Suicide vs Murder

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Ahh right, Professor Rupert. Earlier this week a news article had been published stating he'd committed suicide. It was unexpected and I wasn't sure if I bought the whole "suicide" thing.

"After autopsy, it's confirmed he died from suffocation..." Yohan's uncle leaned back in his seat crossing his arms. "At around 6:00 am from hanging himself. His wife Mrs. Alma found him hanged in his room at around 6:15" Yohan's eyes narrowed. "Recent lab tests found traces of sleeping drugs in his body. So you might assume he was drugged, but..."

"It wouldn't be weird if he took sleeping pills before suicide, to ease the pain" Yohan finished leaning forward in his seat.


"We asked the wife if anything unnatural had happened before the accident. According to her someone might have visited their house around 3am" Yohan's uncle rubbed his temple, "She said he'd been distant from her lately so they were staying in separate rooms"

Yohan looked at me funny. "If they stayed in separate rooms, who usually cleaned his room?"

"Their house taker quit, so his wife would clean his room from time to time. The last time she cleaned his room was the day before his death"

"If he'd let her clean his room, that means he wasn't hiding anything weird there." Yohan concluded, "I did hear rumors of him taking advantage of female students though." My shoulders tended and my eyes widened.

2 months ago
It was almost the end of the first semester and I had to finish a writing assignment for an English class I was forced to take. It was the big final project of the class which meant I would never have to take this class again. Luckily Professor Rupert was quite nice to me.

That morning I turned in my paper to him and he smiled and thanked me. "I'll see you in class later today" He waved as I left. The last class of the semester was pretty crazy. Students were chatting loudly and not listening so it went by fast. The bell rang and everyone rushed out the door. I was the last one to leave.

"Excuse me miss (Y/L/N)" I turned around. "I wanted to talk to you about your writing assignment" My heart thumped in my chest. Oh no what had I done wrong!? Was I going to fail this class?! Would I have to take it again?! "Your submission was perfect" He chuckled sliding his hand down my arm. I awkwardly laughed and my nerves dissipated.

"Actually, I think you might have been the best in the class" Really? Best in the class? "And I think you deserve a reward for it" His hand on my arm tightened as my heart filled with fear.

"Um actually" I stuttered, "I really should be getting home my brother will worry" I smiled and awkwardly giggled again.

"Stay" He smirked as his hand slid down my waist to be gripping my ass. I was frozen. I looked at my feet. His other hand slipped up my shirt all the way to my bra. He caressed my breast through the fabric.

Anger bubbled up inside me. I didn't deserve to be taken advantage of. I slapped him across the face. Hard. He looked taken aback with shock. Then it turned to anger. "You bitch!" He grabbed my face in between his hand and tilted my chin up to meet his eyes. "Get out of this classroom this minute or I'll fail you" He snarled and let go. I ran out the door rubbing my chin in pain.

Flashback End
"It's true" I piped up, "He was sexually harassing female students" I fidget in my seat and looked at my toes. Yohan gripped my hand tighter.

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