My Past.

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(Y/N)'s POV

A few days had passed since I woke up. Daniel and I had talked and talked. I answered questions he had about me. It brought up a painful past, but I needed to tell him. He's been waiting for me to wake up for a long time, so I had to repay him, somehow.

"What's the deal with your mother and grandmother, if you don't mind me asking?" he asked. I tried to get my memories together and held back painful tears.

*flashback to a few years ago*

"Mom... I need to tell you something," I mummbled, my hands sweating from nervousness.

"Oh! What is it, my darling?" she responded, patting my head. I gulped and looked at the ground.

"I... I'm...! I'm not a girl!" I blurted out.

"H-Huh? But? The doctors told me that you're a girl!" insisted my mom.

"I... D-don't want to be a girl! I'm not a gender! Please respect my w-wish!" I continued. I could see tears in her eyes. She was breathing, heavily.

"(Y/N)... My sweet darling... I knew your father was a bad influence... I'm so sorry..." I slapped her hand away, from where she was patting my head.

"So, you don't even support me, but diss on dad?!" I yelled. I couldn't control my anger. I was furious. Unlike my mom, I loved my dad. He always supported me and gave me love, until we walked on a sidewalk one day, and...

I pushed her away, since she was walking towards me. I ran out to the living room and out the door. My grandma was sitting on a chair, listening to music that sounded old.

"Go, (Y/N)," she said. "You're a disgrace." My eyes couldn't stop bleeding with water. I couldn't believe it. I ran out of the house, and turned each corner. I knew that my dad's sister lived in the next town, so I ran and ran. After about an hour of traveling, I finally made it. It was a small house. I used to go here when I was younger, when my father was here. I rung the doorbell and waited. After a few seconds, the door opened, very slowly. I saw gentle eyes and a timid body emerge.

"H-Hi, Auntie," I stammered. I was fidgetting with my hands at this point.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here, hun?" she spoke. I heard a sigh of relief come from her mouth, right after she asked.

"Uhm... My grandmother and mom kicked me out because of my... gender," I hesitated. I looked down, a bit scared of her reaction, or if she was going to question me. Instead, she kneeled over to me, and embraced me in her arms. I was quite surprised, actually, but I hugged her back.

"I'm sorry, babe... Just stay here and we'll call your mom that you'll live here, now. Let's get you a bath and a change of cleaner clothes," she said, with the brightest smile that I had ever seen im my life, up to that point. I smiled back.

"Thank you so much, Auntie," I replied, genuinly so happy. At least someone accepted me for who I am, I thought. My wrinkles on my eyebrows began to loosen, as I walked into the house that I would be living in.

A few weeks passed in this new home, and I felt welcomed and respected as one with the family. My aunt lived with my cousin and had a (y/pet). We all got along and I was happy to take care of my little cousin whenever my aunt left for work. A lot of fighting have gone through my aunt and my mom, about me, mostly.

I felt bad that she had to fight with my mom, take care of two kids, one in their last year of high school and another in middle school, and have to keep up with the payment for a house, in the middle of a very bad and unsafe neighborhood, while being in debt. I made up for it by getting a light cashier job and applying for internships around the area. I helped out my aunt and tried to give her less of a hard time, so I went to community college instead. I had moderate to good grades, depending how I felt that semester. Don't get me wrong! I took my studies serious. It was just that I had more important thing on my mind, during those times.

After I graduated college, I worked as a (y/job), which payed good enough for me to move out and live with my friend from college in an apartment, fairly far from my past. I still helped my aunt with her pay and tried to hide far from my mother. But I never knew she would find me again, not even thinking about if I got injured. I was stupid.

*end of flashback*

I looked back at Daniel, after I was done telling him about my past. I saw that his eyes were filled with sadness and guilt.

"I... I'm so sorry for making you bring up those old and painful memeories..." said, Daniel, shortly after.

"Hey, it's not you're fault," I quickly explained. "Don't apologize. You deserved to know more about me." I raised my hand and put it against his chest and grinned. "Your lonely heart deserved to know more about me." I could see a small tint of pink on his cheeks and smile at me.

"Just, focus on getting better, yeah?" I nodded back at the remark. My head started to lay back down on the soft pillow behind me, and I felt my eyelids getting heavier by the minute. Daniel's warmth from his hand on mines couldn't compare to...

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