So You Think I Wanna Be With You?

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The Next Day

"Hey" Yohan greeted Emma who was entering the store. He'd told me that he planned on trying to speak to Emma's boyfriend again and I of course was dragged along. Emma gave us a funny look before glancing down to see our intertwined hands. She looked up again smirking and raising an eyebrow.

We followed Emma into the store to the counter. "Just our usual" Yohan raised a finger, "Your boyfriend isn't here again today?" Elios told me that he wasn't feeling well today so he was staying home from school I planned to head to the store and buy him some soup and medicine on my way back home.

"He said he had things to do" Emma shrugged sliding our orders across the counter. So...Elios lied to me or Emma?

"Are you sure he's not just avoiding me?" Yohan's brows furrowed.

"Err why would he?" Emma bit her lip.

"My intuition is telling me so!" Yohan's grip on my hand tightened, "Maybe he thinks I'm trying to steal his girl so he plans to beat me up" Or that your trying to date his sister...

"How about you just go take a seat and enjoy your drink?" Emma sounded a tad annoyed.

"If you want to talk me and (Y/N) will be sitting over there" Yohan smiled pointing to the table we sat at last time. Time passed quickly as me and Yohan chatted. Before I knew it, it was dark outside.

"Excuse me, we'll be closing soon, so..." Emma placed a hand on our table.

"Ah sorry it's that late already I didn't realize" He chuckled, "Time sure flies fast when your having fun huh?" I giggled.

"That's a graphic tablet, isn't it?" Emma questioned. Earlier Yohan had pulled it out and I'd slid my chair over and had been watching him draw and doodle for the past few hours, "Are you drawing something?" Emma leaned closer peering over to see his computer screen.

"Yeah! Wanna see?" He turned his monitor to face her.

"Woah so pretty!" Emma exclaimed bringing her hand to her face, "You drew all of these?"

"Yep, praise me more!" Yohan smirked cockily.

"So are you from the art department?" Emma tilted her head.

"No actually I'm a Law student! With (Y/N)" He wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"Forgive me for asking but why?" Emma looked intrigued.

"Long story short...when I was a kid, I loved reading comics so much, I wanted to be a comic artist." He ruffled his hair. Then his face darkened, "But then...something bad happened to a person precious to me" I placed a comforting hand on his thigh," So now, I guess...I'm just a Law student who happens to draw as a hobby" Yohan crossed his arms looking up to meet eyes with Emma again.

"Is that so..." Emma muttered.

"Anyway, we'll be leaving now" he closed his laptop and tapped my shoulder. I stood up grabbing my backpack.

"Bye Emma" I waved on our way out the door. She smiled waving back.

It was a decently chilly night I shivered wrapping my arms around my torso.

"You cold?" Yohan questioned pulling me closer.

"Just a bit" I replied, "Stupid me. I forgot my jacket"

"Hang on" Yohan said pulling us to a stop on the sidewalk. He took off his denim jacket with leather sleeves.

"No I can't. You'll be cold" I shook my head pushing it away.

"I'd prefer myself freezing to death rather than you" He rolled his eyes, "Plus I have you to keep me warm" I blushed and smiled shaking my head. I unwilling pulled on his jacket which was a bit big on me. His fingers interlocked with mine as they swung limp between us.

"So...about Emma?" Yohan sighed, "Why do you know her? Or am I just looking too deep into this?" I bit my lip shivering again and pulling Yohan's jacket tighter against me.

"You know... I've been dreading telling you this" I looked up at him.

"Really?" He smirked, "You have nothing to worry about. I'm a junior detective I've heard plenty of crazy stories"

"Emma's boyfriend, the guy who you suspect assaulted Brian...Is my brother" Silence. My lip quivered, "I was afraid of this. I'm sorry" I buried my head in my hands muffling my sobs.

"Hey don't cry" Yohan moved so he was standing across from me. He kneeled to my height pulling my hands away from my tear stained cheeks, "You can't control what your brother does but you can control what you do" he smiled wiping a tear from my eye. I collapsed wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him into my chest for a hug. He chuckled wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I was just worried you wouldn't wanna be with someone who's related to a criminal" I said quietly. He pulled away raising an eyebrow  then smirked.

"So you think I wanna be with you?" He poked me in the chest. I blushed, "Well you're right" He sighed standing up. I looked up at him and warmth flooded through me. Yohan may not be the most athletic or tallest guy in school but he made me feel safe.

I grabbed his right hand holding it between both of my smaller hands for a second before bringing it up to caress my cheek. He rubbed his thumb along my cheekbone staring into my (E/C) eyes. His icy blue eyes were clouded with lust. I pulled him closer by his white T-shirt.

"Hey (Y/N)?" He glanced at my dry lips which I proceeded to lick, "Do you suspect your brother too?" I lightly pushed him away, "Sorry. Did I say something wrong?"

"No you just ruined the moment" I shook my head a smile playing at my lips, "I don't suspect him I know it was him. In fact, he's been doing this for as  long as I can remember" I scrunched my eyes gritting my teeth, "My mom, me, and now Emma" I held back more tears, "And now I'm afraid he's going to come after you"

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