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Hosuh's POV

I finished up helping Shai with the new video's animation. Smoothing it out, making sure the drawings are good, in place, ready for Dan to edit. We finally finished, after countless hours trying to make the drawings less sketched out. I saw a discord notification a few minutes after I left the call with Shai.

(Y/User): heya Hosuh! Hows the video coming together?

PlanB (Hosuh): It's going great! Me and the animator, Shai, already finished drawing the frames. Dan will edit the video with the pictures, matching the audio, and we'll get to see you in the video!

(Y/User): thats super duper great hosuh! Im so happy that you finished this fast. by the way, i hope i can get to know you as a better person!!! also thanks for all ur hard werk :)

PlanB: Right back at ya! anyways, we can call right now and maybe... play dota or something? dont know if you have any games...

(Y/User): i do! i play a lot of games with jay! we can play dota. wanna invite jay and stephen?

PlanB: Well... you said you wanted to know me so maybe not right now. maybe after a few rounds though!

(Y/User): got it! let's call

(Y/User) started a call...

"Hi Hosuh!" (Y/N) happily said.

"H-hey, (Y/N)..." I, awkwardly, said. We both friended each other on DOTA and played a few rounds. I felt like I was getting carried, just like how Stephen plays with me, except I'm playing with a whole new different person. Who knew (Y/N) was a pretty cool and competative one. As we finished up the game, which resulted in a victory, we started to play a game. The game was 20 questions but we decided to make it 10 because (Y/N) heard that I got no sleep.

"Hosuh! First question for you! Are you good at sporty stuff?" they asked, hurried and excited to start the game. It was pretty cute.

"Uh, well... Not exactly... But I have been practicing running sometimes...!" I said, a bit scared to hear insults or whatever.

"Haha, same here. I don't excercise much, because I love my work area waaaay too much to call normal," (Y/N) confessed. We both had a small chuckle and continued the game.

"Okay, my question for you is, Do you like being social?" I asked.

"Hmm, not if I'm forced to, but if I want to, I enjoy it! I also enjoy Jay's company a lot," the happy voice said through the mic. I smiled at their thought process of appreciating their friends. I really enjoy people like that. And maybe...

"A-Ah! Sorry! Dropped my headphones!" they exclaimed, surprised, also cutting my thoughts. I laughed and asked if they were okay. "Yup! Yup, totally fine! Everything's okay here! Haha!" After they seemed to have finished up their little mess, we continued until about an hour later.

We both left the call and I felt very accomplished for these past hours. I finished the frames with Shai for the new video, made a new friend and learned a lot about them, and am laying in bed, thinking about the new friend. Their favorite color, where in Canada they lived, how Jay met them, all sorts of things. I wondered how lucky Jay was to live so nearby a really sweet, cool, fun person like (Y/N)... Why am I thinking so much about them, anyways? Eh, I'm tired. Time to sleep for a whole 14 hours!

Jay's POV

It's been a day since when we had that... weird moment in the car. And I was so confident that I was ready to give my gift to them... And then, of course, with these never ever experienced feelings controlling me, I chickened out. Why does this, "love" make Jay... not Jay? So dumb... So Confusing... I wish I never met them... But if I think I would be better of not having met them, why do I always smile when I think of everything about them?

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