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Daniel's POV

(Y/N) and I continued to talk about "their" past.

I always asked once in a while if they were comfortable with the topic, and they always responded with, "Daniel, it's fine. I trust how kind you are." It would always make my cheeks heat up and my heart to skip a beat. I knew what liking someone felt like, so it probably wasn't this. I felt more in control and less happier. I think. Or at least that's how I felt when I fell for someone. But never like this. Oh well. I'll think about it at 1am in the morning, later.

"Daniel! I hear high pitched screaming! It hurts my ears..." they suddenly exclaimed, panicked. I kneeled next to them.

"Hey! (Y/N)? Can you hear me? Are you okay?" I said, trying my hardest to make a loud, but clear voice. They just tilted their head.

"What? I can't hear you!" I quickly got up and tried calling for the nurse. A few seconds later, a doctor came in and started to put something on their ear and gave them some pills. They immediantly fell asleep from a shot that probably helped with their hearing. I looked at their sleeping face that was all too familiar at this point, and sat next to the unconsious Jay.

I noticed that his head was turned the other way, and his mouth was moving, mumbles coming out. I leaned closer, trying to hear what he might be saying.

"(Y/N)... Don't go... I'll... Do... Anything..." I managed to decipher. The rest was just gibberish or random words like, "Oranges" or "Caviar". I bet those were what he was craving right now. Hah. I went to the store to get some bagged milk and some oranges. He made me crave some milk and oranges.

I went back to my house and started munching on my snacks. My room and my desk was all clean. Probably Elias' doing. What a clean freakishly nice brother I have. I sat on my chair next to my desk and started to do some research of what I should make Hosuh and Stephen suffer from next.

I looked through the Discord chat's "video-ideas" channel and saw a few things that I liked and could add on to. I then stretched and went to go sleep. Luckily, I could fall asleep more easier, now that (Y/N) is... fairly alright, and I found out more about them. I felt heat rush to my face, when I thought of their continuous smile they flashed at me whenever I felt sad from the things that they told me.

I then drifted off to sleep.

Third-Person POV

Jay's eyes fluttered open, at the noise of a door opening and closing, once. He saw his green-haired best friend sitting next to him, greeting the man's awakening. The curtain that separated him and (Y/N) had been pulled back, thus making even more light come to his side of the curtain, from the window.

He looked over at the bed next to him, and saw an extrodinary thing. (H/C) strands of hair flew around, from a gust of wind flowing through the opened window. Canada's sun was finally out, thanks to global warming, and the light went behind the person behind it. A book was opened on one hand, and their other arm rested their face. Their face was in a grin, and a giggle echoed out. It was probably something from the book. The light from the sun shone behind their  body figure, making a magestic sceanery that made the blonde boy smile.

"My love," he muttered, very low. He sat up, feeling fully healed.

"Hey, you should take a stretch," Daniel said. "You've been knocked out for a bit, dude."

"Haha, no shit sherlock," Jay replied, jokingly. They both chuckled and Jay stretched his arms. They still felt a bit sore, but they felt better. His lungs were less heavier than the last time that he was consious. Jay felt like he could stand, so he did. His immedient reaction for when he got up on his feet, with the help of Dan, for support, he rushed over to a happy looking (Y/N).

"Wow, Dan! I wish I had as many friends as you do!" they exclaimed. Jay ignored the comment, but kept it in mind. He questioned what they had said, but didn't care as much.

My, (Y/N)... I'm so sorry, my princess...! I never meant to hurt your pretty face or your lovely hands, he thought. He'd rather not say it out loud or it would be really, really creepy.

Jay's arms extended out and wrapped around the (body/sized) person that he loved so dearly. His arms felt warmness being extracted from their body heat, which he found peculiar. It was new. He loved it. He loved everything new about them. Jay's hands caressed (Y/N)'s hair, very lightly.

"I... I missed you, ya know..." he sobbed out. My emotions are getting the better of me... I can't stop crying... God damnit!

"Hey, Hey... Shh... It's alright..." they hushed. "I always get clingy when I'm sad too! Haha!" Jay looked up from their shoulder, at their beaming smile.

It's the same smile... But it feels too different. It's not filled with the raw emotion that... My love used... he questioned himself. Was he really doubting his love for (Y/N)? No way! ... Right?

"Hey, by the way," (Y/N) started.

"Do I know you?"

Thank you so much, everyone! For all of the support for this story and for everything that you have done! You're all an amazing community and I absolutly love the Danplan Fandom! Such nice people... Thank you for 19k reads! I love you all! And thank you for reading! Keep in mind that I am always open for constructive critisism!

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