The Plan.

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Jay's POV

I heard Elias' plan, from the beginning to end. It didn't sound all too bad and felt very thought through and left me with no questions, other than...

"What if it doesn't work, and Daniel finds out we've been doing it?" I asked, sadly. Elias looks as though he's seen a ghost.

"What's this? Jay showing emotion is very new, indeed," he grinned.

"Shut up and answer my question, bafoon."

"Fine, Fine." He gestured his hands downwards, as to tell me to calm down. "He won't. Because it will work! Besides, it took me quite a while to think of every single thing that could go wrong, and how to counter-act it! Don't worry too much, Jay."

He started to pet my head, smiling. I just shook my head away from his reach and stood from my seat, to get some tea for myself. It was fairly early in the morning, and I was tired of getting up and Elias' bullshit.

"Aww! Making tea for me? How thoughtful, Jay!" he exclaimed, way too loud for my comfort.

Ugh, he wants some tea too... And if I don't give it to him it's gonna be just like last time... I sighed in my mind. I started to make a cup of iced, chamomile tea, since he likes cold drinks, better than hot. I handed the cup over to him and just sat in front of my computer, setting up my stream for this morning.

"Oh! Streaming! Well then, I'll leave you to it, then," he said, as he quickly walked out of my home, slamming the door shut. I couldn't help but make a very dissapointed face. Geez, ever since I met them I couldn't control my expressions. More of the reason to bring them back to me...

After a few hours of the stream with my playing Pokemon SwSh, I then went over the plan, writing it down on paper and trying to find any fouls or disruptions in it. I found very few, which surprised me, since it would take me months to make a full well-rounded plan like this. I sighed. Elias has always been a perfectionistic little bastard.

I started to gather the materials and setups that I needed for this plan to go in full swing of action. But before I left the house, I suddenly remembered all of the symptoms (Y/N) showed to me. they could not remember certain faces (let alone me) and recent memories concerning the car accident and hanging out for all of those months. But somehow they remember that stupid Daniel. Tears formed in my eyes, but I just wipped them away with my sleeve.

The past hours, I spent researching if there was any cure for their diagnosed illness. Barely anything. And all of the things that I saw were bullshit things like "Patience" or "Therapy." How could I even force those things on them, if they're happy with where they are right now, with Daniel...? But Elias' plan related to hypnosis and memory gain. It gave me a little bit of hope that it might work. I got up from my desk and started over to (Y/N)'s apartment.

I casually picklocked the door and entered, locating things that I remembered that they loved deeply, and the gifts that I gave. The dead carcuses, included. I heard a bump! and a click! come from a room that was on the opposite side of (Y/N)'s.

Now, who could that be? I asked myself, not fazed by the sudden sounds. I got up from sitting on the floor, sorting things out, and slowly opened the door to the room making those sounds. It was quiet, and then suddenly,


I ducked from a baseball bat swinging at me at full speed, aiming for my head. It seemed to have left a dent in the door that I opened, which was to the left of me. I then made two of my fingers straighten up, aimed to the dent in between the left and right collar bones at the base of their neck, and jabbed my two fingers there, instantly knocking them out. I realized quickly that the person that I just knocked out was (Y/N)'s roommate... Whoops...

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