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Stephen's POV

I quickly woke up the next morning, excited to see (Y/N). As I pushed a sleepy Hosuh and a tired Dadniel, (yes you read that correctly) I jumped into the car, like a little kid waiting to go to Disneyland, though for me, was the little kid. (Y/N) was my Disneyland...

When we arrived at Jay's apartment to wake him up, we knocked on his old, almost broken door. I know that I rival with him, but damn I will literally get him a new door... After a few minutes, the slowpoke finally opened up. He looked extra happy today, something I rarely see of him. Something must've happened when I left that bastard with Disneyland, last night...

"Stephen! Earth to Stephen!" Goddammit, Daniel. Right in the middle of my scheming, too.

"What, Daniel? What could honestly be so important that you had to interrupt me?" I scolded.

"Oh, haha, we're here, mother fudging idiot," Daniel beamed. I hate Daniel. God. I stepped out of the car, as cool as possible, to show off to Hosuh and Jay that I can win. They weren't even watching... Wow. Missing out a Stephen show. As we walked up each step of the stairs to get to (Y/N)'s home, I stroke a flair of awesomeness and amazingness to Hosuh. Hosuh just applauded. Honestly, this boy is too pure... Jay was just looking at his phone. What an unsafe tactic... Climbing stairs while looking at your phone. Oh well, I'm not gonna be the one with a messed up face and aching back when I see Disneyland. When we, finally, got up to their floor, I ran to the door, knocking on it as quickly as possible. I was never as excited to see anyone in my whole life. A source of light came from the inside of the room. As the little creak made its sound, I was pushed to the side. I tried to resist the strong push, putting my arms and hands on the white doorway slant. Of course, it was Jay being competitive. The (H/C) locks were shown through the door from my point of view.

"H-hey! (Y/N)!" Jay stuttered, like an owner seeing his dog. I pushed Jay back to the left and waved.

"Good morning, love!" I almost yelled, not even controlling what I said at that point.

"Haha! Good morning Jay and Stephen," they exclaimed, as happy as ever. We both straightened up our postures and stood side by side, behaving. A smile crept onto my face, automatically. What would I ever do without Disneyland?

Daniel's POV

I started cackling of laughter after seeing Stephen and Jay's fight over (Y/N). It was too priceless! Both of them are so stupid. Man, what friends I have haha.

"What's up, (Y/N)?" I asked while walking up to all three of the hooligans with Hosuh by my side. I noticed that the grey-haired boy was making silent tears.

"Hosuh! Are you okay, bro?" I quietly asked, suddenly stopping, whilst holding his shoulders. He wiped away his almost invisible tears and nodded. "You can always tell me what's wrong! It's not good to bottle up anything, you know that, right Hosuh?" He nodded, again, opening his smallmouth.

"I-I... I just need some time alone..." Hosuh replied. I nodded at his response and went up to (Y/N) and told them. They wanted Stephen to go cheer Hosuh up. Wowzers. Stephen obliged to their wish and went with Hosuh to go get some sweets or something. He looked very mad and not happy at that decision, but listened to (Y/N) because, well, it's (Y/N). I saw Jay hold (Y/N)'s hands in his, and I got the memo. I went to go rush out of there immediately.

"Daniel!" (Y/N) called out, as I ran down the stairs, but I continued climbing down, with a grin and a high five from myself.

(Y/N)'s POV

As Jay and I both stood next to each other, hand in hand, I started to think. Why was Hosuh sad? I'll talk to him later about it though. Don't want to stress him out... Something grabbed my chin and turned it facing to my left to Jay's face. I saw his pure smile of happiness, something I've always seen on his face every time I would see him. It made me want to smile as well.

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