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Btw art is mine eek sorry if it's bad lol

Jay's POV

I managed to pull through the crash and look through the fire. The flames brushed against my sweater, luckily not burning my skin. I waved my hand around my head, my eyes slightly open, trying to find them. Moving some metal pieces out of the way, I saw the familar and beautiful face, that acompanied me throughout these lonely days, unconsious in front of me.

Tears started to fall from my eyes, for the second time in my life. My feelings went into every tear, and so did the ashes around me. I quickly laid down on top of them them, trying to protect their body from the fire and air around them. How could I let this happen... My sweet darling... It's all my fault that they're like this. I should've never stopped under that damn bus stop to dry from the rain. I should've never given them my sweater. I should've never developed feelings for them. Oh well, the only thing I can do right now is to die protecting the only person that ever made me feel "emotions". My mind got foggier and foggier, each second. Before I knew it, everything around me went black, once more.

Daniel's POV

We were, or I should say, I was driving home with the two lovebirds that sat in the backseat. I turned up the radio to cancel out the awkwardness of no one speaking at that moment. Christmas songs started to play since it was the start of December. Suddenly, I heard a ring come from Hosuh's phone. I could tell it was Hosuh's from his never changed anime girl ringtone.

"Hello?" Hosuh said, into his phone. "Daniel Lim is driving in the car. This is Hosuh Lee. W-wait what?! Yes! We will come immediantly! Which one? Alright, we're heading there, now!"

Who was Hosuh talking to? Why did he sound so shocked? I pulled over to a sidewalk nearby. Turning my head towards Hosuh, I could see tears forming in his kind eyes. He looked so frustrated and sad. Stephen started to hug and comfort the boy as much as he could. We gave him a few seconds to calm down and tell us what's going on and who the call was from.

"I-It was from the hospital...! (Y/N) and Jay got into a serious car crash... We... need to h-hurry!" Hosuh cried, trying not to stop and sob. It was mine and Stephen's turn to feel shocked. (Y/N)? Getting into a car crash? With Jay? My best friend ever since high school? Oh my god... I can't believe it... Why didn't we... We couldn't do anything... I turned back around in my seat and took a firm hold on the turning wheel, hurrying our way to the Calgary hospital.

Minutes passed until we arrived to the tall building. The three of us ran inside, panicking. My thoughts were in disarray, not knowing what to think.

"Hello, ma'am. My name is Daniel Lim and these are Hosuh Lee and Stephen Ng!" I breathed out to the reception lady.

"Take a deep breath, sir. You are all here to see... Jay and (Y/N), yes?" she confirmed. We all nodded. She looked back on her desk and wrote down name tags for guests for each of us. She handed each one to us and directed where to go. Third floor, room 326. Got it. We scurried to the elevator and after the ride, we tried to find room 326. After a few minutes of searching the confusing and large hallways, we found it. Before we opened it, we each took a face mask and put it on.

I looked around the hospital room. It was small, yet spacious from the lack of machinery on the walkway, yet there lay a blonde, with eyes closed, with way too many wires around his mouth, nose, and body. Jay!

"Oh god, Jay..!" I almost yelled. I ran to his bedside, trying not to touch any of the equipment attached to him. I wiped away the tears that started to fal from my eyes. Stephen and Hosuh walked to both of us, Hosuh crying, and Stephen hugging him, with a sad expression.

"Hello, gentlemen. I would like to ask you to give Mr. Jay some space. He is currently recovering first degree burns," a serious, but sweet voice said behind us.

"We understand, Daniel get over here," Stephen motioned to me to step back. I did and quickly looked over to the other side of a curtain separating Jay with another patient. We each saw the familiar, sweet cheeks and (H/C) hair drift around the pillow. There were less machienery on them than Jay, but still a lot surrounding their chest and face. Stephen went to them and held his hand around theirs. We saw him crying, uncontrollably.

"I-I'm so-sorry... For not protecting y-you..." He muttered to the unconsious body in front of him as the tears touched their hospita gown. He quickly stepped away when the nurse dropped by to fix some of the wires that were tangled.

"Hello, sirs. Mr. Jay and (Y/N) have recently gotten into a car crash not to far from here on the freeway. Mr. Jay is sufferring from, as you may know, first degree burns and hyperventallation from the bad air of the crash. (Y/N) has less injurries than him. As we came onto the scene, this man was trying to cover them from the fire and air around them, being slightly successful," the woman went on and on, reading the report of the accident written on the paper.

Jay protecting (Y/N)? Risking his life for someone he barely met a few months ago? Questions started to form in my mind. I took a seat on a chair nearby. My body felt numb from what was going on. Such a short amount of time can deal so much damage to people. Stephen and Hosuh sat next to me, hand in hand. Hosuh reached over to give me a hug, and I accepted. I needed one. We stayed silent for hours, until visiting hours were completely over, in which we went back to my home, sad and silent for the rest of the car ride.

When we got home, I decided to lay in my bed. I heard Hosuh and Stephen were going to cook something together, so I took the time that they would be preparing dinner, to rest and sort out my emotions.

"As we came onto the scene, this man was trying to cover them from the fire and air around them" He protected them. From the crash. What was he thinking? The fudging dolt! He got worse burns just from it! It would be a miracle if he managed to survive something like that! I don't even think he'll be alive... No. I have to think positive. For Hosuh. For Stephen. For... (Y/N). Yeah! For all of them! I got up and started to stretch my arms, and walked to the kitchen. When I did, I saw Hosuh and Stephen. They were... ?!

Fanart by @chexx417 Thank you for the adorable fanart! If you would like to send some to me my Instagram is @maiarted !

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Fanart by @chexx417
Thank you for the adorable fanart! If you would like to send some to me my Instagram is @maiarted !

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