Chapter 56

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Prime Queen:don't be bemused, it's just the news! Thank you for joining us for this very special program. You will have the chance to witness the victory of our great leader, Scarletmoth!  Akumatized villains:hail Scarlet Moth! Hail Scarlet Moth! Hail Scarlet Moth! Prime Queen:today shall be known as........Villains Day! Meanwhile with Nora, Ella, and Etta, they are watching the news broadcast on the TV. Meanwhile with Catalyst. Catalyst:it's time, Scarletmoth. Meanwhile with Scarletmoth. Akumatized villains:hail Scarletmoth! They stop talking when Scarletmoth raises her cane.
Scarletmoth:Ladybug. Chat Noir. I can feel your close presence. If you want to save Paris and all its people, I'll give you one last chance. Give yourselves up and bring me your Miraculouses. Chat Noir:Ladybug. What do we do? Ladybug:it's like she's been preparing for this for a long time. But we...we're not prepared for this. Chat Noir:yes, we are! We've already fought them all and we won! And there are five of us this time! Ladybug:if we want to win, we have to defeat Ladymoth, even though we've never fought her before. Ladybug stands up. Ladybug:Ladymoth! I hope you enjoyed Volpina's illusion, because the real Ladybug will never give you her Miraculous! Chat Noir stands up as well. Chat Noir:and we've got a better idea! You're gonna give us your Miraculous! Carapace and Reno Rouge stand up as well. Carapace:you may have an army of akumatized warriors... Reno Rouge:...but we're a whole team of superheroes! Queen Bee stands up as well. Queen Bee:you're going to wish you never wore that utterly ridiculous costume! Scarletmoth gasps in offense. Scarletmoth:Chloe! How could you?

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