Screw Ups

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The Next Day at School
I brushed a stray hair out of my face as the wind picked up. I was standing outside of building B next to Yohan per usual. I watched the clusters of students walk by growing bored. I picked at a cuticle.


I jerked my eyes up from my hand. A petite blond girl had ran into a tall girl with sharp eyes and black hair and managed to knock her books out of her hands.

"Ah! I'm sorry! Are you alright?" The blond girl apologized. Her voice sounded vaguely familiar.

"Never mind" The tall girl hissed rubbing her chin, "just help me pick up my books" Ahh. A lightbulb went off in my head as I recognized who the blonde girl was. Emma.

"Okay" Emma bent down in a rush gathering the girls books as she stood there rubbing her chin. A brunette girl stood by Emma and watched as she picked up the books.

I recognized her too, Sophie I thought. The girl I ran into in the hallway.

"Here, um again, I'm sorry" Emma apologized standing up handing the girl her books. The girl took them and walked away a sour look on her face. I turned around bored of eavesdropping.

That girl really was odd though. Being around her made me uncomfortable. She may have been beautiful but the look in her cold blue eyes made my skin crawl.

"We'll see you then" Emma waved at Sophie heading towards building A.

"Ah I just remembered something! I'll see you guys later" I turned my head back towards Yohan recognizing his voice. He grabbed my arm pulling me with him.

"Uh where exactly are we going?" I questioned, "it's hard to guess, your kinda spontaneous" He looked back at me and smirked.

"That's the point" He continued pulling me towards Emma's direction when we suddenly stopped behind Sophie. She turned around hearing our footsteps. "Are you Emma's friend?" Her face flushed and I crossed my arms suddenly jealous.

"Ah Yes. Addi, I didn't notice you" Sophie smiled. I managed a smile still a bit mad. This was what Yohan did. Charm girls for his own gain. Sometimes I found myself questioning wether I was being used too.

"May I know where she's heading to? I need to talk to her?" He smiled.

"She has a class at building A" Her face grew a deeper red as she stuttered.

"Ah, thanks" Yohan and I turned around heading towards building A when suddenly he stopped.

"What now?" I sighed turning towards him. Annoyance written on my face. Yohan turned around and ran back towards Sophie. I whipped around to see what he was doing and my heart dropped.

His arms were wrapped around Sophie's torso. It seemed she must have tripped. He whispered something to her. Then stood straight up and asked her something again. He motioned for me to come towards him.

I dropped my eyes to the floor and crossed my arms harder against my chest. I slowly walked towards him but of course he was oblivious.

"Haha" He smiled as we began walking in pace, "I thought building A was the other way. Silly me" I sped up walking ahead of him now.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He sped up trying to match my long strides. I stopped.

"You can just tell me if you'd prefer a girl without a murderous brother" I snipped keeping my gaze on the ground.

"What are you talking about?" He sighed moving to stand in front of me.

"What am I talking about!" I shouted for emphasis finally meeting eyes with him, "You drag me around everywhere and-and for what? To flirt with other girls right in front of me? And tell me only have feelings for me?" I shouted. "You expect me to believe you could ever love someone like me?!" I finished.

I let out a shaky breath realizing I was clutching Yohan's hoodie strings and our faces were inches away.

"I love you" He breathed his breath tickling my lips. I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't care if people saw. I let go of the strings on his hoodie and grabbed his collar. Our lips crashed together.

It was the best feeling ever. Electricity zipped through my veins and my body melted. My hands slipped around Yohan's neck as his hands rubbed circles on my hips holding me steady. I pulled him closer deepening the kiss. My core was on fire and my stomach was in knots.

He pulled away gasping for air and met eyes with me again pulling my body tighter against his. The look in his eyes was making me crazy. He moved closer towards my ear.

"We should do that again" He whispered. I whimpered in his ear. He nibbled on my earlobe enjoying his power over me.

"Okay" I pushed him away looking at the ground again, "Uh we should- you know continue what we were doing"

"Kissing?" He teased. I blushed.

"You know what I mean" I leaned against building A, "go do what you've gotta do"

"I'll be back" He winked giving me a kiss on the forehead. I sighed watching him leave. As soon as he entered the building I exploded. My face flushed and a million thoughts flew through my mind. I kissed him! I really kissed Yohan Lee one of the most popular boys in the school! He said he loved me!


I looked up towards the skyway hearing the sudden noise. Yohan was running towards Emma, shame I couldn't make out what they were saying. Emma speed walked away from him. Almost as if she was avoiding him.

Yohan said one thing and Emma stopped dead in her tracks. She turned around storming towards Yohan her face was pale. She grabbed Yohan by the collar roughly knocking his cap off. She yelled at him. He looked ashamed.

Then- I could barely make it out. But it seemed she started to cry. Yohan reached out but she turned back around and ran.

Authors note- Thank you guys so much for 1,000 reads I couldn't be more happy! 💕 Next upload will be either Christmas or Christmas Eve. It's gonna be a special holiday chapter so stay tuned (:

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