(Y/N)? or...

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The blistery wind flowed through both of the boys' hair. The purple mohawked haired man felt a rush of hope and fear. What was Hosuh going to tell him? A hesitation of silence fell on their shoulders.

"Wh-what I mean to say is that I..." The grey headed boy, stuttered, completely losing all self control that he had held before hand. Stephen couldn't take waiting for Hosuh's question. It was like as if a person that were stronger than Stephen that had a knife against his throat, and were about to slit it, but they hesitated for a few minutes. Each second that past in this scene felt like an eternity.

"I r-really like-" Stephen pulled Hosuh into a hug.

"Not yet, Hosuh... I don't think my heart can take both you and (Y/N) at the same time..." Hosuh's face sunk into a sad but even more confused look. What did he mean, both him and (Y/N)? Whatever! He needed to apologize for his stupid thinking and impulsiveness!

"I-It's not what you think...! I hope? I'm super sorry, Stephen...! Argh! Uhm? Anyways, please don't stab me, I promise I won't bug you anymore! I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore, bu- mph?!" Warmness and positivity spread over the sad feelings that emerged from the past few seconds. Two pairs of lips touching, one hesitant and another so sure of the kiss. Slowly, the hesitant one turned into a smile, then into acceptance. A few moments passed, and the dominant male pulled away, opening his mouth as to say something.

"Hosuh... I think I like you, too... But I need to sort out my feelings for (Y/N), first and foremost before we can sort out ours for each other. How does that sound, Hosie?" The short boy replied with a nod and wide smile. The last time Stephen ever called him "Hosie" was back in high school, which was years ago. His heart skipped a beat after thinking of the fond memories back when they were younger, along with Daniel. What bliss.

They both walked back to Daniel's car in which they used to get to in the middle of the city, holding hands very subtly. As they walked, Stephen couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened. Contemplating his unblatent feelings for (Y/N), then getting a "confession" from Hosuh. Could be call it a confession? Eh, whatever. Stephen does what Stephen wants. Did he really love Hosuh? He would be lying if he denied it. But he couldn't shake off the guilt about leaving his Disneyland so soon and abrubtly. Why was he feeling so many emotions? Stephen couldn't stop staring at the blue starry sky. It was 5:30pm but it looked like midnight. God damn daylight savings.

Hosuh glanced over to the overthinking boy and sighed. 'Why wasn't he speaking? Did I make it awkward with what I was going to say? I mean, Stephen was always smart, so yeah he would infer what I would be saying...' thought Hosuh, sadly.

Daniel's light green hair started to get visible underneath the streetlight he was waiting under, with his phone in hand, looking at the comments from their latest video. He looked up from the shadows walking towards him and grinned.

"What took you guys? Eh, just get in the car, losers. Let's go home," Daniel sighed.

"How dare you call Stephen a 'loser'' You're the loser, Daniel!" Stephen exclaimed, running to the old, run down car. Hosuh giggled to himself, walking towards where Stephen and Daniel were headed. Little did he know, his face was burning up.

Jay's POV

A few minutes ago, we both left Daniel on his phone, whilst waiting for Hosuh and Stephen to catch up, since they were really far behind. I can't express how happy I was to finally leave them and be alone with my (Y/N).

"Hey, Jay! Look at this cute picture of my (y/pet) back with my mom!" (if you even have a pet). They showed me their phone. A cute (y/pet) was shown on the light screen, with a little bunny plush sitting right next to it.

"Aw, that's cute," I said, looking right at (Y/N).

"Haha! I know right!" They beamed at their phone, then at me. I don't think they realized I was talking about them, though. We headed down the street, to their car. An old Mercedes Benz that was very clean and in good shape, the total opposite of Daniel's. I drover them home, talking about the starters for the new Pokemon game.

"Honestly, they're so bad. The designs can go die in a hole, and each one reminds me of a high school stereotype that I hate with a burning passion," I said, with too much hate behind my words. They just started to nod and giggle. "What's so funny?"

"Pff! I-It's just that you can't stop talking about how much you hate them! Hahaha!" I felt my heart skip a beat and stop for a few seconds, just like the car in front of me. As soon as it stopped, I accidentally kept going. Screams that I dreaded to hear filled the smokey air. What happened? My last thought escaped as I saw everything abrubtly fade to black.

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