𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒉 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒔𝒖𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈
⚠️depression trigger warning! Beware, dont read if it will negatively impact your mental health⚠️
《Lil naruto》
《5/2/19- 5/21/20》
I don't own Naruto, all rights to Masa...
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𝙁𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙖 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙮 𝙨𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙨. Most nights were spent in a shallow wash of darkness, no dreams and no satisfactory rest. On the worst nights even tiptoeing footsteps would awaken her.
Maybe her body was tired from simple day to day interactions, or the new flood of stress in her life. Maybe her body was so tired it entered into a coma like state of sleep. Either way the kunoichi was only awoken when Naruto Uzumaki started shaking her like a rag doll.
"Florence- chan! Florence- chan!" The blonde knucklehead bellowed, hands clasped tightly on her shoulders.
Even after her eyes cracked open the genin continued to relentlessly shake her.
"Naruto" the older woman sighed, "please stop". The rude awakening had set her into a sour mood, though it quickly receded once she gazed over the boy's sholder.
Florence's jaw slacked, mouth parting to suck in a gasp, the construction site had been flooded with a foggy haze so dense on the peeking outline of a battle could be depicted. She was already climbing to her feet when the kunoichi's eyes met the fallen body of Sasuke.
"What happened?" A hand held her forehead, pushing back her hair as she jogged forwards, Naruto hot in her tail.
"You need to save him" was all the boy said- before falling into drawn out ramble. "I know he is weaker than me, but still, you need to save him Florence- chan".
The medics hands pulled away a handful of needles from the boys chest, creating room for her hands to find place on skin on heal. A familiar glow encased her hands, radiating into the near dead boy.
"Where is Kakashi?" A worried expression was tilted towards Naruto, it made him smile softly.
"Fighting Zabuza" the knucklehead motioned his hand towards the denser part of the fog where only shifting shadows could be seen.
It made her uneasy to say the very least. Her heart itched her jump up and her to her familiar haired jounin, feet unconsciously shifting away. Though the woman would never forgive herself if Sasuke died.
"Kakashi" the woman gasped watching hiw form get thrown out from the fog. His head barely flicked to her before shooting back to Zabuza and out of sight. The breath caught within the kunoichi's throat, her hands pressed into Sasuke's chest, willing him to wake up.
From the side Naruto looked to the woman with a frown. A slight gasp made its way from his mouth, "he is waking up".
Flicking her head back like a licking flame, Florence watched as the young Uchiha blinked his eyes, trying to sit up. "Stop" she pushed down on his shoulders, "you're no use to the battle like this, Naruto, protect him" the medic stood daughtingly, a hazy fog licking at her skin before she broke free from its ties and towards battle.
The womans heart rushed anxiously, fingers twitching. She didn't feel ready to fight, but kakashi, lover or friend Florence would lay down her life for him.
A golden glow encased her hands, like liquid sunshine running up the womans arms. In a clap she captured the swordmans blade between her hands, the edge daunghtlingly close to her forehead.
"What do you think you're doing fish flakes?" She snarled, adrenaline pumping through her veins, igniting her like a stick of dynamite (she had never felt more like a bad ass). With a strained cry Florence threw the blade back at Zabuza, causing the famous swordsman to stumble back.
"Who are you?" He asked, dragging the blade edge on the stone ground, a dying screech squealing like nails on the chalk board. No one had ever called him fish flakes.
"Florence?" Kakashi questioned, entering into the interluding conversation. The jounin's hand lifted to rest on her sholder before sliding down her back and curling around her waist. It was a loving sort of half hug, but also a protective hold in which he was read to throw her to the side at any second.
Before the woman could change her mind she swung her fist forward, gaining for the enemies chest. Though, before her had could reach him a younger boy zapped in front, who was that?
Alarmed Florence ripped her hand back, but the damage had been done, her hand layered innate shiny sheen of blood, splotches falling to the stone. The feminine boy with a beautiful face and silky hair fell.
A gasp rippled from the medics mouth like a wave, the bloodied hand moving to hold her face, smearing the substance like paint.
Zabuza looked to her with dead eyes, one of his arms limply hanging by his side, the other dropping sword. A soft "Haku" slithered out from between his lips.
"I'm sorry" Florence whispered, Haku was important in to Zabuza. Even if they were enemies, the kunoichi still felt a stale sort of remorse, she should have just stayed asleep.
Around them the fog slowly receded, clearing mostly, all will for battle lost as a silent victory was found. Though the fight was not over as a short man lead a bustling group of bandits onto the bridge.
A long speal dropped from his tounge, but Florence paid no mind, she felt guilty. To her side the three genin crept up, even wounded they thirsted for more battle, like hyenas, luckily Kakashi held them back.
The group watched in admiration as Zabubza ran to the crowd, killing the bandits in a fight he couldn't hope to win. Florence has come to learn there was no black and while lines of good or bad, everything was blurred, a smear of grey as neither right, nor wrong existed.
The world was corrupt and so where the people in it, even herself.
One can only hope this lengthy chapter satisfies your patience for this chapter. Wow, character development, death and a half hug in one chapter (sarcastic enthusiasm).
This is unedited, and Iknow it has been a long wait, but I'd rather give you somethingI like than 500 words slung together in a late frenzy.