug doll.

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