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(Y/N)'s POV

I opened my eyes, slightly, to adjust to the lighted room. Click. Creaaak. I turned my head to see who it was. It was from Daniel. I felt my cheeks flush. It reminded me of a time where my mother showed baby photos of me to my friends a long time ago.

"(Y/N)...? You awake?" I heard a small whisper through the big creak. A blue-haired individual entered in with him. "Oh? Thank goodness you're awake!" he exclaimed, walking over to me, giving me a hug. I felt his warmness touch my skin. It felt nice.

Until the blue-haired guy grabbed Daniel's shoulder. He immediately let go and I saw a slight blush form on his little chub cheeks. Adorable!

"Ah! Right! You've never met my brother!" Daniel said, with a heartwarming smile. He put his arms around his brother and introduced him. "This guy's name's Elias! He's just like my mom, inside n' out!"

"And you're just like Dad, only by the inside," said Elias, very unenthusiastic, unlike his brother.

"Haha! You're a riot, Elias!"

What's funny about that, again? I thought. I chuckled, quite a bit. I put my hand out of my warm covers to shake his hand. "Well, nice to meet you, Elias! I'm a friend of your brother's." He reached out to shake it, but Daniel grabbed his hand before he could shake mines, by the wrist.

"What, Daniel," he commented, instead of asked. He looked a bit mad. Daniel looked blanked out but after a few seconds, snapped back into reality.

"Oh gosh, I'm super duper sorry, I don't know what came over me, Elias!" he exclaimed, with a hint of apology in his voice. I smiled, as Daniel hugged Elias, to the point of where he looked a bit out of breath.

"Yeah... No problem, brother..." Elias gasped. Daniel was beaming.

Suddenly, the doctor came inside the room. He stepped on over to a chair next to a monitor that was used to see patient's records and dragged it over to my bed. He asked Daniel and Elias to exit the room. Then, he confirmed medications and warnings for my health and gave papers.

After about minutes of talking and asking things, he let me go. I explained a few things to Daniel and Elias, just in case they were curious about what he told me. I didn't want them thinking that the doctor did something bad to me.

We walked out of the hospital, side by side. We got into Daniel's car, me and Elias sitting in the backseat's while Daniel sat at the driver's seat. As Daniel drove us to his house, Elias and I sat side by side in silence. I wanted to get to know Daniel's brother a bit, out of curiousity.

"What's with you and Jay?" he asked me, after a few minutes in silence, after Daniel drove away from the hospital.

"Who's that?" I ask. Out of instinct, I look up, trying to think of anyone named Jay that I have met. For some reason, the colors, yellow and green pop into my mind when I thought long and hard, but I couldn't picture or bring up anyone with the name of "Jay."

"Wow, you serious? So it really wasn't another dumb prank by Stephen or Jay, then," he sighed, looking disappointed and a bit concerned, right at me. The car was getting more and more tense and stuffy the longer we took to get to their home. "You, " he said, sternly, in my direction.

He went closer to my ear and I put my ear closer to his mouth to hear what he would say. "Be careful. Jay'll get you if you even accidentally brush fingers against Dan's skin. Be very... careful."

I didn't know what he meant by that. But I decided to ignore it for the time being right in that car. I caught a few glances from Elias, that looked like worried stares. I just looked back out the window on my right side or looked at my phone for Twitter or Instagram updates.

I saw many tweets come from a certain user. I only followed three people. PlanB, which was Danplan's Twitter account, Twitter, which is Twitter's official account, and... someone named OddJayAlter showed up. I tapped on his name and saw that he posted fanarts of all sorts that many people did of himself. The fanart did resemble the man that was bedridden in the hospital in the same room as me. I looked through this account more and more, maybe having a hint of any way of who this guy was.

The fanarts that I scrolled through had another thing in common. They all mentioned that the person that they were drawing was named, "Jay."

So this might be the "Jay" that Elias was talking about and the guy that hugged me at the hospital, I thought to myself. I brushed it off. Maybe he told me his Twitter before I fell asleep, I convinced myself, though it was ridiculous and dumb. As I came up with more theories on how I know him, the car came to a complete stop.

"We're here!" Daniel exclaimed, turning his head to the back seats of the car from his driver seat, with a smile plastered on his face. We all got out of the car. I admired at how small the house was and then pursued Daniel and Elias to the inside of the house.

It was a small and a little messy house. Daniel tossed his shoes down, as Elias put his shoes neatly on a rack nearby. Elias seemed to give his brother a death stare, but Daniel ignored it and ran to his room. I took my shoes off at the doorway and giggled.

I got a feeling of deja vu that felt too oddly familiar. It felt as though I was here before. With someone and Daniel. I just brushed off the feeling and ran over to the room that Daniel had entered.

The room was fairly clean, except a bit of a smell that was too strongly of lavender.  I covered by nose and started to brush the smell away with my other free hand.

"Haha! You're face! You hate strong smells or something?" he joked. I nodded. He continued to laugh. "Sorry, some animal from outside decided that my room was a good place to poop. Pffft!" I started to laugh, at the ridiculous scenario he had explained to me. I looked at him, letting my shoulders relax, and my eyes glisten. He looked back at me and I saw a small bit of pink appear of his cheeks. He looked away, and back at his computer. He motioned for me to go next to him, which I obliged.

The screen showed edits of my face, with (Y/Fav/Song) in the background, each picture's transition going along with the beat, very nicely. I felt ny chest ache from each beat. I couldn't help but smile at this small video. By the time the video ended, I felt a pair of familiar hands take mines.

"Hey... (Y/N)... I always can't stop thinking about you, ever since you got into that car crash," he had whispered, into my ear, standing up from his chair. He rested his chin on my shoulder, crouching down since I was shorter than him. He held my waist, closer to him, pulling me into a warm embrace that never ended with coldness. As he spoke each word, I felt his warm breath brush against my skin. I couldn't describe this feeling in words, but I didn't want to. I already had all I needed to know.

"I really, really like you."

【Jay x Reader - Danplan】Where stories live. Discover now