Chapter 10

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sorry i've been so inactive, i just had things that needed sorting out... but ill try and be more active and update regularly i promise. 

here it is


Legolas woke up in a small, quite dark room. As he looked around, the rock walls seemed quite intimidating, and the fact that the walls felt like they were closing slowly around him, gave away the fact they were underground. 

He was lying on a small bed in the corner of the 'room'. It looked like a prison or dungeons of some sort. 

The elf panicked, sitting up, but a sharp pain in his shoulder caused him to slowly lower himself back on to the bed, as he winced carefully. His head was pounding and heavy, every part of him hurt, a lot. 

After what seemed like hours of staring at the ceiling of the room, in fear of the pain he would have to face at some point, physically and mentally of course. 

But when he finally found the courage and energy to twist his neck over to examine his shoulder, he realised it had been wrapped up carefully. However he could tell the wound was extremely bad, and if someone hadn't treated it as they had, he wouldn't alive right now.

He scanned the room, a little seed of hope in his mind, he searched for the bow he carried around everywhere. His protection against the big bad world.

But it wasn't anywhere to be seen. Suddenly he felt a chill go down his back, he felt lonelier than he had ever been. Most of him was trying to forget about Aragorn and forget about how many days or months may have passed, and forget how worried he must be.

This place was too nice for ogres, but definitely not elf. What was this place? 

Legolas's 'elf' ears caught a small sound coming from outside the room, behind the door, he hadn't dared move out of his bed.  But now he sat up, in case he would need to defend himself. He ignored the immense pain he felt, like his shoulder was being stabbed repeatedly. 

"Hey there laddie, are you feeling any much better?"

A small, strained smile appeared on the elf's face. 


thats it for now, im writing the next chapter right after this.

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