You Could Kick My Ass

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~One Week Later~

"Wait...why are we going to the gym?" I rubbed my forehead confused by Yohan's sudden interest.

"Listen." He grabbed my shoulders turning me towards him. "My uncle goes to the gym weekly and he's pretty fit. I was thinking both of us should try and get stronger."

I gave Yohan a skeptical look. "Please." He clasped his hands together. "I just want to be able to protect you." I cocked an eyebrow a smile spreading across my face. He rubbed my cheek lovingly. "Come one."

"Alright, but it's not just to protect me." I waved a finger in Yohan's face. "I want to be able to protect myself." Yohan grabbed my hands instantly agreeing.

"Okay. My uncles driving me, so meet me there at like two." I agreed and Yohan gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before heading towards his car in the parking lot.

The university campus had been dead quiet since everything went down last week. Emma had been distant from everyone all week too. Ever since my episode I'd been thinking about Elios a lot.

Maybe working out would take my mind off all my problems. I hiked my backpack up my shoulder and set off towards my car. Elios was on a shift so I wouldn't have to see him when I got home.

I clicked the button to unlock my car halfway there and opened my passenger door. My heavy bag slid off my shoulder effortlessly. I tossed it into the passenger seat slamming the door behind me.

The front door opened with a quiet creak. "Anybody home?" Silence. Great, now I could get ready in peace. I checked my phone. I had about 30 minutes till I had to leave. I locked the front door behind me jogging up the stairs to my room.

What do you even wear to the gym? I searched through my drawers. Some athletic leggings and a thin t-shirt should be fine. I pulled the leggings and shirt on and grabbed a pair of tennis shoes from next to my bed.

I jogged down the stairs sitting down on the last step to lace my tennis shoes. I tugged on a jacket from the coat closet and headed out the door.

The gym was pretty empty for a Saturday I scanned the heads of the people in the gym and two men with jet black hair caught my eye.

Yoojoong was using a lap pull down not even breaking a sweat. Yohan however, was sprawled across the ground looking exhausted. I checked my phone again. Jeez I was only 10 minutes late.

I approached Yoojoong giving him a questioning look. "So...?"

Yoojoong looked up from Yohan shrugging. "I brought you here because you wanted to tag along...what are you doing?"

"Is that some kind of exercise?" I placed my hand on my hip leaning to the side.

"Yep." Yohan mumbled. Knowing it was me without even looking up. "This exercise is called tired and dying."

After guzzling two and half bottles of water Yohan was able to unstick himself from the ground. "How do people work out for hours?!" He leaned against the wall breathing heavily. I slid down the wall taking a seat next to him. "You guys are monsters!"

"What did you do?" I raised any eyebrow running a hand through Yohan's sweaty hair. He looked at me his eye twitching. "Alright then." I threw up my arms in surrender. "I won't ask."

"Your just lacking stamina. You need to exercise more often." Yoojoong shook his head looking down at us.

"I can't even lift this dumbbell!" Yohan exclaimed grabbing one of lightest ones and attempting to lift it.

"Oh come on." I snatched it from him and lifted it up and down a couple times easily. Yohan raised his eyebrows. "How did you....?" Yohan muttered rubbing his bare arm.

He'd decided to wear a hoodie with the sleeves cut off and a pair of basketball shorts. He was shrimpy but his arms were still a nice sight.

"If you exercise more you'll be able to lift that. We can start with the lightest one for you and (Y/N) you can lift that one."

I nodded pleased that I was stronger than Yohan. "Say," Yoojoong mumbled. Yohan and I looked towards him. "Neither of you have ever been interested in bodybuilding before right?"

Yohan and I shared a knowing look. Yoojoong turned around finishing his sentence. "Did the incident at the warehouse change your mind?"

I bit my lip. "We...just want to be able to protect ourselves." Yohan nodded.

"I used to think violence wasn't the answer and that I could solve problems using words. I'd rather work on my persuasion skills." Yohan looked at the ground ashamed. "(Y/N) was fighting for longer than me. I couldn't do anything. I was helpless."

I reached a hand out towards Yohan attempting to comfort him, but he pulled away. "Criminals won't listen to what I have to say. It was naive of me to think that."

"I see." Yoojoong reached a hand out towards Yohan pulling him off the ground. "I'm going to teach you two martial arts."

Yoojoong led us into another area of the gym where most of the floor was mat. There were punching bags in a line on the right and a boxing ring beside it.

"Woah! There's a boxing ring in here?!" I elbowed Yohan unimpressed by his excitement.

"Here's your gear." Yoojoong handed both of us knee pads, cushioned gloves, shin pads, grips for our feet and elbow pads after talking to the person at the front desk.

"Jeez." I muttered struggling to hold the gear in between my arms. Yohan and I moved over to a bench dumping our armload of gear onto the floor. We slipped the gear on quickly and checked ourselves out in the nearby mirror. We met eyes smiling at each other through the mirror. "You look good." I blushed. He really did. The elbow pads made the muscles on his arms stand out and the pads on his legs made them look even slimmer.

"You look like you could kick my ass." I rolled my eyes punching Yohan in the shoulder. I slipped a hair tie off of my wrist and pulled half my hair away from my face in a half up half down style. Yohan eyed me in the mirror. "You should wear your hair like that more often."

He looked himself up and down one last time before pulling me back towards the mats. "These don't look like what boxers wear." Yohan glanced down at his gloved hands again.

"What are you teaching us?" I looked up at Yoojoong.

"It's called mixed martial arts." Yoojoong adjusted the strap on his glove. "Now, in terms of physical abilities. What are your specialties?"

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