Yoojoong's Scar

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"Obviously strength isn't one of his." I gestured towards Yohan pressing my lips together in a grimace.

Yoojoong chuckled. Yohan cleared his throat obnoxiously, ignoring me. "Well, strength isn't my strong suit and neither is endurance, but I think I have pretty good reflexes."

"I have pretty good reflexes too." I stepped forward. "And I'm strong for my size." Yohan snickered behind me. "Stronger than you." I turned around punching Yohan in the chest. He grimaced and back away holding his hands up in defense.

"I think MMA suits you two." I whipped back around to the sound of Yoojoong's voice. "Lots of other martial arts focus on only offense, but MMA is just self defense. You need to have quick thinking and fast reflexes to be good at it. It's all about locking your opponents movements or immobilizing them so they can't fight."

Yohan remained silent next to me staring intently at his uncle. "Let's get started on the basics."

"Yes sir." Yohan snapped out of his trance saluting Yoojoong. I sighed. This dork.

~2 Hours Later~

Yohan gasped for breath falling onto his knees. I took a deep breath sitting down next to him on the mat. Yoojoong looked down at us holding the punching mat patiently waiting.

"Why are you so harsh with this training..." Yohan trailed off still out of breath. "Am I just weak as hell?"

"It's only been two hours." Yoojoong muttered containing his annoyance.

"Two hours..." I whined laying flat against the cool mat. Yoojoong sighed.

"You've learned the basics so let's try sparring next. Sparring gets your adrenaline going so it makes you the most tired."

Yohan and I sat up abruptly. "You expect me to spar in this condition." Yohan let out a fake sob.

"You'll be sparring each other after I show you how it works. Seems fair to me." Yoojoong tossed the punching mat to the side adjusting his gloves again. "You can't leave until each of you beat me at least once."

"Seriously, uncle! I get me, but....(Y/N)?"

"I guarantee she'll kick your ass." Yoojoong rolled his eyes. I smiled, easily pulling myself of the ground.

"Yep." I jumped back in forth in place, my energy back with roaring force. I punched the air with my right hand then my left. "Come on Yohan."

He pushed himself off the ground slowly slightly trembling. "Hurry up, this will help gauge how fast your reflexes are. Yohan I'll show you first and (Y/N) you can tell us when to start."

I nodded and backed away a couple feet taking a seat on the mat again. Yohan finally stood up adjusting his elbow pads. Yoojoong stood in a fighting stance. As soon as Yohan prepared himself I spoke up.

"Ready? Fight!" I yelled faking a deep voice. Without any hesitation Yoojoong swung at Yohan. Yohan brought his arms in front of his body blocking the punch. Surprise written clear on his face.

I bit my tongue unconsciously grimacing. The punch hit Yohan's bare arms with a loud smack but I sensed Yoojoong was going easy on him. Yohan backed away keeping his arms in a fighting stance. Without a second hesitation Yoojoong brought his leg up to kick Yohan.

Yohan easily dodged the kick and noticed what I'd noticed a couple seconds ago. Yoojoong was unstable, standing on only one leg. Yohan moved towards Yoojoong's planted leg going to grab it and take him down. I flicked my eyes upward.

"Look out!" I yelled. Yoojoong's leg was coming down from the air heading straight for Yohan's head. Yohan heard my cry and held his arm up beside his head, but that wasn't enough. Yoojoong's kick sent Yohan sprawling back onto the mat.

"Yohan!" I scrambled off the ground sprinting over to crouch next to him.

"Are you alright?" Yoojoong crouched beside me.

"I'm fine." Yohan sat up holding his hand over his face. He pulled his hand away slowly, looking at it intently. Sure enough he had a bloody nose. I reached a hand up quickly wiping away the blood.

"Hang on." I rushed over to the counter and asked for some tissues. When I got back Yoojoong had already moved Yohan to a bench on the side and was explaining what happened.

I handed Yohan the tissues and took a seat next to him. Basically Yoojoong had faked a front kick and brought his foot down to do a drop kick.

"Sorry, it's hard to control my strength during a drop kick. Are you sure we don't need to go to the hospital?"

"Uncle...I'm fine." Yohan sighed and shoved the pieces of tissues he'd ripped off into his nose. "I got pretty beat up though. Maybe I'm just that weak." He laughed sounding dejected.

"You're working to overcome your weakness. That's the most important thing." Yoojoong leaned against the wall. "Have I told you how I got this scar?"

"Nope. How?" I guess this peaked both our interests.

"It was during an investigation." I bit my lip imagining the scene. Yoojoong in his younger days in police uniform and all. He'd be a godly sight. I sighed blissfully. "The crook had a knife and us police aren't meant to shoot criminals to kill, were only allowed to immobilize them."

Yohan listened intently as Yoojoong continued. "I yelled at him to drop the knife, but of course he didn't listen. He came charging at me, clearly drunk. I fired a few shots at him but missed."

I gaped again at the mental picture. Yoojoong was so brave. "Then I realized I'd run out of bullets." Yohan and I leaned in eager to hear the next part of the story. "He swung at me. Luckily his aim was terrible since he was under the influence, but the only reason I made it out alive was through pure luck."

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. Yohan slumped next to me placing his elbows on his knees. "Another officer took him down. Up to that day I'd always thought I had the upper hand because I had a gun."

I nodded looking up to meet Yoojoong's gaze. "After that I realized anything could happen. That's why it's important to always be prepared."

"Hmm" Yohan hummed pulling the tissues out of his nose and tossing them into a nearby trash can. "Alright! I'm don't resting. Let's continue where we left off."

I cocked an eyebrow slowly pushing myself off the bench. "Are you sure?"

"Don't force yourself." Yoojoong added on.

"I'm not." Yohan proceeded to pull on his gloves. "I've decided to do this seriously, after all once I've set my mind on something, I won't stop until I've reached my goal." He slammed his gloved hands together.

I smiled pride filling my veins. Yohan turned back towards me smirking. "Plus I want to see (Y/N) give it a try."

Also totally random but any BTS fans can we please talk about there new album because I'm obsessed! 💕 Please comment and let me know what you thought. As always enjoy!

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