Kill Me

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Sorry about the late update. Love you guys! 💕

Yohan gently grabbed my hand reassuring me.

"I'll protect you. I promise" I smiled warmth flooding through me. He sounded sure of himself, but he was holding the plank so tightly his fingers were turning purple.

"It'll be ok" I squeezed his hand. He took a deep breath and momentarily let go of my hand to pullout his phone. He flicked on it's flashlight and gently handed it to me. His hand gripped my hand again.

"It's dark, so don't let go of my hand" I nodded and together we stepped into the hallway, illuminating it with our flashlight. I bit my lip. This reminded me of a horror movie. Yohan tugged on my arm, a few steps ahead of me.

"Coming" I whispered and caught up with him. We walked in silence the floorboards creaking with each step we took. Yohan held the plank behind his back and began to speak.

"So, you still won't believe me, huh?" He was trying to sound intimidating but I could hear how nervous he was. "Come on, I really just want to work together"

We reached the end of the hallway where a big board of wood rested against the wall. I swung the light around looking for Elios. Perhaps he did leave? Yohan looked down at me and shrugged. I turned around following Yohan back to the other end of the hallway.

CRASH! I jerked my hand away from Yohan and whipped around towards the source of noise. Pieces of a glass bottle lay smashed on the ground. Yohan swung the plank around defensively. I sighed in relief. God, we were paranoid.

"A rock?" Yohan mumbled spotting the rock that lay next to the glass bottle pieces. Another bottle however, sat untouched next to the broken pieces. I hummed and reached my hand out towards the unbroken bottle. That's when something caught my eye.

A glint reflected off the bottle. I raised my eyebrow and looked closer. Elios' hooded reflection met eyes with me. I jumped back dropping Yohan's phone and blurting out the first thing that came to mind.


Yohan opened his mouth to speak but stopped seeing the reflection of Elios. His eyes widened in fear.

"No!" I yelled as Elios swung his knife at him. Luckily, Yohan was quick. The knife grazed the top of Yohan's eyebrow but before it could move any further the plank Yohan found earlier slammed against Elios' left arm, stopping him mid swing.

I felt a sharp pain in my hands and legs and blinked quickly looking around myself. Without out realizing it I'd fallen backwards into the pile of broken glass. Elios reeled back in surprise then quickly jerked his knife towards Yohan. Yohan twisted his body away from the knife instinctively. Exactly what Elios wanted.

"No!" I shouted pulling myself off the ground. Tears pricked my eyes. I was scared and the glass was ripping into my flesh. Yohan's head snapped towards me worry written on his face. Before he could speak Elios' foot slammed against his ribcage sending him sprawling into a bunch of boxes.

"Ouch" He muttered. Yohan squinted attempting to keep the blood out his eyes. I desperately fumbled in the darkness for Yohan's phone. Elios sighed empathetically and planted a foot against Yohan's shoulder trapping him face first against the hardwood floor. I found Yohan's phone and flipped it backwards shining the light in Elios' eyes. The blood from my hands blurred the cameras white light turning the hallway pink.

Elios squinted at the sudden light. Yohan reached behind his back to grab Elios' wrist. "What! Are you going to break my arm?" Yohan shouted frustrated. Elios grunted pinning Yohan's arm against his back. Yohan struggled against Elios' tight grip but he was to weak. He was losing to much blood.

I threw myself at Elios knocking him to the side, off of Yohan. I struggled against Elios trying to get the upper hand, but I hand nothing. Elios had a knife.

"(Y/N) stop..." Yohan weakly mumbled. I was furious. I kicked and punched at my brother in a fit of rage but he effortlessly blocked me. I clawed at his sleeved arms but it was no use. He tossed me off of him and kneeled, dusting himself off.

"Don't make me do this" Elios whispered sadly bringing the knife above his head.

"No! Stop!" Yohan cried out, attempting to move. I reached up and locked my fingers around Elios' wrist pulling the knife down to rest on my collarbone.

"Do it then" I taunted him. "Do it! Kill me!" Elios' lip quivered but he didn't hesitate. He pressed the blade harder against my collarbone slitting my skin. I cringed. He pressed harder.

"Police! Don't move!" A loud voice bellowed echoing off the walls. Elios jumped in surprise turning his head to see the source of noise.

Yohan's uncle, Yojoong stood brandishing a small handgun and his phone. Elios acted quickly reaching to his side to pick up the rock he'd used earlier. He chucked it at Yojoong's arm causing him to drop his phone. The only source of light other than the pink tint coming from Yohan's phone. Elios stood up and bolted out of they hallway. Yoojoong hesitated not running after Elios.

I scrambled over towards Yohan. "Yohan? Yohan!" I mumbled worriedly shaking him. He smiled happy to see I was mostly unscathed then barked at his uncle

"He's getting away!" However, Yoojoong didn't run after Elios. He bent down picking up his phone.

"Yohan, (Y/N) are you alright? Your both bleeding!" He sounded genuinely concerned for us.

"Don't worry about us, we're fine! You have to get him! Quick!" Yohan spit out rubbing the blood out of his eye.

"I don't know Yohan, maybe..." I sighed. But he ignored me.

"She's right Yohan. You're injured and he could come back for you"

"Damn it!" Yohan pushed himself up on his elbows. He stared angrily at the ground. "I said I'm fine!" He blinked dazed.

"Yohan?" I reached out placing a hand on his head. He swayed his eyes dropping. He blinked lazily one last time before rolling onto my knees.

"Yohan?!" Yohan's uncle stepped forward concerned.

"Yohan!" My voice shook. I brushed the hair off his face to reveal his wound. It was deeper than I thought. Without a second thought I stripped off my white t-shirt leaving me in only a bra. I pressed the cloth on his wound. "Hurry! Call someone!" I looked up from Yohan's sleeping face to meet his uncles worried gaze. "He's gonna bleed out!"

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