"You're back, in my arms"

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Jay's POV

I knew this plan wasn't going to work, after all. I walked towards the door of my apartment's public garage, usually used for cars, storage, or what not. I felt a little bit less sadder, after seeing their face, comforted yet determined, the all too familiar mix of feelings that I never got around to feeling up until I met them. Plus, they didn't seem scared throughout the whole process of it.

Why? Was it because they knew Daniel, their love of their life will come save them quickly after? I asked myself, doubting it, quickly, feeling more tears welling up. I just opened the door, while putting the pocket knife I usually carried, back into my back pocket, making sure it was securingly in there, so no one could try to steal it easily.

As I exited the door, I suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around my chest, feeling their face dig into the back of my green hoodie. The tears that formed at that time, fell with grace, and a sense of gladness. I put my hands on the hands that were around me, and squeezed them, warming them up, just how I used to.

"I... I'm sorry... I-I'm so sorry...!" I heard their sweet, shallow voice say, stuttering between their wails and sniffles. "I'm really... R-REALLY SORRY...!" they yelled, wailing even louder, causing my heart to break, but rebuild itself, reminding me that those tears are only for myself, and only myself. I turned around and faced the face of my angel, guiding me back to the path of lightness. I hugged them, as gently, but tightly as I could, with my weak from insomnia, arms.

"Hey... Don't be sorry," I whispered, kneeling down to their height to say in their ear. I could tell that their face was burning up from the tickle of the whisper.  I kept the chuckle to myself.

"At least you're back in my arms."

Elias' POV

I opened the door, just slightly, from the outside. I expected to see a dead (Y/N) on the floor, but instead saw the two lovebirds, hugging. I felt my eyes roll and gently closed the door, so that they weren't disturbed of their weird mating ritual from me.

I walked up the steps to Jay's home and made myself some bulgogi I bought to cheer Jay up, just in case it didn't work.

And trust me, I didn't know if it was really going to work. I mean, it did have a bunch of things that could've worked in a comic book, but... Eh whatever. At least (Y/N)'s gone. The downside is that I have to hang with sad Daniel for the rest of the month. God damnit.

I sat down on Jay's cheap chair and started to watch some Bob Ross, hoping to ease my mind of depressed Daniel and how stressed I will have to be for the next month.

As I watched the soft man paint happy little trees, I heard a click and open sesame the door. I didn't even need to look over to see that it was (Y/N) and Jay, holding hands, with red eyes, but I did anyways. I just scoffed and smugged at them.

"Heh, what's that look for, Elias?" (Y/N) said, giving me a look of pure happiness. I couldn't help but feel a little bit surprised from how I got charmed for a few seconds by none other than that doofus. I just rolled my eyes, though they couldn't even see, and looked back at my phone screen to see the curly haired afro man. I could feel a pair of eyes staring me down, in the most familiar way possible.

"What do ya want, Jay?" I asked. I felt a hand get placed on my shoulder. A breath felt close to my ear.

"Don't you dare get anywhere close to them, or I will not have mercy, unlike Daniel," a soft, but menacing voice whispered in my ear. I felt a shiver go down my spine and I felt myself go pale.

Jay can be very intimidating sometimes... Ah whatever, I thought, relaxing back in my position of the chair, continuing to eat the bulgogi and rice with an egg. I heard a door clode from the front door and I sighed out of relief from a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Geez, chill out, Jay," I said to myself. A bad habit of mines when I get scared or anxious. I shrugged and brushed it off, focusing on the happy little trees.

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