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Daniel's POV

After a bit of waiting for a table to open up, we took a seat at a five person table. (Y/N) and Jay sat next to each other, obviously, though Stephen tried to have a rock paper scissors game to see if he or Jay would sit in that seat. It's a bit scary of how easily Jay beat Stephen. Hosuh and Stephen sat next to each other and I sat at the head of the table, cause I'm the coolest dude here. The table was very awkward, for some odd reason. I found Hosuh was fidgetting with his ponytail, a bad habit that he did for years in middle school to today. I tapped his arm and mouthed, "You okay?" He nodded and sat up straighter. I looked over at Stephen. He was looking at (Y/N) and Jay, with a glare that is only used on me when I ask him what any multiplication problem ever's product is.

I could feel the tension of the table grow more and more. Each person was waiting for their order that they filled out on a small piece of paper. I needed to start at least one conversation.

"So, Hosuh? What's new on the love list?" I saw his face flush and hands flail around his face to cover his embarrassment.

"D-D-Daniel! No one! No one here!" Hosuh was speaking nonsense that this point. Gotta admit, teasing is really fun.

"Oooh, Hosuh has a crush," Jay stated, smirking. (Y/N) started to giggle uncontrollably. Stephen's attention faltered and now focused on the shorter boy beside him. He leaned closer to Hosuh.

"See something you like, Hosuh?" the purple haired man jested. Hosuh just got even more flustered.

"N-no...! Definetley not!" Stephen pulled Hosuh closer to him with his arm. And mind you, Stephen has strong arms, from stabbing too many things. Hosuh was silently screaming into his sweater.

"Stephen, I don't think you should toy with Hosuh's fragile heart any more, unless...?" (Y/N) chorused, earning an elbow to their side by a snickering Jay. Stephen backed away from the short boy, laughing. Just then, our food arrived. We started to slurp away to our hearts content with our food.

(Y/N)'s POV

It was quite fun teasing Hosuh. I'm glad Hosuh found a person to take interest in. He deserves to be happy, just like how I am whenever Jay is around.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Jay called. I turned my head towards where he sat, and he held a bit of ramen in his chopsticks. He motioned over to my mouth. I'm guessing he wants me to give it a try. I opened my mouth and let the soft noodles and broth dripping away in my mouth, savour. The soup was salty, but savoury and tasted of miso soup. I could clearly tell that we both had different dishes, for mines tasted of regular ramen. I, at that point, realized that we shared chopsticks. Oh shoot. I immediantly feel my face heat up. This catches the attention of Jay, being the most observant person ever. He places his hand on mines, which was resting on my thigh.

"Yo, what's up with (Y/N) and Jay?" Stephen asks, unamusingly.

"O-Oh! Hahaha! Stephen, what are you talking about!" I pulled my hand out of Jay's grasp and waved it around to show that Stephen was speaking nonsense. He looked unconvinced. I noticed that Hosuh was whispering something in Stephen's ear. I took this chance to change the subject.

"Is Hosuh confessing his unrequited love for Stephen?" Hosuh pulled away from the whisper and started to stutter nonsense. Daniel burst out in a fit of laughter.

"Haha! Yeah, Hosuh! Are you?" Daniel chimed in. The little boy that we were teasing was blushing waaay too hard. Maybe he actually does like Stephen? But how will we get him to like Hosuh back? Hmm...

"(Y/N), I think we should call it a day. I'll pay for everyone's meal." Jay stood up and placed his card on the table. He walked away. As the waiter went to take the card, she asked for a signature. I quickly forged Jay's signature and rushed out, after him. Why did he go? Did I do something wrong to make him mad enough to walk away?

"Jay? Jay!" I called out. I turned a right corner on the concreat sidewalk and saw him. I put my arm over my eyes, as to not be blinded by the rare Canadian sun. The wind collided with the boy's hair, causing a small sparkle to shine, from the pureness of his golden hair. I could see him walking, semi-slowly, expecting something to happen, but not ever stopping in his tracks to his destination. Not even thinking, I ran up to him, hugging his warm, clothed arm.

"Where are you going?" My eyes started to tear up. Was he mad at me? Did he want me to not change the subject? I started to hear a faint bit of giggling coming from the one I ran up to. I looked up and saw his head turned to me. His eyes were opened and looked full of laughter and happiness.

"Pff- Hahaha! I was going to start the car! You're so cute, can't even take a little joke!" He saw my tears and quickly looked concerned and worried. "Oh shit. I'm so sorry princess. I didn't mean to make you cry! It was just a joke, I swear! I would never ever leave you, love!" He started kissing my tears away and hugging me, tightly.

"Y-you're a big jerk! Gah! Get off of me! How could I fall for that, moreover, you!" He started to laugh, as I started to lightly punch his back, trying to get his arms off of me so I could pout.

"Haha! You looooove me, right? Hahaha!" Jay teased, using his manly arms to keep me in his grasp. I mean, I'm not really complaining... I do love him.

After a few more minutes of bickering and playing around, the other three boys catch up to us. Daniel was laughing and holding Stephen back from fighting with Jay, Hosuh helping Dan. A little bit passed, and Stephen finally calmed down from his baby tantrum. We all went to go to a nearby crepe place. Daniel ordered a breakfast crepe, Hosuh ordered a crepe with strawberries and chocolate, and I ordered a crepe with (toppings you like). A few minutes passed and we each got our order. I took a quick picture of the amazing desert before me, and dug in. It was delicious! I couldn't hold back a smile of comfort from the delectable crepe I held.

"Heh, you must really like that crepe to make you smile like that, eh?" Jay mentioned. He put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer, as we walked down the street. Jay opened his mouth, and pointed to it, signalling me to give him a bite. I put it close to his face, and he bit it. As he munched, he muffled, "Hmm, not bad." We both started to laugh, for some reason. We have good times.

Stephen's POV

I really hope Jay and Disneyland aren't dating. I really pray that they aren't. But if they are... Well, what can I do. I shurgged off my feelings for (Y/N) and had second thoughts. Maybe they aren't the right one for me, anyways. I mean, I love hanging out wih them, but at what cost? How long am I gonna keep up this charade of loving them, when I barely know them? When, compared to my feelings for Hosuh that generated for years, it looks pathetic. Yikes, why am I comparing, Hosuh, my best friend, to them? Maybe I am going psycho.

"Stephen! Let's walk together!" Hosuh took my arm and we strolled together along the pavement. "Hey, Stephen... I've been meaning to ask you something important..." I turn my face to him, curious of what he has to ask. "I-It's about (Y/N)... Do you still love them?" Did I hear that correctly? Love? Wow. I gently put my hand on Hosuh's.

"Hey, don't talk like that. How could I love someone like them? Haha! Don't be ridiculous, Hosuh!" I hollered. He gave me a look that shot out confusion, then looked back to the ground. I could see a little pink blush on his face. "You okay, Hosuh? You've been acting... weird ever since yesterday night."

"H-Huh? Yeah! I'm fine Stephen. Don't worry..." Hosuh seemed to force a sad smile at me. I squished his face and he looked even more confused.

"Be honest with me, Hosuh! We've been together ever since high school!" He looked back at the sidewalk and opened his squished mouth.

"I-I think I really, really-"

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