Jay. part 2

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(Y/N)'s POV

As we walked to our next destination, I couldn't help but over think what's going on with the boys? Why aren't they getting along? Aren't they all friends? Besides, they've known each other longer than they've known me. I went up to Daniel, trying to get information on why they're acting up.

"I've honestly never seen them this competative for someone before... God," Daniel sighed. "But it makes good content." We both laughed.

"Haha, thanks for being cool, Dan. At least your not going crazy!" I joked. Daniel nodded with a glad face. As I said that, someone grabbed me by the arm and pulled me aside, behind the others. Jay and Hosuh immediantly turned around, alarmed. And, I wasn't surprised that Stephen was holding me in a hug around my waist. His gaze was the happiest that I've ever seen him. His warmth of his grey, jacket reminded me of Jay's warmth. I accepted Stephen's hug, instead of struggling, since he was probably cold. It's always cold in Canada. Jay and Hosuh rushed over to us, trying to get Stephen's hands off of me. Daniel came rushing behind with his camera, snickering. Stephen was laughing like a maniac, Jay was growling, and Hosuh was on the verge of tears. I patted Jay and Hosuh's head, hoping that will calm them down. Hosuh appreciated it, and let go, but Jay just kept on struggling to get Stephen's hands off. I panicked a little bit, for the fear of Stephen and Jay fighting again. I tried to think of rational solutions to make either Stephen or Jay let go, so I decided on one. I kissed Jay's head. He looked up and started to turn pink. I could see Stephen and Hosuh look sad and dejected. I quickly kissed both of their heads, as well. But none of them knew that I gave the real kiss to Jay...

Jay's POV

After (Y/N) kissed my head, I felt happiness spread through my body. I didn't care about Stephen and Hosuh, for now. I just couldn't stop thinking about them. But, honestly, they wouldn't ever date a loser that gets jealous too easily and can't even pay off their student loans. Why would I even bother? Maybe the thought of seeing them smile is keeping me going? Maybe the way they say my name? It really is a mystery, since I got all my information about "love" from the internet. I just really hope that I'm on point with the right emotion.

As we finished up the trip out with Belgian waffles, we all went out to our homes. Stephen and Hosuh were going to sleep at Daniel's, no matter their annoying whining of wanting to stay with (Y/N). Can't they see that their being a bother to them? Fucking idiots. As Daniel took his car from (Y/N)'s apartment parking lot with Stephen and Hosuh, I stayed with (Y/N) to see if they got home safely. I couldn't help but try to supress my warm face, but no matter what I tried, I just kept failing to hide it. They could clearly see it and a smirk formed on their face.

"Jay, you don't have to hide your feelings from me," they said, as calm as possible, though I could tell they were freaking out from the heavy breaths they were taking. I shook my head and took their cold hand, trying my best to warm it up.

"(Y/N), why is it that your hand is always in need of warming up?" I whispered in their ear, trying to get closer to them. I put one of my hands on their soft cheek, which was really warm. I chuckled to myself.

"You're blushing?" I asked, trying to make them as flustered as possible. I heared a little "Mm" come from them, with their cold hand touching my hand on their cheek. I felt my whole body warming up from embarrassment. I shouldn't be the one blushing... I've always been the "sociopath"... yet...

I felt forms of some water form in my eyes. What were these called again? Oh yeah, tears. Wait, my book said they ocurr when your sad... but...

"J-Jay! Why're you crying?" God damnit, I made them worry, again. Why can't I be the perfect Jay that I always was? The one that would always go according to plan? I quickly wiped away my "tears" and told (Y/N), "Hey, I'm fine."

"Ah, I'm glad," they sighed, gladness forming in their (E/C) eyes. I started to chuckle to myself again. How happy I was to be this close to the person that I can't stop thinking about. I've never felt happy in my whole life. I think this is what that emotion feels like. I leaned in, slowly, making sure they were comfortable with it. Before I expected, a soft and warm pair of lips touched mines, very well chapped. I couldn't help but to smile, feeling very content that I just won against Stephen and Hosuh. I closed my eyes to comemorate this moment that I treasured, oh so much. As we both pulled away, we both made eye contact. I gave (Y/N) a bear hug and never wanted to let go. Without thinking, I blurted out, "(Y/N), please. You're the only person in the entire world that makes me feel these new emotions that I never experienced in my whole life. I don't want to lose you. But the last thing I want for you to be is unhappy with a shit head like me..." I started to trail off, realizing all that I said so far. I decided to use my final blow.

"(Y/N)... I really really like you...!" Their eyes gave me a calm feeling through my racing heart. They took a deep breath and said, "I'll think about it," with a reassuring smile that eased me into thinking it wasn't a full rejection. Thank god. We gave one last kiss goodbye and waved a goodbye. I'm going to miss their cool touch, but at least I'll get to warm them up again, tomorrow.

Again, thank you all so much for the support I am getting for this book! Comment if I should do another Danplan book and what ship! I can also do books like Hosuh x Stephen or Jay x Daniel, so comment what you guys prefer! See ya in the mext chapter!

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