My Fever

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Hey guys! It's 2020 now and the author of My Deepest Secret has recently went on hiatus to work on season 2 of the story but don't worry! I'm very behind on the story and have a lot to write still. In the original story the next few chapters are about Emma having a fever so I thought I would write a separate filler chapter about you (the main character) having a fever and Yohan taking care of you! I hope you enjoy 💕 (Also the pic above is Elios. No Yohan shirtless srry)

I groaned rubbing my temples. My head was pounding, it was 2:00 in the morning. I rolled over reaching for my phone on my nightstand and felt a sudden chill. I pulled my blanket closer to me and snatched my phone from the nightstand before shrinking into my covers.

After 5 minutes of considering wether I should get up, I stumbled out of my bed with my blanket wrapped around me into the bathroom. I flipped on the light and squinted. I rubbed my eyes and leaned on the counter. I looked at my disheveled reflection. Messy hair, eye bags, flushed face. I sighed and reached into a drawer pulling out a thermometer.

My temperature was 102 degrees Fahrenheit. (Around 38.8 degrees Celsius) Perfect. I sighed and reached into the drawer again grabbing two ibuprofen's from a bottle and swallowing them dry. I stumbled back into my room and flopped on my bed instantly falling asleep.

I woke up to my phone buzzing repeatedly. I reached over, still feeling dazed and checked the time. I'd slept for 8 hours it was 10:00 am. I'd now officially missed my chance to go to school. Not that I was planning to... I unlocked my phone and checked my messages. Some were from my brother and the rest from Yohan.

(8:00 am)Yohan- Hey where ru? Went to our usual meet up place and u weren't there...

(8:15 am)Elios- (Y/N) I didn't see you attend your first class? Are you alright?

(8:30 am)Yohan- Hello...(Y/N)

(9:00 am)Yohan- Ur making me srsly worried...

(9:30 am)Yohan-Ru avoiding me?

(9:31 am)Yohan- Is it because of what happened yesterday?

(9:32 am)Yohan- I'm coming over


I jumped and covered my mouth blocking a scared screech.

"(Y/N) are you here!? You aren't answering my texts so I assume your either dead or...uh" Yohan trailed off.

"I'm here" I attempted to shout and my voice came out in a whisper. I wrapped my blanket around me and stumbled my way down the stairs to the front door. My head spun just as I stepped off the last stair and I tripped falling against it. I took a deep breath and steadied my vision flinging open the front door to an impatient looking Yohan. His anxious facial expression softened at the sorrowful state I was in.

"Jeez, (Y/N) you look..." He looked me up and down again. "Can I come in?"

"I'm sick" I rubbed my eye again pulling my blanket tighter against me. "Fever. I don't want you to catch whatever I have" I smiled and waved him away.

"But I skipped school for you..." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Wait here" He smirked and ran back to his car while I leaned against the door shivering. Yohan returned with a plastic supermarket bag and ushered me inside. "Nice house" He looked around quickly kicking his shoes off.

"Thanks" I yawned and slumped against the stairwell. "I'm not avoiding you" Yohan looked up from his bag. "It's just weird now, cause all I can think about is how good it feels to kiss you"

"" Yohan blushed and looked at the ground. "That was forward" I blinked slower my vision becoming blurry.

"Honestly, I don't even know what I'm saying right now..." I trailed off my vision going black.

"(Y/N)? Cmon it's been 10 minutes" I blinked slowly and then sat up on my elbows abruptly. Vertigo hit me like a wave and I slid back down. "Take it easy" Yohan pulled up my blanket and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"I know this seems weird but nothing happened, I swear. After you passed out I brought you to your bed and got you a cool washcloth for your forehead" I shivered again and hugged my arms against me when I realized my arm was bare. I peeked under my blanket to find I was only wearing a tank top. I met eyes with Yohan again.

"Uh..well...I thought being in just a tank top might cool you off. You were sweating" I narrowed my eyes at him and blushed. "I didn't see anything I swear! I just saw your um...bra. But only for a second! I found a tank top really quickly..." His face grew redder with every word and he dropped his head into his hands.

"I'm sorry, I sound like such a perv" He mumbled. "I was worried" He looked up from his hands, "when you passed out like that" I smiled.

"I trust you Yohan. You don't have to explain yourself" I sat up straight and opened my arms for a hug. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist squeezing me tight. His chin rested on my shoulder. We sat there in silence just enjoying the feeling, until Yohan spoke up.

"Did you mean the thing's you said earlier. Before you passed out" Ah so he'd swooped in with the question when I was vulnerable.

"Well I definitely meant the part about not avoiding you" I grabbed his shoulders and pulled us an arms length apart. "And I meant the second part too. I guess" I added on quickly.

"So it does 'feel good' to kiss me" He smirked.

"Do you mind getting sick"

"Nope, as long as you take care me"

"Good" I gingerly wrapped my arms around his neck and closed the space between us. Just a quick peck was good for now. "I feel better already. Now it's my turn to ask a question. What happened between Emma and you?"

"Uh damn" He muttered pulling away from me. "I made a mistake. I shouldn't have asked to see her file" He sighed and looked down at our legs. "She got upset and grabbed me. Even worse, she wasn't at school today and there's rumors going around. Everyone thinks she's an awful person after the picture of her grabbing me spread around school" Yohan's voice was coated with regret.

My room was silent for a few moments. I took a deep breath and leaned my head on Yohan's shoulder rubbing it. "Everything will turn out fine"

I was wrong.

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