Sometimes Just Being There is Enough

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I twirled a piece of Yohan's dark hair in between my fingers quietly. A sad sigh escaped my lips as I adjusted myself, laying on Yohan's chest. Yoojoong and I had been here next to Yohan all night.

The t-shirt I'd pressed against Yohan's bloody forehead hours ago was now folded neatly on a side table. The smell of dry blood on the shirt was beginning to make me feel dizzy. Every time I took a breath, all I could think of was how terrified I'd felt when Yohan passed out.

I was so focused on Yohan at the hospital, that when the nurse asked why I had blood on myself I was confused. She pulled me aside  with tweezers and plucked every piece of glass out of my palm. Yet, I felt nothing. I was numb. Whilst she was was bandaging my hands I stared at Yohan's hospital room door.

After the nurse bandaged me up and gave me a baggy hospital gown I fell asleep in Yohan's room with my head on his chest. He had two bandages on his face one on the cut above his eyebrow and one on a bruise on his left cheek. It was the next morning and Yohan was still peacefully sleeping. I was so worried I hadn't slept at all so I was lazily laying on Yohan's sleeping chest.

"Huh?" A soft voice whispered in my ear. "(Y/N)?"

"Yohan! You're awake!" Yoojoong shouted. I pulled away from Yohan grinning from ear to ear. I threw my arms around his shoulders and squeezed him tightly.

"I was so scared..." My voice quivered. Yohan rubbed the back of my head comfortingly.

"I'll go get the doctor" Yoojoong stood up from his chair.

"Wait!" Yohan gently pushed me off of him reaching to grab his uncles shirt. "What about that guy?"

Yoojoong's face fell. "He got away. You fainted so we brought you to the hospital" He gestured at me. I sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck.

"Oh, I see" Yohan mumbled looking at the wall. Yoojoong left the room to get the doctor. It was silent.

"I'm so so so so sorry" I blurted out my eyes becoming teary. "It's all my fault!" I blubbered beginning to cry. Yohan's eyes widened.

"No! Don't say that it's not you fault" he opened his arms for a hug. I collapsed hiccuping into his arms. He was shaking.

"Yohan?" I grabbed his hand. "Your scared aren't you?" I whimpered. He tensed. "If I never met you none of this would've happened" I pushed Yohan away disgusted with myself. He looked me up and down raising an eyebrow.

"Why are you wearing a hospital gown?" He followed my gaze to the bloody shirt on the table.


"(Y/N) if I never met you I would be dead" He looked me dead in the eyes. "You stripped off your shirt in front of my uncle to keep me from losing blood" I looked away from him not wanting to meet his eyes.

"(Y/N)" His voice was shaky. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you" I looked back up at him surprised.

"What are you talking about?"

"Your hands. Your pretty face. Your neck." He pointed out all my battle scars. I touched the scab forming on my collarbone, remembering wrestling my brother.

"I was protecting you" I pressed my hands against his bed. Leaning over him for emphasis. "And-and thank god your okay. I don't know what I would do with myself if something happened to you" I trailed off starting to cry again. Yohan reached a hand up to my face wiping the tears out of my eyes. I smiled sadly.

He grabbed the sides of my face and pulled me down until our foreheads were touching. He stared me dead in the eyes. "I will never let anything happen to you again" I raised my eyebrows surprised.

He closed his eyes and tenderly pressed his lips against mine. I froze surprised at first, then kissed him back passionately. What if I'd never gotten to kiss him again? I ran my fingers through his silky hair.

"Ahem" A voice I recognized awkwardly coughed. I jumped back embarrassed. Yohan blushed fixing his hair. Yoojoong raised an eyebrow and stepped aside to let the doctor in. I gulped and slid down in the waiting chair mortified.

The doctor spoke to Yohan for awhile and finally left with a smile. "Just rest up and you'll be fine" I smiled relieved. Yohan grinned back.

" there something I should know about you two?" Yoojoong crossed his arms.

"Well, you see..." I looked down at my sneakers.

"I love her" Yohan interrupted me. I blushed. Yoojoong looked between us smiling and shaking his head.

"Young love" He seemed lost in thought for a minute then snapped out of it turning away from Yohan. "That's was reckless. Both of you could have died"

I opened my mouth to defend Yohan but he spoke before me. "Well the criminal was right in front of me. So I just..."

"That's the problem!" Yoojoong snapped whipping around. I jumped. "Catching the criminals is the cops job not yours! Don't try to act like a hero when it's not your place to do so." Yohan looked down ashamed.

"I'm sorry" Yohan muttered sullenly. Yoojoong sighed and stepped towards Yohan.

"I know your still upset about what happened ten years ago..." Yohan looked at me panicked. What happened ten years ago? "I still feel bad for not believing you that time. That's why I let you do what you want. But if it means risking your life and someone else's that's a different matter"

Yohan bit his lip. I looked down at his arm, he was trembling. I reached out holding his hand in mine. He looked up at me thankful. If he wasn't ready to tell me what happened, I would wait. Yoojoong turned away again.

"I've been in this line of work for a long time. I've put countless people behind bars. I know some were innocent but the court decided they weren't. Many cases aren't even solved."

Yohan looked away from me furrowing his brows. "It's unfortunate but justice isn't always served." Yoojong turned his head to look at Yohan. "There's nothing you can do about it"

The room was quiet except for Yohan's heavy breathing. "Anyways the officers will be here soon to ask you two about the assailant" (A person who physically attacks another. Don't worry I literally had to look it up lol) "Make sure you tell them everything"

Yoojoong sighed and walked towards the door. He stopped turning back towards Yohan.

"I'll tell your dad you're okay. He's really worried" And with that Yoojoong left.

Yohan looked at his lap, a single tear escaping his eye. I squeezed his hand and leaned my head against his shoulder. Sometimes just being there is enough.

Thank you for continuing to read my story! Let me know if you would like to see any other fanfics. Not just about My Deepest Secret. I read other WEBTOON's too and I'm interested in a lot of things so let me know in the comments. 💕 Also new cover!

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