Chapter 53

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Nora:fear? Ha! Little sister, fear is afraid of me! Nora swings the broom at the scarlet Akumas while Etta and Ella cheer her on. Meanwhile back at the school, Dark Cupid flies over Fred and Alix as they are turned back into The Mime and Timebreaker.
Timebreaker:yeah! Alya runs into a bathroom stall. Alya:too many people have been akumatized. It'd be foolish to try to fight them all. We must go see Master Fu right away. Tikki, spots on! Alya transforms into Ladybug. She jumps up to the top of the school building and looks down at the villains. Ladybug:what are they doing? She swings away, unaware that The Mime is watching her. Scarletmoth:do not let her out of your sight, Mime. She's probably going to recruit other superheroes to help her battle my army. Without knowing it, she's going to lead us to the guardian of the Miraculouses. Meanwhile with Ladybug, she goes through the streets to Master Fu's house when she suddenly gets the feeling that she's being followed, so she goes inside a nearby sewer and hides, she sees The Mime climbing down the ladder and grabs him with her yo-yo. Ladybug:ha! I knew it! Ladybug grabs his hat, pulls it apart and purifies the akuma, turning The Mime back into Fred. Fred:what? Ladybug? It's really you? The real Ladybug? Ladybug:of course.
Fred:we all saw you akumatized! You destroyed Chat Noir and you took his Miraculous to Ladymoth. It was... Ladybug:an illusion? Ladybug gasps. Ladybug:Volpina! She climbs up the sewer ladder. Fred:I'm going to tell the world not to lose hope because the real Ladybug is still going strong.
Ladybug:it is Heroes Day, after all. And I wouldn't miss it for the world.

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